Ogloblin Ye.
Akatkin Yu., Temnikov V.
The necessity of using geoinformation systems in the country's agricultural branch has been motivated, presenting the description of the structure in federal branch of geoinformation system and that of receiving and automated processing the remote probing data. The opportunities of using materials obtainable as a result of satellite monitoring of farm land are also suggested.
Ushachev I., Bondarenko L.
The analysis of the state of art and trends in solving the problem has been given, characterizing the reasons and factors of rural poverty, national implications and risks of its wider propagation. It presented the state policy in the field of lowering rural poverty that includes the principles, conceptual approaches, basic lines, measures and phases, organization mechanism for management over the process of lowering rural poverty, basic lines of research for improving the scientific support of the state policy in the field of lowering rural poverty.
Matikov V.
The effectiveness of producing agricultural goods in economies of various categories in Uzhurskii raion of Krasnoyarsk krai has been analyzed, motivating the advantages of economic growth in agricultural organizations. It is suggested to preserve the existing rates of economic growth by extending the innovation projects on mastering high-effective technologies for producing agricultural goods.
Zakharova Ye., Cherepukhina S.
The analysis of effectiveness in agricultural production by the use of index method has been given on example of Chelyabinsk oblast. The grouping was made on the basis of cluster analysis to reveal correlation dependency, offering some measures on raising the effectiveness in agricultural production as well.
Bespakhotny G., Baryshnikov N.
The existing system of the state support in agrarian sphere of the country's economy has been evaluated, motivating the necessity to create the federal fund for support of agriculture, offering the sources of its formation and lines ofusing.
Ryaguzova Ye.
The state of art in production and consumption of agricultural produce in Voronezh oblast has been studied, presenting the saturation of regional food market, motivating the necessity and offering suggestions on sustainable development of food market.
Nechaev V., Moiseev V., Bondarenko V.
The issues of legal protection of breeding achievements have been considered: criteria of protection ability, subjects of rights on breeding achievements, procedure of registering authors' rights. Specific features of patent forms for protecting the results of breeding were stated, including the procedure for issue of licenses on the application of breeding achievements.
Samorodsky V., Chernov A.
Specific features of shaping the strategy of management over the innovative development in agroindustrial enterprises have been considered, motivating the necessity of developing an innovative project and offering its evaluation on the basis of systemic model. The influence of innovations on self-cost of produce in agroindustrial enterprises was studied to determine the economic effectiveness of innovative activity in the enterprise.
Golubev A.
The significance of personal qualities of a leader has been shown for raising the effectiveness of work in agricultural enterprises, motivating the necessity of planned selection and training of specialists for agricultural enterprises under active interaction between higher educational institutions, district administration and leaders of advanced economies.
Paptsov A.
The lines of agrarian policy in Canada have been studied, covering the experience of work done by the Canadian council on wheat. These include the program for income stabilization in agriculture of Canada, for assistance in emergency situations, for support of producers, etc.
Seregin S.N., Avarsky N.D., Kamilova P.D.
The share of importing particular kinds of food products in commodity resources has been stated, motivating potential opportunities for producing domestic agricultural goods. Some measures were offered to raise the competitiveness and develop the domestic market of food industry produce, considering the urgency of organizing the common food market for countries in the CIS.
Gurbaeva A.
The necessity of improving the structure of land usage, preserving and raising soil fertility has been motivated, suggesting some measures on stimulating the workers of agricultural organizations for enlarging farm land areas, raising soil fertility, improving the structure of land usage.
Kuratova E.
The necessity of accounting for the factor of rural populated areas located at remote distance from municipal districts and points for realization of produce -while shaping the budgets has been motivated, offering methodical approaches to the evaluation of transport access to municipal districts. Presented areas and evaluating the increased transport costs for budget services and access to settlements were given on example of the Republic of Komi.