Paptsov A.
The article deals with analyzing integration processes in European Union countries, basic forms of integration, and kinds of contracts. Concluded contracts of farmers in EU countries are typical in definite signs. The experience of cooperative sales was also disclosed
Trushin Yu.
Priority missions in the field of modernizing the material-technical basis in agriculture and planned programs of Rossel'khozbank on crediting support of the branch have been stated, featuring bank activity on expanding its network, raising the accessibility of credits, developing special programs to insure most favorable regime in crediting of agricultural commodity producers for acquiring the equipment
Bobok А.
The article presents the analysis of development in smaller forms of business in the countryside of Novgorod oblast, motivating the feasibility of their further development, raising the effectiveness of production on the basis of perfecting the price formation and creating efficient forms of cooperation
Polunin G., Bondarenko Т., Skvortsov V.
Specific features of plant growing as a branch of agriculture and their influence on methods of economic evaluation of breeding achievements in the branch have been studied, presenting various methods for determining the economic effect of used breeding achievements with account for objective natural and economic factors
Filippova Ye., Ramazanova L.
The significance of developing subsidiary production for strengthening the economy of an agrienterprise has been motivated, presenting the experience of work in subsidiary production of ZAO «Sudislavl» and effectiveness of developing the main and subsidiary production
Galitskikh V.
The process of formation of the regional competitive benefits is studied. The competitive benefits, which ensure the competitiveness in Lipetsk region, are shown on the basis of estimation of the grain production development and the grain market functioning
Prokopiev G.
Mamontova S.
The notion apparatus has been presented, offering evaluation indicators and criteria for distributing agrienterprises across classes of investment potential. Performed calculations and given specific suggestions will serve to strengthen the investment potential of agrienterprises in the Republic of Khakasia
Hyukach V., Sedova N., Loginov D.
The feasibility of entrepreneur risk management has been motivated on the basis of continuous adaptation of agrienterprises to changing conditions and monitoring of market medium, featuring the state of marketing monitoring in Russia. Given recommendations on shaping informational base of marketing monitoring on food market account for functional and structural peculiarities of the AIC. As a promising way for shaping informational base of entrepreneur risk management -within the system of the AIC -will substantially serve the centralized structure on monitoring of food market which unites marketing study centers (MSC) at various territorial levels
Batalov R., Kalashnikov A.
Modem trends in development of frozen fruit and vegetable produce market in Krasnodar and their perspective role in the balance of fruit and vegetable consumption have been analyzed, formulating main conclusions of performed study, which show that the essential influence on consumers' choice of frozen fruit and vegetable produce depends on producing country, package quality and price
Yunyaeva R.
The necessity and mechanism of crediting support to agricultural commodity producers have been motivated, presenting the scope of crediting for agriorganizations of Penza oblast and suggesting some mechanisms for raising the effectiveness of crediting in agriculture
Isyanov R.
The reasons of incomplete reforming in agrarian sector of economy have been studied, disclosing the reasons that impede the progress in development of the branch. Some measures for transition to innovative course of development were motivated, giving the forecast in terms of reaching balanced state of agrarian economy.
Markova G., Grishin A.
Basic problems in water supply of dairy plants, including the damage from cuts in water supply for farms in Moscow oblast have been shown, offering a new mechanism for mastering innovations in this sphere. Economic effectiveness of proposed technical solutions was also shown
Mindrin A.
The methodology and a technique of the power analysis, its value for modem development of an agriculture are considered. The role of power resources in food maintenance of the population is shown. The role of the savings of energy in preservation of the ecological environment and development of rural territories is shown. The system of power equivalents based on the account of full expenses of energy on reception of an end-product is proved. Problems are allocated and problems which decision will promote decrease in power consumption of manufacture of agricultural production are certain
Rudenko N., Sidorov A.
Conceptual aspects in organization of paying the leaders and specialists of agrienterprises have been considered with account of financial-economic situation of the latter. Specific proposals were presented across the entities of Ulianovsk oblast
Golubev A.
Described methodical approaches have been used in elaborating the state and regional programs of development in agriculture for five-year period. Specific features of this document were stated applicable to Saratov oblast. Scientifically motivated is the feasibility of preliminary elaboration от methodical instruments and target indicators that assist better organization and effective preparation of regional and district programs
Nechaev V., Tyupakova N., Bocharova O.
The analysis of taxation for agricultural commodity producers has been presented, disclosing specific features of their taxation. The analysis and effectiveness of using various taxation systems for agricultural commodity producers were given on example of Krasnodar krai.
Charykova O., Boldyreva I.
The price regulation process in grain market has been studied. The algorithm for state regulation of grain market prices was proposed on the basis of foreign experience. The procedure and example for estimation of procurement prices were given.
Kalmykov S.
The system of training, re-training and raising the qualification for leader personnel in the AIC has been studied. The effectiveness of agriculture highly depends on the level of training, and that is impossible without creating a system of continuous professional education for workers of all categories. The interaction of rural youth with the AIC is the key problem for the state, and it must be solved by the use of youth policy and state programs.