
Achievements and prospects of development in agrarian science of Russia

Romanenko A.

A short characteristic of scientific designs has been given across the institutes of Rossel'khozacademy on results of 2008. This discloses the most significant achievements of agrarian science in all spheres of agrarian production. Presented information also concerns participating of scientific institutions of the Academy in the international scientific-technical cooperation.

Changes in regulation of agricultural land turnover

Kresnikova N.

Proposed methods for regulating agricultural land turnover envisage limiting land removal from turnover, monopolization, accounting for regional peculiarities, improving the mechanism of deals with land shares.

Competitiveness of swine farming produces under conditions of climbing prices for grain

Smirnova V.

The efficiency of using mixed feeds in swine farming of North-western federal district has been analyzed, suggesting a method for accounting the efficiency of pork production under variation of fodder consumption, which provides for choosing optimal variant. It proves that extending resources-saving technologies gives significant competitive advantage.

Develop firm trade with poultry farming produces

Arutyunyan A.

The example of OOO «Baltptitseprom» serves for analyzing the state of poultry market, channels of produce realization, significance of firm trade at regional food market.

Economic growth and competitiveness of agriculture in the Russian Federation

Ushachev I.

The economic state of the AIC has been reviewed, analyzing the competitiveness of agriculture in the country. Basic constituents of economic growth and factors of its stability are considered and characterized for the long run. Priority measures, adopted by the government, are directed for control of implications due to world financial crisis and for support of domestic AIC. Presented measures will be taken with the aim of providing sufficient guarantees for really sustainable economic development in agriculture. Three variants of forecasting the development of Russian AIC for the long run are considered, presenting several factors of possible threats for development of agrarian sector of the country.

Effectiveness of agrarian production in the Republic of Belarus

Zemtsov S.

The following article provides a parametric method of decomposing a generalized Malmquist productivity index. The decomposition is based on parametric estimation of translog output-oriented distance functions. An empirical application using panel date from belarussian agricultural enterprises is included.

Effectiveness of extending innovative technologies in plant growing

Orlova L., Parvitsky S.

The example of enterprises in Samara oblast has proved the necessity to extend saving agriculture, i.e. resources-saving technologies and precise agriculture. This demonstrates the advantages of these technologies as compared with traditional ones.

Efficiency of land usage in peasants' (farmers') economy

Mirzoev N., Faizullaev F.

The prospects of development in peasants' (farmers') economy in the Republic of Dagestan have been shown. Having 5,5% of agricultural land area in the Republic, the farmers produce 13,2% of agricultural produces. The level of their use of land resources is essentially higher than in agricultural enterprises. The main obstacle for development is the lack of land.

Forecast of structural changes in agriculture

Pavlushkina O., Chernaya A., Grenaderov F.

The algorithm for developing the forecast of structural changes in agriculture has been presented, stating methodical approaches to selecting and determining the factors that affect these processes, as well as methods for prognosticating structural changes in the branch.

Multiple analysis for choosing investment projects

Semyashkin G.

Рассмотрены показатели и методы оценки инвестиционных проектов. Предложен метод многомерного анализа для выбора лучшего проекта.

Practicum on economics and organization of agricultural production

Kot S.

results of work in the Section of economics and land relations for 2008

Klyukach V.

The results of activity in research institutions, incorporated in the Section of economics and land relations of Rossel'khozacademy, have been summarized, enumerating the results of research on 11 tasks of the problem 01 in the Program of fundamental and priority applied research on scientific support of development in agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010. The tasks of scientists for 2009 are defined to raise the level of scientific support for the AIC of Russia.

Specific features of information support in the AIC abroad

Paptsov A.

Specific features of information support in the agroindustrial complex abroad have been stated in the article, presenting a characteristic of information market services. Particular groups of information users are disclosed along with their requirements for information service.

State support of agricultural enterprises: reality and mechanisms of perfection

Derzhavin L.

Анализируются состояние агрохимической службы России, ее возможности в интенсификации сельского хозяйства, экологизации отрасли, направления развития службы.


Приведены основные показатели, характеризующие развитие агропромышленного комплекса в 2005-2008 гг. Представлены результаты производства основных видов продукции растениеводства и животноводства. Содержится информация о материально-технической базе сельского хозяйства. Даны объемы производства в стране отдельных видов пищевых продуктов, а также импорта продовольственных товаров.Presented basic indicators characterize the development of the agroindustrial complex in 2005-2008, including the results in production of main produces in plant growing and animal husbandry, as well as information on material-technical basis of agriculture. Also given are the scopes of several food stuffs produced in the country and imported foods.

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