
Comparative evaluation of competitiveness of agrifood produce in Russia

Borodin K.

. Basic approaches to evaluation of competitiveness have been considered, studying on the basis of author's method the competitiveness of several kinds of agrifood produce at the level of federal districts and oblasts of Central federal district. Comparative analysis of competitiveness of different kinds of produce was performed (on data of Vologda and Ryazan oblasts).

Distribution of final consumption price of dairy produces

Brylev A., Turchaeva I.

. Improving relations between producers, processors and sellers of milk and dairy produce will be possible by means of defining each subject's share in final consumption price in dairy produce subcomplex and pursuing rational price policy. Given analysis shows some variants of distributing final consumption price for organizations of the branch in Kaluga oblast.

Employment of rural population - as a main factor of sustainable development of rural territories

Mindrin A.

Stating low level of employment of rural population in Russia and its reasons, the dependency of rural employment has been traced in peasants' homesteads on incomes obtained in agricultural enterprises. Several measures were suggested for providing them with personnel, increasing wages of agricultural workers which permits to raise living standards of countryside people.

Evaluating economic effectiveness in activity of vertical agricultural cooperative

Panikarova S.

The necessity of multifunctional activity of vertical cooperative has been motivated, enumerating basic economic advantages for joining it by different categories of entities. A system of indicators was suggested for evaluating economic effectiveness in activity of vertical cooperative.

Forms of agricultural enterprises and prospects of their development

Vermel D., Ismuratova G.

Economic relations in agricultural production cooperatives have been studied to show on example of such cooperatives in Kostanai oblast of North Kazakhstan the methods for raising production effectiveness.

Improvement of interbranch exchange in the AIC

Komshanov D.

Dynamics of interbranch exchange has been shown as related to agriculture in 1990-2003. The analysis demonstrates price situation on market of agricultural produce in Pskov oblast and its influence on effectiveness of agricultural production. Methods for regulating prices on food were suggested.

Improve self-government

Adukova A.

Suggestions on preparation of rural administrations to enforcement of new law about local self-government have been stated: determining boundaries of rural settlements, defining functions of rural administrations, optimizing their structure. Improving labor organization in rural administrations will raise the effectiveness of their activity.

Innovation-investment mechanisms for engineering-technical sphere of the AIC

Lachuga Yu.

The necessity of technological modernization in agricultural production and application of intensive and high technologies has been motivated, offering some measures for activating innovation processes in the branch.

Management of non-productive expenses in enterprises of processing industry

Kolesnik N.

Management of nonproductive expenses and losses in processing enterprises of the AIC has been considered, defining the essence of notions «nonproductive expenses» and «losses» and offering some indicators of their classification. Integrated approach to nonproductive expenses management was stated on the basis of information support system.

Organization-economic mechanism for providing food to megapolises: theory, methodology, and practices

Klyukach V.A., Melnikov D.N.

State support of small agricultural entrepreneurship needed

Bashmachnikov V.

Given analysis of development of small entrepreneurship in agriculture in Russia has revealed the problems of establishing and developing peasants' (farmers') economy,stating basic lines of state support for small entrepreneurship.

Stimulating machinery supply for the countryside

Fedotov A.

Suggested program for developing the market of agricultural machinery substantiates the measures for stimulating the development of this market: regulating prices for industrial and agricultural produce, extending privileged credits, establishing privileged taxation, custom regulating, creating joint ventures on production of agricultural machinery.

Strategies of employing regional rent policy

Pakhomov A.

The strategy of regional development has been considered on the basis of rent policy, as well as models of strategic planning. Its natural, demographic and economic subsystems were stated on example of Voronezh and Lipetsk oblasts, giving algorithm phases of forecast operations.

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