Semin A., Glazunov A.
Social processes under market conditions have been analyzed, suggesting a system of social market economy based on economic freedom, social justice and constitutional order. Definition apparatus was given for socioeconomic order in society and system of social market economy.
Palatkin I., Atyukova O., Pavlov A.
Feasibility of state support has been motivated for smaller forms of management that perform economic, social and ecological functions in the countryside. It was recommended to elaborate regional programs of development and support of smaller entrepreneurship, proceeding from results of estimating the economic and resources potential in rural territories, which permits to formulate the chart of their specialization, defining the lines of development. Differentiation of rural territories enables each of them to detect their «points of growth».
Sharipov S.
Evolutionary development of an agriculture of region is investigated. It is proved initial, systemmaking value of manufacture of grain in multipurpose agrarian sector of economy. Reserves of increase in agrarian manufacture are revealed, the basic directions of an agrarian policy of region and prospect of perfection of regional agrarian sector are certain.
Ushvitsky L., Vasil'eva N., Ushvitsky M.
Financial-economic situation in agricultural organizations of Russia and Stavropol krai has been studied, giving the estimate of their financial stability and solvency, suggesting the mechanism of price formation that provides for getting standard profit and algorithm for determining the value of state support for agricultural commodity producers.
Butsenko L.
The correspondence of achieved indices in development of dairy cattle farming to those forecasted up to 2010 has been analyzed, describing methodical approaches to forecasting milk production effectiveness by inertia! and innovative scenarios, presenting the methods for calculating with expert estimate basic factors that affect the level of production.
Gezikhanov R.
The economic effectiveness of implementing investment building programs in the AIC of Chechen Republic has been analyzed, revealing some problems of functioning construction subcomplex of the AIC and ways of their solution. Lines for improving the economic relations between the participants of construction in objectives of the AIC were determined. Basic methods of organization of investment process in agroindustrial construction were also stated.
Zakharova Ye.
Theoretical and practical issues connected with organization of investment monitoring service have been studied in the AIC of Chelyabinsk oblast, describing the method of multi-step rating of attractive investment of agricultural enterprises, offered by author and based on interbranchial and branchial rating by the use of information technologies. Permanent investment monitoring enables potential investors to estimate all-round results in activity of particular agricultural organization and its potential of development.
Tul'cheev V.
The state of art in potato growing of Russia has been analyzed, presenting the indices of import and export of potatoes and products of its processing, characteristic and effectiveness of potato market inside the country. Suggested proposals will further develop the breeding and seed producing complex in potato growing of Russia. Also motivated is the necessity of creating the Russian potato union.
Kresnikova N.
The analysis and estimate of developments in market land turnover has been stated, focusing on necessity to elaborate an efficient mechanism of land turnover, particularly for agricultural land. Priority lines were given for the state interference in regulating agricultural land turnover. The definition of organizational-economic mechanism was presented for the process, motivating feasibility of its study by means of conceptual model.
Tarasov A.
Methodical approaches have been studied to forecasting the development in agriculture and its particular branches, stating the results of forecast calculations.
Prokop'ev G.
Methodical approaches to estimating the effectiveness of innovation projects in agrarian sector of economy have been stated, indicating main features of statistical and dynamic methods for determining economic results and significance of on innovation designs, stating and disclosing the system of employed indices and enumerating the criteria of estimate.
Dudnik A.
The article is devoted to the domestic agrarian market protection problem, taking into account possible Russia's entering into WTO. As up-and-coming trade policy instrument a complex of sanitary and technical barriers is considered. Also the way of defining the influence that some product requirement may render on import volume is given.
Kuev A., Kolodyazhny V.
The methods of definition of break-even volume of production on the basis of modern instruments of modeling are given here. The advantages of the given approach are shown here in comparison with the traditional one.
Mindrin A., Leppke O.
The stages of formation in modem agricultural land use have been studied along with analysis of its modem state of art. This showed the role of medium stabilizing Junctions of agricultural land use in preserving the ecological organization and stability of habitat not only for rural population but for the society as a whole. This motivated the necessity of forming flexible and multiform system of agricultural land use as a spatial structure of regional agro-ecologo-economic systems and object of state control over land resources. Solution of particular problems and missions will facilitate the development of methodological and methodical approaches to formation of efficient multiform agricultural land use.
Tarasoy N.
Burobkin I., Goncharov V., Kazarinov В.
Presented analysis of dairy-meat produce market in Russia denotes that an average person in Russia consumes 41% less food than an average statistical person of developed countries. In the course of reforms the country has lost the production potential in animal farming branch and meat-processing enterprises. Suggested measures will stabilize the branch by: development of meat cattle farming, creating sustainable fodder basis, extending intensive energy-saving technologies.
Gazaliev M.
The sources of agricultural land pollution have been described, motivating the economic feasibility of ecological monitoring in farms, presenting the examples of environment pollution estimate. Presented formulas show the way of calculating the frequency of insurance events, total damage of all polluters, as well as determining the economic effect of performed soil-protecting measures.
От редакции. Всероссийским научно-исследовательским институтом экономики, труда и управления в сельском хозяйстве Россельхозакадемии подготовлен проект Концепции устойчивого развития личного подсобного хозяйства. Учитывая актуальность затронутых вопросов, редакция считает целесообразным ознакомить читателей с публикуемым ниже проектом Концепции и приглашает высказать свои суждения по дальнейшему улучшению и совершенствованию публикуемого материала.