
Agrarian business in Siberia - opportunities and prospects

Kashevarov N., Saprykin V.

Enlightening basic problems which exist in agricultural sector of economy, several ways of attracting private investments have been offered aimed to surmount crisis phenomena. Considering acute ways of development in plant growing under modern conditions, the most promising systems of crop rotation and fodder crops were suggested with account of natural-climatic conditions of Siberia.

Competitiveness as a main factor of production effectiveness

Nisanov R.

Basic factors of raising economic effectiveness in functioning of big breeding complexes have been determined, describing the ways of their implementation on example of the OOO «Novgorod bacon». The organization structure of the enterprise, indicators of production-economic activity was stated, describing the technology of financial planning, accounting and control.

Depreciation of agricultural machinery under conditions of inflation

Kupryaeva M., Mashkov S.

The state of depreciation fund of agricultural machinery under conditions of inflation has been analyzed, proving with calculations that under modem economic conditions even the simple reproduction of capital assets will be problematic for agricultural enterprises.

Development of cattle fanning in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia

Arova O.

The state of dairy cattle farming in the Republic ofKarachay-Cherkessia has been studied, motivating the necessity of creating and enlarging the network of stud farms, conducting pedigree work by the use of information systems.

Distribution of plots on expenses of land shares: methods and problems

Shagaida N.

The reasons, motivating the necessity to distribute plots on expenses of land shares have been stated. The approaches to distribution of plots at the beginning of reform and nowadays were studied, giving their critical estimate. The issues of distribution were systematized as conditioned by institutional restrictions of agricultural land turnover. The proposals on simplifying the procedure of land plot distribution were given.

Economy of China's agrarian sector after entry to the WTO

Kamenetskaya O.

The indicators of development in China's economy after entry to the WTO have been studied along with basic goals in the 11

Financial risks during elaboration and extension of technical-technological innovations

Nechaev S., Bulochka M.

A method for evaluating economic effectiveness during elaboration and extension of technical-technological innovations for agricultural production has been offered with account of financial risks by methods «tree of solutions» and scenarios. Presented example illustrates the evaluation of innovation project for elaboration of multioperation soil tillage aggregate.

Forecasting the development of the agroindustrial complex

Serkov A.F., Zinchenko A.P., Shelepa A.S., Nechaev V.I., Latskov V.N., Kundius V.A., Bondarenko L.V.

Formation and regulation of regional food market

Gantimurov N.

The reasons of remaining negative trends in development of the AIC in Chita oblast have been analyzed, scientifically motivating the measures on implementing the program for stabilization of agrarian production, solution of socioeconomic problems. The pattern of organization and functioning of infrastructure of regional market for food and agricultural raw stuffs was given.

Grain interventions - as a form of state regulation in wholesale grain trade

Osipov A.

The essence and role of procurement and commodity grain interventions in regulating the market of agricultural produce, results of conducted grain interventions have been considered. Giving suggestions on improvement of economic mechanism of intervention operations, calculation of intervention procurement prices to be directed for raising profitability of agricultural commodity producers.

Indicators for evaluating production potential usage

Agarkova L.

The method for evaluating production potential (particularly, in fruit and vegetable growing of Stavropol krai) by the use of indicators has been stated. These are divided in three units: scope of production, competitiveness and effectiveness. The final evaluation is obtained in correlation of summary result with standard. The method enables to follow variations in market structure and socioeconomic systems and correct these.

Innovation system of development in agrifood market

Alieva L., Svetlorusova T.

Proposed conception of strategic management over the development of the AIC in regions is based on innovation acceleration, interbranchial and interregional interaction of organizations which regulate and finance the activity of agroindustrial enterprises, education, science and production. A model of organization and institutional structure of the innovation system in the AIC of regions was studied, analyzing long-term forecast of development in production of agricultural goods in Russia up to the year 2030 and agrifood markets of Russia and Belarus up to the years 2024.

Insurance of land-property complex of agricultural enterprises

Nilipovsky V., Dolgorukova Yu.

The classification of risks of land-property complex in agricultural enterprises has been offered for detailed consideration of their main types production, price, institution, property and finance risks. The role of insurance was shown as a method for risk management, implementing loss compensation. The dependency of production factors on risks was studied to determine the requirements in respective types of insurance. The role and significance of insurance was shown for modem agriculture of Russia.

Internal control in management of an agricultural organization

Kundius V., Levicheva S.

The definition of the term «internal control» has been given, motivating the necessity of creating a system of internal control in agricultural organizations, disclosing the contents of the system of internal control, phases and mechanism of its formation.

Investing attractiveness of agriculture in Russia

Kupavykh A.

The dynamics of capital assets in agricultural enterprises of Russia and investments into capital assets of the branch has been analyzed, considering the structure of investments into capital assets by sources of financing. Basic factors, determining the investing attractiveness of agriculture were determined, offering suggestions on raising the investment activity in agriculture.

Investing attractiveness of the agroindustrial production

Kapustina Ye., Kanokov Z.

The problems of investing activity in Stavropol krai have been analyzed along with own opportunities of enterprises in the AIC for investment of means and participation of extra regional investors. The facts of successful investment into the branch were stated, revealing effective ways of state support in this field.

Monitoring of formation of efficient system in agricult ural cooperation

Bryklya O.

The state of rural consumers' cooperation in Russia has been studied, presenting the experience from a number of regions of the Russian Federation on formation of cooperative sector of agrarian economy. The aims, goals and methods for conduct of monitoring in the implementation of the priority national project «The development of the AIC» were stated in part of developing smaller forms of management. Presented results of monitoring relate to development of agricultural consumers' cooperation in Orel oblast. The suggestions on further development of agricultural consumers' cooperation were formulated.

Problems of accounting policy in agricultural enterprises

Grishkina S.

The rules for reflecting in financial accounting the assets and obligations in agricultural organizations have been described via special international standards, which provide to obtain the most trustworthy information. The recommendations were given to develop the accounting policy of an agricultural organization, featuring its basic elements. The analysis was given in conduct of accounting activity applicable in Russian practice.

Quality control in production of goods in an enterprise

Palatkin I., Volkoy A.

The system of integrated planning and control over production of safe food produces has been considered, stating methodical basis for its formation and efficient application.

Specific features of banking service for agricultural enterprises of the region

Khitskov A., Kovalenko I.

The analysis of banking service of agricultural enterprises in Voronezh oblast has been given to present the kinds of crediting support of agriculture, dynamics of crediting investment of banks, denoting the problem of low competitiveness in banking sector in districts of the region.

State support of regional system of agricultural crediting

Chirkina N.

The principles of formation of rural crediting cooperation have been stated, analyzing the state of production of agricultural goods in the sphere of smaller forms of management across the country and in Kaluga oblast. Forms and methods of state support for agricultural crediting cooperatives in Kaluga oblast were given.

V.A.Tkachenko, M.N.Malysh. Management of the agroindustrial complex in Russia under conditions of transition economy

Repp Kh.

ОАО "Rossel'khozbank" - a financial support of the agroindustrial complex of the country

Trushin Yu.

Basic fields of activity of the ОАО «Rossel'khozbank» as a specialized financial-crediting infrastructure have been stated, presenting the results of work in the bank as a whole and its regional branches on crediting support of agroindustrial complex development, indicating the participation of this financial structure in the implementation of the priority national project «The development of the AIC».





Роон В.

The analysis of food market in Ulianovsk oblast has been given, stating the significance of infrastructure in wholesale trade with poultry farming produce and motivating the necessity of constructing mini poultry farms and development of wholesale market of poultry farming produce.

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