Biblioplanet is a joint ebook project of MIPP International, a company with solid experience of successful bookselling focused primarily on print publications from the Post-Soviet area, and NeksMedia, the largest Russian aggregator of academic ebooks. Encouraging transition from print to digital we launched Biblioplanet eBooks Service. With 25 years of print book experience we believe that the ebooks available through this partnership cater to the needs of our customers: librarians, students, academics, educators, scientists and research professionals. Biblioplanet offers authoritative high-quality ebooks on Russian literature and linguistics, history, law, economics, social sciences, culture, arts, religion, classical and modern literature, encyclopedias, dictionaries, digital maps, fine art illustrations, audiobooks, videomaterials, and other useful information for gaining a deeper understanding of Russia and Russian language. Users can subscribe to the largest polythematic selection - Basic Academic Collection, choose any number of subject collections or obtain titles for continuing access.
Short video review of BiblioPlanet platform is available here.