Cyclops singularis Einsle, 1996 has only recently been separated from Cyclops strenuus Fisher, 1851. It was described from temporary waters in South Germany and has now been rediscovered in a similar environment in Flanders. Of the confused genus Acanthocyclops, we find that there is at least three species liv-ing in Belgium. One of these, here named Acanthocyclops americanus(Marsh, 1892) is related to but differ-ent from A. robustus (Sars, 1863) and A. vernalis (Fischer, 1853), both of which were previously known fromBelgium. These three species are all subject to nomenclatorial uncertainty, which we suggest should be solved by the designation of neotypes by a college of representative copepodologists. Paracyclops affinis (Sars, 1863) and Elaphoidella gracilis (Sars, 1863), both from a smallest artificial pond, are second records from Belgium. COPEPOD FAUNA, FRESH WATER, BELGIUM, CYCLOPOIDS, HARPACTICOIDS, BIOGEOGRAPHY