Butorin S., Bogoviz A.
Integration processes in the agrarian sector of the economy, particularly growing in the late XX early XXI century as a result of scientific-technical progress and globalization, have raised the problem of the choice of ways, techniques and methods of innovative development of economic entities. The integration of born system of management of integrated structures and management system of business entities themselves, focusing on the need for innovative development. As the most promising form of organization of agricultural production, the authors have proposed to consider the agro cluster. With a sustainable world and Russian trends of intelligent ("smart" economy), automation and robotization of agricultural production, and based on the identified problems in organization and management the structure of most businesses (on materials of the Perm region), with the aim of ensuring effective information interaction of different sectoral structures of agricultural business proves the feasibility of integration and consolidation of agricultural production activities and management. With this proposed system of principles of formation of innovation-oriented structures of management in agribusiness and the corresponding model of the innovation-oriented organizations the management of business entities of agrarian cluster.
Borisova O.
One of the most important directions of development of agro industrial complex of Russia is the food industry. The main tasks of strategic development of the industry focused on the development of sustainable national food market, the development of deep processing of agricultural raw material based on latest technology, exit to the world food market and win a worthy place on it. However, there are a number of internal and external factors that have a negative impact on the development of food industry of the Siberian Federal district. The strategic goals of the sector is possible only with improvement of organizational and economic mechanism. Organizational-economic mechanism of effective development of the food industry is a system, comprising closely interacting elements of organizational and economic nature. It includes the organizational structure, functions, methods and economic mechanism of management of the effective development of the industry, the purpose of which is to increase the economic potential of the food industry, its competitiveness, development of strategies for export and import substitution. It is also necessary the development of government regulation at the sub national level. On the basis of the conducted researches the basic directions of perfection of organizational-economic mechanism of food industry. Proposals for the creation of a fundamentally new directions of state regulation of the food industry on the sub-national level: the establishment of a focal point for the development of food industry of the Siberian Federal district, Siberian Association of exporters of food and agricultural raw materials, Interregional center for international certification of food products, the formation in the Siberian Federal district network of product distribution of organic products.
Kalyazina E.
The development of integration processes became widespread both in economic and in scientific-technical activities. The article describes the experience of scientific-technical cooperation between several countries on the example of the Union of mutual economic assistance in the period from 1949 to 1991, the forms of such cooperation, including in agriculture, as well as the documents on which it was carried out. The possibility of applying this experience in the light of the advantages and disadvantages when forming a common market of scientific and technical production in the participating countries of the Eurasian economic Union, created in 2015. Experience in scientific-technical cooperation of the member countries of the Council for mutual economic assistance may become a methodological base for building a common market of scientific and technical products of the member countries of the Eurasian economic Union. Constructing mutually beneficial economic and scientific ties should plan for a joint scientific research by the participating countries, harmonization of legislation on science, innovation, intellectual property, equal exchange of scientific results and the establishment of mutually beneficial conditions for the sale of scientific and technical production between the two countries, organization of joint technological platforms or clusters, with the goal of not only disseminating information about scientific developments and also their introduction into production.
Serkov A., Chekalin V., Kharina M., Strekalova T.
In recent years the agrarian sector of Russia shows positive results in building of production of agriculture. At the same time, there is unresolved a number of economic and social problems which are connected in many respects with macroeconomic policy of the state. Essential contradictions between two positions were created: the first is an urbanization, i.e. possible concentration of production and the population, the second is a spatial development of the country. There was a high differentiation of the population on the level of income that causes respectively unacceptably low consumption of foodstuff in the lowest decile groups. The high dependence of agriculture on import purchases of separate types of the material resources necessary for sustainable development of branch remains. The number of country people is reduced that leads to deterioration in spatial placement of production, and in the long term can cause negative social and economic consequences. All this demands to consider development of agriculture and rural territories not only from a position of branch, but also within macroeconomic policy of the state. It is necessary to provide the system of measures for overcoming the existing and arising calls in the developed state and industry strategic documents and programs of development of national economy and its agrarian sector.
Golovin A.
The article considers the current state of the cooperative movement, developed conceptual proposals for the formation of the innovative infrastructure of the interregional agro-resource cooperative network (ARCN) in the system of the Central Union of the Russian Federation, which provides for the creation of a vertically-integrated consumer cooperation that provides services to the participants in the economic turnover - of integrated network resource management. The basis for the creation and development of the ARCN are the principles of the network organization, which is implemented on a single regulatory and regulatory basis, using universal negotiable contracts and the trademark of the "Centrosoyuz of Russia", in a single information field using modern information technologies. It is established that the use of network technologies provides: increasing the availability of the system of consumer cooperation for a wider range of economic entities; the formation of stable economic ties with producers and consumers of products, settling mutual obligations; increasing of mobility due to a significant acceleration of economic turnover and reduce the cost of circulation. The proposed model is characterized by low cost, does not require capital investment and is logically built into the system of the Central Union of the Russian Federation. Unsustainable trends in the evolution of agricultural consumer cooperation justify the need to improve relationships of two mutually agreed cooperative systems related to their partnership advantages in sustainable development.
Pershukevich P., Tyu L., Afanasyev E., Golovatyuk S.
Trends are identified and assessed for the development of agricultural production by regions of Siberian Federal district. It is proved that in Russia there is a possibility to increase the volume of agricultural production to meet the needs of the local population in the main types of food according to the recommended rational norms, as well as the formation of the export potential for a number of products. Developed forecast of production of agricultural products in the whole of the Siberian Federal district up to 2035, it is presented in two versions - mobilization and innovative. It is proved that for solving strategic challenges facing agriculture the district required implementation of the innovation scenario, which will require significantly greater investment in the industry. The rate of growth of investment in fixed capital of agriculture shall be not less than 8-10%. By calculations from regions of the SFD by 2035 grain, potatoes, meat, milk and eggs in number of respectively 6.2 million tons, 450 thousand tons, 163.5 thousand tons, 449 thousand tons and 1192 million pcs will be taken out. The proposals for improving territorial-sectoral division of labour, the formation of a rational intra-industry structural proportions in agriculture of subjects of the Russian Federation in SFO. The basic directions of scientific-technological progress in crop and livestock production, the implementation of which will contribute to improving the competitiveness of products.
Zakshevsky V., Charykova O., Kvasov A.
The article considers new approaches to strategic planning and development of strategy of socio-economic development of the region based on the principles and tools of strategy development. Through the analysis of the results of agricultural production and the rating of contribution of the region (market share) justifies the importance of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) of the Voronezh region in the development of the region, the Central Federal District and the Russian Federation. Significant growth in agricultural production, outstripping national average, and significant potential has allowed to determine the main objectives of the strategies, identify strategic goal of socio-economic development of agribusiness in the region, to plan tasks and ways to implement them. The achievement of the expected results associated with the implementation of the target scenario of agricultural development and food security in the region. Such a scenario suggests strengthening the competitive position and increasing the balance of Pro-space development of regional agriculture based on the most efficient and environmentally sound use of natural resources, creation of high-tech sectors of the regional economy, ensuring comfortable living conditions and livelihoods of the rural population. The most important element of strategy development integrated development is the choice of effective forms, methods and tools of strategic management authorities local society. Revealed activities of bodies of state power of the Voronezh region in sphere of increase of competitiveness of agriculture. An important step of strategy development is project management. The perspective projects of development of agrarian and industrial complex of the region are submitted: development of dairy, pig-breeding and beet sugar clusters; project of export of production of agrarian and industrial complex.
Lipatnikov V., Sedysheva K.
The present paper contains an analysis of factors that have impact on the revenues of the biggest Russian agricultural companies (according to the Expert journal ranking). The main method of a research is the regression analysis which has allowed to reveal significant factors and to define their interrelation. For data processing the statistical software of Stata was used. The analysis is based on accounting information of these companies for the last five years. The largest Russian companies have among themselves wide spacing of data on financial performance. The goal of the research is to identify the factors of effectiveness of agricultural companies. The research is based on the regression analysis which confirmed or refuted hypotheses about the impact of different factors on corporate revenues. The hypothesis of the research is that investements, financial leverage and embargo have a significant impact on the revenues. According to the results of our research, investments, financial leverage, effective interest rate, rent ability of sales and food embargo determine 22% of the undistributed revenue of a company. The most significant factors are investments and rent ability of sales. The conclusion is drawn that during the period till 2015 the size of retained earnings of the domestic companies agrarian and industrial complex in many respects was defined by not economic factors.
Kulikov I., Minakov I.
The acute problem of providing the population of Russia of fruit and berry products. The actual consumption of fruit is 62 kg per capita per year at scientifically determined norm of 100 kg. In the food basket of Russians the share of imported fruits is 72.2 per cent. Import fruit for 2000-2016. increased from 5.7 to 6.5 million tons In the article the analysis of development of horticulture in the Russian Federation. For the analyzed period the gross yield of fruits increased from 10.8 to 16.3 million tones as a result of increasing yields while reducing the area of fruit and berry crops. The main fruit producers are households. In 2016, their share accounted for 74.4% of the gross harvest of fruits and berries. Justified by the volume of fruit production and the main directions of its increase. To ensure that the population of fruit on the rational nutritional standards, their production must be brought to 10320 thousand tons (excluding grapes and fruit not grown in our country). The area of orchards and berry plantations should be increased from 517 to 895 thousand hectares, including area in Mature, fruit bearing age from 410 to 760 thousand hectares. Expansion of fruit production will contribute to the improvement of the state support of gardening and the increase in its size, its concentration in specialized farms, the revival of industrial horticulture, intensification of the industry, the development of agro-industrial integration. The proposed mechanism of regulation of production and economic relations between participants of the integration.