
Integration of the digital platform of agrarian and industrial complex into digital platforms of allied industries

Ereshko F., Kulba V., Medennikov V.

In work problems, basics and ways of integration of digital platforms of agrarian and industrial complex, construction branch, logistic activity, pharmaceutical branch on A.I. Kitov and V.M. Glushkov's ideas about the Nation-wide automated system of data collection and processing for account, planning and management of the national economy in the USSR (OGAS) are covered. One of the main tendencies in development of modern society and economy is universal integration of separate processes into uniform system for the purpose of increase in efficiency of interaction. The conclusion is drawn that process of formation of reference models goes to agrarian and industrial complex mismatch with introduction of information technologies. Transition to the digital platform in the form of integration of branch reference models on the basis of uniform information Internet space of interaction is offered.

Mechanism of the state support of scientific and technological development of branch of crop production

Petukhova M., Rudoy E., Shelkovnikov S., Ryumkin S.

Breakthrough development of domestic rural economy is possible only on the basis of his scientific and technological development. Acceleration of rates of development of science and technologies in the last decades demands change of approaches to formation and realization of the state innovative policy. In the developed countries more than 80% of economic growth is provided due to innovative development of branches of economy. In article the branch of crop production, including seed farming and organic agriculture is considered. Determination of critical technologies of crop production requires identification of possible options of development of branch for a long-term outlook. Scenarios of scientific and technological development of crop production which will help to overcome the stochastic nature of the happening processes are defined, to reveal the large-scale scientific and technological breaks capable it is essential to change branch. Scientific and technological development is impossible without improvement of the existing mechanisms of the state support. Creation by the state of conditions for ensuring expanded reproduction with agricultural producers on an innovative basis, on the interdepartmental and subsidizing principles is necessary.

Methodological approaches of increase in efficiency of agro-industrial complex on the basis of technologies of the industry 4.0

Popkova E., Bogoviz A.

A research objective is a development of the mechanism of increase in efficiency of agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of technologies of the industry 4.0. Unlike traditional technologies of agrarian and industrial complex, technology of the industry 4.0 allow to increase economic efficiency of business of agrarian and industrial complex, to provide satisfaction of the available requirements of society, to promote disclosure of human potential of workers, to reduce their negative impact on the environment. However the mechanism of increase in efficiency of agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of technologies of the industry 4.0 can't be started on the market self-government active participation of the state for this purpose is required function. Traditional functions of the state in agrarian and industrial complex have to be replaced with functions on creation and maintenance of favourable market conditions, stimulation of target activity of the agrarian and industrial complex enterprises and also carrying out monitoring and control. Therefore transition to agrarian and industrial complex 4.0 is essentially new way of development of agrarian and industrial complex which at the same time opens unique opportunities, but also demands sweeping changes in corporate and public administration.

Methodological approaches to assessment of equivalence of the economic relations on the basis of interindustry comparisons

Rodionova O.

The article deals with the problem of intersectoral interactions analysed the problem of equivalence of economic relations in the context of price distortions. Offers methodological approaches to the issues under consideration in the form of model schemes, based on the definition of indicative figures, price and cost proportions between accumulation and consumption. The conclusion is drawn that not only adverse price ratios, but also low level of technological development and production management are the cornerstone of disparity of the relations of agriculture with other branches of economy. The mechanism of equivalence of interindustry interaction and the economic relations doesn't answer fully problems of ensuring sustainable development and economic growth of branches of agrarian and industrial complex.

Problems of development of digital technologies and increase in the export potential in agriculture

Chekalin V., Kharina M.

The regulatory legal base of regulation of scientific and technical development and digital economy in Russia is analysed; the system of indicators of innovative development of the domestic housekeeper in comparison with the developed foreign countries; examples of use of digital technologies in agro-industrial complex. Dynamics of labour productivity is considered, conclusions are drawn on opportunities of growth of gross output and labour productivity in agriculture, achievement of food security and import substitution of main types of agricultural production in Russia in the conditions of development of digital economy. The conclusion is drawn that use of digital technologies has to turn from separate stories of success into universal practice. It will involve considerable costs: organizational, financial, temporary. There are risks of objective control of the state support of process of digitalization due to the lack of indicators on which official statistical observation is established.

Tendencies of development of small farms in agrarian and industrial complex of Chelyabinsk region

Taskayeva A., Zubareva I., Sushkov S.

The article is devoted to the topical issues of the activity of small farms in the agro industrial complex of the Chelyabinsk region in the conditions of state support and stimulation of their development. Small forms of management are considered as significant participants in the market of agricultural production. Identification of trends in the development of small forms of management of the Chelyabinsk region based on the analysis of their current state in terms of state support. The features of state support of small farms, due to the relatively low level of protection in the economic space, lack of funds due to high interest rates, lack of market power, dependence on local conditions of production, possibilities of consumer co-operation, high sensitivity to the methods of state investment regulation. Defined the interdependence of the growth rate of government support and value of output are small forms of management in agriculture of the Chelyabinsk region.

The application of economic and mathematical models in planning development of agrarian production at the level of rural territories

Askarov A., Stovba E.

The article substantiates the necessity of using the methods of economic and mathematical modeling in planning production programs of agrarian formations in the current conditions of the development of market relations. It is shown that it is necessary to use a system approach that allows substantiating scenarios for the development of rural territories for the future when making models for the development of agricultural production. It is proved that the rational establishment of the optimal production structure of the crop and livestock sectors of agricultural organizations can significantly improve the economic efficiency of agricultural production. The main results of optimization of the production structure of agricultural organizations on the example of rural territories of the Non-chernozem zone of the Republic of Bashkortostan are presented. It is shown that increasing of the efficiency of agricultural production is a key factor expressing the positive development of rural territories. It is summarized that the use of methods of economic and mathematical modeling helps to ensure promptness and increase the degree of validity of management decisions.

The main directions of development of relationship of economic entities in agrarian and industrial complex

Shchetinina I., Stenkina M.

The article is devoted to the theory and practice of development of mutual relations in agrarian and industrial complex with the purpose of increase of productivity of production. The main elements, forms and directions of development of mutual relations are considered, which should be given special and primary attention at all levels of management, starting from economic entities and ending with federal structures. These are include: the formation and development of innovative agro-industrial clusters; introduction of advanced equipment and technology, including information technology; strengthening of communication of economic entities with scientific and innovative structures; development of education and staffing, taking into account modern requirements of re-industrialization, and others. All directions should develop harmoniously and comprehensively, forming an effective system of mutual relations in the agro industrial complex. The work presents examples of possible leaders of innovative agro-industrial clusters, which, even in Siberia, are able to achieve high performance results in the shortest possible time by strengthening relationships with advanced producers and suppliers of machinery, technology, as well as with scientific institutions. The quantitative indicators of the Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro biotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences ready for implementation are given. The problems and necessity of wide use of information technologies in the agro industrial complex are shown.

The organizational mechanism of formation and development of the market of seed potatoes in the EEU Commonwealth countries

Nechayev V., Pisarev S., Pisareva L.

The purpose of article consists in development of the organizational and economic mechanism of formation and development of the market of seed potatoes in EEU member countries. The existing situation with cultivation of potatoes in all countries of EEU, threat of spread of viral infections of culture predetermine creation of the common market of seed potatoes of high reproductions. For determination of its volumes, high-quality structure in a section of each country creation of market infrastructure on the basis of the information and logistic centre with use of technology a block chain is offered. Implementation of the offered scheme of the market of seed potatoes of the countries of EEU will allow to grow up quality potatoes in necessary volumes and to optimize the structure of sown areas in the Commonwealth countries.

Topical issues of improvement of the legislation in the sphere of production and turnover of organic production in the Russian Federation

Avarsky N., Taran V.

With the adoption of Federal Act “On Organic Products and On Introduction of Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of Russian Federation” statutory and regulatory framework regulating production and turnover of organic products in Russia formally could be classified as largely implemented. The paper deals with positive aspects of the adopted Act including consideration of organic products distribution. Introduction of an article on conversion period, definition of organic agriculture as well as introduction of the articles associated with necessary amendments to individual legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. Major drawbacks of the adopted Act have been investigated. The main options of their crossing taking into account international practices were determined too. Among drawbacks: deficiency of regulation covering wild culture, ecological characteristics of the organic areas, specification of federal competent body in the organic market, loose formulation of state support, organic export and import, et al. The problem of improvement of the legislation regulating production and turnover of organic production in Russia is quite feasible if to her decision experts of scientific community are involved from outside.

Zigzags of the public and economic and economic administration of agrarian and industrial complex at the municipal level

Ushachev I., Zhukov N., Semkin A., Voronin E.

The directions on the development of the institutional and economic mechanism of management of the agro-industrial complex by the district management were developed. In the system of regional self-government, the agro-industrial complex should be considered as one of the most important spheres of activity of the population of the municipality. As research shows the most important problems of a regional control system are various approaches and interpretation of territorial and economic bases, competences of local governments in social and economic development of objects of rural territories and also interaction of bodies of the public, economic board and local government. Evaluating the administrative activities of rural administrative districts, it should be noted that their functional connections are not directly directed to the economic structures of enterprises and various organizations for the development of production and economy, since the principles of interaction between state authorities and local self-government of the agro industrial complex are not adequately regulated by legislation from federal to local (district) level. Loss of manageability at the municipal (district) level negatively affects the economic efficiency of agricultural production. In this regard, the goal-setting of the article was to develop the main directions for improving the management of the agro-industrial complex by regional management structures.

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