Semyashkin G.
Consequences of financial crisis in agriculture are considered, motivating the transition in the region to mixed territorial-branchial structure of management in agriculture. Aiming to reduce seasonal character and raise the employment of rural residents, it has been suggested to supply forest land to agricultural commodity producers in northern areas and restore subsidiary farms in industrial enterprises.
Tarasov A.
Kamenev D.
The results of activity in agroindustrial formations of Oryol oblast for 1996-2007 have been analyzed, disclosing the reasons of low rates of growth in gross output of agricultural produces, primarily connected with improper conditions for distribution of profit, no observing economic interests of the main link of those formations, i.e. agricultural organizations.
Kurtsev I.
Modern state of art in the agroindustrial complex of Siberia has been characterized, offering an organizational-economical mechanism of the AIC, which is directed to overcome the consequences of financial-economic crisis and ensure sustainable development of the AIC in the region.
Magomedov A-N., Taran V.
The problem of raising the efficiency of energy used in agriculture of Russia has been analyzed, comparing energy intensity in agriculture of Russia and developed countries with account of climatic factor. The potential of energy saving is considered, including gasification of rural areas and use of renewable energy sources. The analysis shows the opportunities of producing various kinds of liquid biofuel in agriculture of Russia.
Chetverikov A.
Presented productive structure of vertically integrated system - Group of companies «Agriholding»is mainly specialized in poultry farming. The largest poultry farming enterprises of that association have been characterized, enlightening their achievements and efficiency of production in basic poultry farming produces.
Mukhina I., Rys'ev Ye.
Described regularity shows the interconnection between factors that determine the quality of products, particularly bread and economic indicators. Calculating the indicators of consumers' properties in bread articles has been performed by the use of methods of qualimetry (quantitative estimation of quality).
Ivoilova I., Yegorova Ye., Tarasova Ye., Razinkina Ye., Kartseva A.
World experience of ensuring food security under modern conditions has been studied, presenting some measures adopted by international organizations, post-socialist, developing and economically developed countries.
Landshaft M.
Presently existing economic situation in mixed feed industry has been described, presenting statistical data that characterize the rise in prices for basic kinds of agricultural produces used for production of mixed feeds and disclosing the reasons of such rise. Shown in dynamics are the scopes of output and consumption of mixed feeds in farms of all categories. Presented measures will provide for stabilizing the situation in mixed feed branch.
Nechaev V., Khatuov D., Chemerichko A.
Resource basis in agriculture of Krasnodar krai has been studied, considering the influence of specialization level on efficiency of production in staple farm crops.
Skal'naya M.
Priority step-by-step phases of sustainable development in rural areas have been substantiated, offering methodical approaches to their realization.
Pozdnyakov B.
Доказана целесообразность при определении эффективности инноваций, обеспечивающих повышение качества льнотресты, исходить из прироста стоимости содержащегося в ней волокна. Рекомендовано учитывать не только прямой, но и косвенный эффект, связанный с производственным использованием конкретных инноваций, а также природные и экономические условия, в которых они применяются.
Golubev A.
Developed economic dependency characterizes the situation in agriculture under conditions of disproportions between branches and within produces. Calculating the index of market stagnation in agriculture and moral wear of soil fertility has been suggested, considering the effect of 'market depth' which appears due to remote location of agricultural commodity producers in final link of produce chain.
Darmograi O.
The lines of improving the methods for evaluation of socioeconomic development in rural municipal formations have been studied, motivating the application of differentiated approach to shaping the strategy of development in rural areas.
Yurkova O.
The components of productive-economical potential in agricultural enterprises have been considered, characterizing in short the available concepts of its evaluation. For that purpose is suggested to employ an economic-mathematical model for calculating standard revenues and production costs with addition of ecological cost indicators - to restore the environment, raise soil fertility, etc. Presented results describe the approbation of developed investment project for production of early potatoes in the collective farm «Avangard», Starodubsky district, Bryansk oblast. Also presented is the experience of efficient use of productive and commercial opportunities in the company «Red October» in the same district.
Arakelyan S.
A short characteristic is given to measures included in regional target program on state support of smaller entrepreneurship development in Kaluga oblastfor 2007-2009. Main lines of state support are shown with analysis of factors that influence the dynamics in the process of shaping smaller forms of management.
Sharipov S., Gainutdinov I.
The problems of improving the standard-legal basis for regulation of land relations have been considered, offering developed measures on perfection of scientific, personnel and information support for regulating the land relations.
Приведены основные показатели, характеризующие развитие крестьянских (фермерских) хозяйств в 2005-2008 гг. Представлены результаты производства основных видов продукции растениеводства и животноводства; информация о материально-технической базе крестьянских (фермерских) хозяйств.Presented basic indicators characterize the development of peasants' (farmers') economy in 2005-2008. The results of production in basic kinds of produces of plant industry and animal husbandry are given along with information on material-technical basis of peasants' (farmers') economy.