Bubnova D.
In article the analysis of dynamics of the indicators characterizing financial support of the agricultural organizations is carried out. It is revealed that 76% of total amount of the allocated funds for support of small and medium business in the Tyumen region are the share of department of agrarian and industrial complex. The analysis accounting the otchetnostiselskokhozyaystvennykh of the organizations, recipients of the state support, confirms that costs of production of the enterprises of this branch occupy a considerable part of revenue. At the same time, for some enterprises the prime cost exceeds revenue. The hypothesis that use of the state help by the enterprise on modernization and material security, allows to increase more production efficiency that in turn, increases efficiency of use of means of the state support is made. It is offered to calculate efficiency of the state support, using the corrected relative indicator reflecting dynamics of volume of the received subsidies for unit of the made production. Results of calculation and also the analysis of structure of use of means of the state help the dependence between the volume of the subsidies directed to capital investments and efficiency of use of these subsidies and also economic indicators of the enterprise allows to draw a conclusion on existence of a straight line.
Kovalyov V.
Implementation of integration processes is often accompanied by complex methodological problems, on the decision of which the success of economic interaction of states largely depends. Accordingly, the responsibility for possible errors or miscalculations is great. Therefore, the value of the correctly chosen methodology is very large. The combination of complexity and high responsibility of strategic decisions makes this area of research particularly relevant and significant. A competent methodological justification for the solution of these problems becomes especially important in the transition to a more advanced and deeper stage of integration - the economic union. This justification is closely related to the customs effects that result from integration processes and which require comprehensive evaluation, systematization and accounting when making managerial decisions within the framework of the tasks of implementing agreed policies at the level of various branches of the economic union. Effective integration of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) in the agro-industrial complex today is one of the main tasks of the coordinated agro-industrial policy, the concept of which is determined by the decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council at the level of the heads of state of May 29, 2013, No. 35. At the same time for the period from 2013 to 2018 a large number of external factors appeared, manifesting themselves through new customs effects, which, in a serious way, can affect the effectiveness of the implementation of this decision. One such effect is the result of the sanctions policy at the national level in the context of the implementation of the principles of the unity of the customs territory within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. The article makes an attempt to define the term "Customs effect" and to reveal the mechanism of its impact on the agrarian and industrial complex of Russia in the conditions of unity of the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Solokhina E.
Due to the unstable state of economic activity in the agroindustrial complex in the conditions of internal and external market, we will present the results of the study of technological development of the main type of raw materials in agriculture - production of meat and meat products. The necessity of supply of the Russian population with quality food is important, in this regard, the implementation of the Federal law "About agriculture development" the Russian Government approved the State program of development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013 - 2020 (Government Resolution of the Russian Federation of 14 July 2012, No. 717). To increase the efficiency of productivity in meat and product sub-sub-complex, while maintaining the biological value of meat and meat products of the technological development of enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk territory is a priority. An objective assessment of the technological state of the industry will make it possible to make changes to the strategy for the development of the meat subcomplex of the region. Specialized farms on reproduction, rearing and fattening of pigs, i.e. pig complexes, consist of a full cycle of production. Meat and product sub-sub-complex includes a complex structure of processing, service and trade, public catering. In the article we consider the existing state of meat processing in the Krasnoyarsk region, with a proposal for the development of feed production.
Bogoviz A., Rykova I., Shkodinsky S., Aksenov S.
Meat livestock breeding has always been on the list of industries to which the state paid particular attention. This is due not only to the specific consumption of meat in Russia, but also a significant potential for the development of the industry, especially in the current conditions of implementing import substitution programs for agricultural products. The article explores the approach to increasing the effectiveness of budget allocations by studying production balances and sectoral indicators of the country. The analysis of the world and Russian market of cattle (cattle) is carried out. An assessment is given of the existing state support, and also characterizes the profitability and the dynamics of investment in of animal husbandry.
Svetlov N., Siptits S., Romanenko I.
We present the evidence from a computer simulation concerning location of agricultural production by the federal subjects of Russia. For this purpose, a linear program of Russian agriculture is developed that accounts for the environmental agricultural zoning, food consumption by the regions, transport links, foreign trade, uncertainty of outputs and interregional diffusion of technologies. Within the studied case, it is assumed that the amount of resources corresponds to year 2015, the capacity of infrastructure does not limit transportation and the diffusion of technologies is allowed to the extent that approximately corresponds to three years period. It is shown that, subject to this scenario, it is possible that Russia becomes a net exporter of meat production and the gross margin of national agriculture increases by circa 700 billion rubbles, while the gross sales grow only by 0,09%. The reported results can influence investors' assessment of opportunities of investments in regional agriculture and in the reconstruction of infrastructure.
Akopyan A., Valdokhina S., Zazykina L., Reuter L.
It is expedient to consider and staticize increase in economic solvency of the poultry-farming enterprises within the structured quality management system. In the course of the research the system, structural and comparative analysis, a method of groups and also a method of a graphic illustration have been applied. Changes of the key technical and economic and financial performance depending on effectiveness, the adapted quality management system at the poultry-farming enterprises are revealed. Systemically - the integration effectiveness of a research has allowed to define the positive efficiency promoting increase in economic solvency of economic entities of branch and, first of all, to provide release of safe poultry-farming production of stable quality due to system monitoring at all production phases of production, to strengthen trust of consumers to quality and safety of products.
Borkhunov N., Avdeev M.
The state and prospects of economic development of agricultural producers largely depend on the conditions of purchase of means of production and sale of manufactured products. In the Russian Federation, price dynamics are unstable. In the period 2015-2016, the ratio of price indices of the II and I agribusiness sectors was at 0.99, i.e. there was a slight imbalance. In 2017 there has been a significant deterioration in price ratios: prices for agricultural products decreased by 2.3%, while prices for industrial products rose 7.6%. member States of the EAEU faced with a similar problem. The calculation of parity ratio of prices revealed that the most favourable situation for agricultural producers among the countries of the Union has developed in the republics of Belarus and Kazakhstan. This is also evidenced by the comparison of the exchange value of wheat produced and purchased diesel fuel. The article also analyzes the ratio of producer prices of agricultural products and consumer prices, which showed an unfavourable ratio for agriculture in each of the member States of the EAEU. Based on the analysis of the US experience in the regulation of price relations in agriculture proposed measures to improve price relations in agriculture of Russia and the EAEU member States.
Kublin I., Tindova M., Tinyakova V.
In the article problems and prospects of development of the market of meat and dairy products are considered. A dynamic analysis of the production of meat and dairy products at the regional level has been carried out. Based on a two-sample F-test for variance, the presence of a trend in the time series was checked; On the basis of the analysis of the autocorrelation function, the presence of seasonal and cyclic components of time series was verified; Based on the analysis of the residual models for randomness, independence and normality, the adequacy of the constructed models is checked. As a result, a forecast was made for the production of meat and dairy products for 2017-2019, the errors in the approximation of which fell within the range from 7.5 to 10.85%. The problems connected with the development of enterprises of the agrarian sector of the economy are considered.
Zaytseva (Gorbovskaya) E.
The article discusses the state support of agriculture in modern conditions, as is known from its effectiveness will depend on the level of food security, economic efficiency of agricultural production, the pace of its development, the state of rural areas. State support in the field of agricultural insurance is aimed at stimulating agricultural producers to use the insurance mechanism as a protection of their property interests in the loss of agricultural products, as well as minimizing the direct costs of the state to compensate for damage from natural disasters in emergency situations. It is worth emphasizing that 15.2 billion rubbles were allocated from the Federal budget. on reimbursement of part of the interest rate on investment loans (loans) for the development of crop production, as well as processing and development of infrastructure and logistics of crop production markets. Approximately 60% of subsidies on investment loans granted for the development of crop production were received by enterprises and organizations of the Central (37%) and Volga (23%) Federal districts. At the expense of the Federal budget, the financing plan was implemented by 98% and the funds of the regional budgets - by 92%. Much attention is paid to the forms and instruments of state support for the agricultural sector: -direct (direct budget payments), - indirect (stimulating budget), - indirect (organizational and economic activities). To ensure availability and mass availability of agricultural insurance with high recoverability of losses as a result of effective use of budgetary funds should be the main goal of the state support of agricultural insurance.
Ushachev I., Maslova V., Chekalin V.
Production of agriculture shows growth for already five years. At the same time, rates of this growth are slowed down. The state program of development of agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and food for 2013-2020 during 2017 has twice undergone essential changes. The analysis of the main directions and measures of the program has revealed that practically all directions of state support of branch are focused on stimulation of production and export of production. However the stabilization mechanisms directed to increase in stability of activity of agricultural producers aren't enough, and resource providing already existing actions doesn't correspond to program tasks. In the new edition of the program delay of growth rates of agricultural production is planned that causes a task to develop ways and mechanisms of sustainable development of branch for a long-term outlook.
Popova L., Dosova A., Litvinova T., Rogachyov A.
The purpose of this article is development of conceptual model of use of the mechanism of public-private partnership for development of infrastructure ensuring the Russian market of agricultural machinery. The research methodology is based on application of system approach to studying of the social and economic phenomena and processes. As a result of carrying out a research by authors the conclusion is drawn that now the Russian market of agricultural machinery occupies an insignificant share in structure of sources of formation of GDP of Russia and is in a condition of crisis. Infrastructure ensuring the market of agricultural machinery not fully satisfies requirements of the business operating in this market. The current volume of investment isn't enough for maintenance of infrastructure ensuring the Russian market of agricultural machinery in current state. Insufficiently intensive use of opportunities of the mechanism of public-private partnership because of what the main investment loading lays down on the state having strongly limited investment potential in the conditions of deficiency of the consolidated federal budget is a serious problem and the main reason for deficiency of investment resources for full development of infrastructure ensuring the Russian market of agricultural machinery. The mechanism of public-private partnership allows not only to lower investment loading of the state, but also to provide financing of infrastructure ensuring the Russian market of agricultural machinery in full volume due to attraction of private investments that is a powerful argument for expansion of his use in this direction. For this purpose authors have developed and presented conceptual model.