
Appraisal of material situation in rural famines on the basis of sociological method

Vylitok P.

Presented results of questionnaire among rural residents of Tambov oblast have enabled to detect their estimates, opinions and expectations in the field of material situation of families. Given suggestions permit to raise the incomes of rural population and alleviate the scale of poverty propagation.

Economic basis for classifying smaller forms of management

Tarasov N., Skalnaya M., Kudasheva I.

A method for classifying smaller forms of management on the basis of forming family consuming budgets has been presented, offering certain measures for differentiated policies of state support, which permits to raise the income from agricultural labor and improve its social protection.

Effectiveness of grain production in Krasnodar krai

Gorpinchenko К.

The economic effectiveness of grain production in agricultural organizations of Krasnodar krai has been considered, appraising the effect of particular factors on self cost of producing a hundredweight of winter wheat grain. The lines for raising the effectiveness of grain crop production were motivated.

Employment of the pubhc and formation of labor market in the AIC of Chechen Republic

Askhabov R.

The analysis of using labor resources in Chechen Republic has been given, presenting forecast estimates for economic development of the Republic, number of the population and structure of employment in the period up to 2010.

Food market within the economy of me country

Seregin S., Ishmuratov M.

A performed analysis of modem state of food market has shown the effect of trade globalization on food security of the country. The analysis also shows the influence of public incomes on consumers' demand of food. It reveals the main principles of agrarian policies in the light of implementing the State program of the development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural produce, raw stuffs and food for 2008-2012.

Forecasting the rise of competitiveness in agricultural organizations

Shelkovnikov S., Oshchepkov N.

Forecasting the development of agriculture with account for the level of its competitiveness has been offered, stressing the necessity of complex innovative development in the branch. Specially focused is the role of resources-saving soil-protecting technologies.

Innovative activity in agrarian sector of economy of Russia

Klyukach V.

Integrating structures in cotton subcomplex of Tajikistan

Davlatov K.

The significance of cotton farming in the economy of Tajikistan has been shown. The analysis of investing processes, role of integrating processes in development of cotton farming and the system of interrelations between its participants permits to reveal the reasons, which impede integrating processes in cotton subcomplex, suggesting some measures for improvement of cooperating-integrating relations.

Integration of private capital in agricultural production

Grudkrn A.

The role of private business in the innovative development of agricultural production has been shown, determining the problems of capital investment into agrarian production. The necessity of harmonious interaction between private business and management organs was motivated for effective and socially oriented development of rural territories, offering efficient models for participation of investing companies in solution of social problems in the countryside.

Land turnover as a condition for effective system of agrarian relations

Buzdalov I.N.

The analysis of the Russian legislation, which regulates land relations and agricultural land turnover, has permitted to perform comparison of legal norms of land legislation in Russia and foreign countries. The problems of land mortgage, its estimation and land rental were considered, motivating the advantages of smaller and medium business.

Lines of further development in pig farming

Kapustin M.

The lines of development in pig farming of Russia have been motivated, indicating the prospects of pig farming in peasants' (farmers') economy and individual homesteads, determining the measures of state regulation in production of pig farming goods, stating the lines of specialization, cooperation and integration in pig farming subcomplex.

Market of milk and dairy products in Stavropol krai

Butsenko L.

The analysis deals with the state of the market of milk and products of its processing in Stavropol krai, lines of development in the branch: cooperation, diversification, integration, effective location and usage of resources, improving the mechanism of interrelations between enterprises, included in dairy product subcomplex.

Market of resources for agriculture

Alfer'ev V.

The state of the market of material-technical resources and production services for agriculture has been considered, revealing the factors that determine low effectiveness of functioning: price disparity, monopolization of market and absence of competition, high logistic costs for delivery of machinery and resources to consumers. Some measures on state regulation at the market of resources and rendering assistance to agricultural commodity produces in acquiring industrial means of production were also motivated.

New annroaches to solvency and creditine Yunyaeva к. rsew approacnes to solvencyana crediting of agricultural enterprises

Yunvaeva R.

The necessity of developing new approaches to estimates of solvency in agricultural organizations has been motivated, offering a method, which permits to separate qualitatively different groups of borrowers. New crediting models were developed for agricultural enterprises with different solvency.

Problems of innovative provision of agricultural production

Kuznetsov S.

The feasibility of accelerated mastering the innovative technologies and technical means for the agrarian sphere has been motivated, presenting the dynamics of commissioning production capacities on expenses of new construction. The analysis shows the turnover of material-technical resources, offering suggestions on the implementation of innovative policies.

Problems of labor motivation in agriculture

Yugai A.

The essence of labor motivation in agriculture has been considered along with conditions, forming its mechanism. Presented comparison of labor payment level for workers in agriculture and other branches of economy proves nonequivalent interbranchial exchange of labor results and low level of state support of agricultural branch.

Prospects of interregional competition at the grain market

Ozherel'eva M.

A method for estimating competitive advantages of regions by means of juxtaposition of potential self cost in grain production, calculated by method of mathematical modeling, has been suggested, presenting summarized indicator, which accounts for the structure of grain production in the region and characterizes its perspectives.

Role of fodder production for the implementation of the national project "The development of the AIC"

Chirkov Ye.

The appraisal of fodder production role for the implementation of priority national project «The development of the AIC» has been given - as an accelerated development of animal husbandry. The necessity of state support of fodder production was motivated, offering basic lines for its development.

Single agricultural tax: pro and contra

Fedotova Ye.

Positive and negative sides of transition to single agricultural tax in agricultural organizations have been considered, offering a variant for liberation of agricultural commodity producers from paying VAT.

Strategy for the development of economy in a rural municipal district

Griteenko G.

The goals of regulating the economy of a rural territory by district management organs have been enlightened along with forms and methods of interaction between the business and authorities of the district, algorithm for determining the strategy for behavior at commodity markets, factors that restrict the application of theory in the field of strategic management over the economy of the territory in practice.

Structure of regional innovative system of the AIC......

Vinokurov V., Nikolaeva I.

The structure of regional innovative system of the AIC has been offered, considering the problem of the gap between scientific studies, innovative projects and agricultural production.

Using the real estate of scientific organizations in Rossel'khozacademy

Kalashnikova Ye.

The composition of the real estate of scientific organizations in Rossel'khozacademy has been studied, presenting the results of analyzing the usage of the real estate by scientific organizations and revealing the reasons that impede more efficient using this property.


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