
Allocated effectiveness of resources used by agricultural enterprises

Epshtein D.

The effectiveness of using basic resources has been analyzed by Cobb-Douglas production function, concluding the essential underuse and deficit both in labor force and monetary means This deficit will not be surmounted without state policy for supporting the incomes of agricultural commodity producers

Altukhov A. I. Modern problems of development in grain economy and ways of their resolving

Ogloblin Ye.

Basic factors of stabilization in the market of animal farming produces

Maslova V., Schastlivtseva L., Tyapkin N.

The status of market in animal farming produce has been analyzed, revealing basic reasons of instability of its production in milk and meat subcomplexes; factors affecting the price oscillation, and offering suggestions on market stabilization.

Competitve strategies of agroenterprises

Borovskikh N.

Priorities of strategic management in an agricultural enterprise have been determined on the basis of expertise questionnaire, considering methodical approaches to developing competitive strategies of agroenterprises, analyzing the medium of their activity, and estimating their competitive potential.

Development of food market in aregion

Baranov A., Kushkhov G.

Regularities of consuming nutrition products in a region have been studied as calculated per capita of the population and depending on incomes and prices, calculating the elasticity of demand. The strategy in development of food market of Stavropol krai was given for the period up to 2010.

Economic science to agroindustrial production

Ushachev I.

Priority research designs have been reviewed on problems of development in the agroindustrial production in the framework of the Program offundamental and applied research, performed by scientific economic institutions of Rosselkhozakademiya. Promising lines of research for the nearest five year period were also stated.

Management of transaction costs in the AIC

Stukach V.

The economic essence of transaction costs and their specific features in agriculture have been considered, suggesting a method for measuring, which is based on dividing costs by categories: material, labor, financial etc. Recommended lines and ways of reducing transaction costs were stated.

Motivating the necessity of state regulation in agrarian sector

Danilenko L.

Four categories of arguments have been considered to motivate the state support of agrarian sector. A short review of foreign and domestic publications on this subject was given, analyzing practical impact on state regulation in agriculture on the side of so called interested groups- political,bureaucratic,agrarian lobbies,representatives of I and HI spheres of the AIC.

Scientific support of the agroindustrial complex

Romanenko G.

A short summary of basic lines in activity of research collectives of Rosselkhozakademiya demonstrates the implementation of the program for fundamental and applied research, in scientific support of the AlC for 2001-2005. The missions to be realized in the new five year period are also enumerated.

Strengthening the personnel potential of organizations of consumer's cooperation

Dmitrieva L., Gavrilova M.

Personnel composition of regional consumer's unions in Volga federal district has been analyzed, stating the requirements imposed on workers of consumer's cooperation under market conditions of economy. The missions of leaders of this socioeconomic system were formulated to ensure competitiveness and efficiency of management in cooperative organizations.

Summary of work of the Department of economics and land relations for 2005 and 2001-2005

Klukach V.

Contents of research and development works has been stated as performed by research institutions of the Department of economics and land relations of Rosselkhozakademiya in accordance with the "Program for fundamental and priority research on scientific support of development of the agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation in 2001-2005. The ines of research were determined for the nearest perspective.



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