
Concept for development of agrarian science and scientific support of the AIC of Russia for the period till 2025

Fisinin V.

The approaches to working out the concept of development for agrarian science and scientific support of the agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation have been stated, suggesting the ways and mechanisms for realization of lines and technologies of research. The clients of fundamental and priority applied research were determined

Ecologo-economic problems in development of rural territories

Zadumina N.

The state of agricultural lands in Yaroslavl oblast, problems of their preservation, degradation, ineffective use, causes of failure in programs on preserving soil fertility have been analyzed, stressing the necessity of correct distribution of responsibility between subjects of land use and the state.

Economic diagnostics of food market infrastructure

Bessonova N.

Suggested classification of infrastructure elements in food market of the region and methods for conducting economic diagnostics of its state have been done for conduct of analysis of food market infrastructure in Saratov oblast.

Effectiveness of land legislation

KresnikovaN N.

The effectiveness of land legislation of the Russian Federation has been analyzed from the standpoint of evaluating the influence of its institutional characteristics on economic motivation of owners and users of land, provision for social interests. Suggestions are offered for improving land legislation

Evaluating the effectiveness in management over innovating processes in agriculture

Katkov D.

Basic criteria of economic effectiveness in management over innovative processes in agriculture have been considered, offering the formulae for accounting the criterion of feasibility while developing a new product.

Financial regulation of activity in agricultural enterprises

Rymanova L.

The deficit of financial resources and adaptation of price mechanism to stimulating the innovative type of development with account of existing parity rate in exchange of agricultural commodity producers with their partners of agribusiness of the first and third spheres has been evaluated, focusing on necessity of regulating the market of agricultural produce by the system of prices: market, target, prices of commodity and procurement interventions, guaranteed ones. It was founded that target prices should be indicators of efficient organization of relations between agricultural enterprises and crediting and financial spheres.

Handbook of agrarian economist

Gasanova Kh.N.

Improve mutual economic relations in sugar beet production

Anpilogov R.

Mutual economic relations in sugar beet production have been stated, revealing the advantages and shortages of supply pattern in sugar beet processing

Improving the methods for labor standards in dairy cattle farming

Svechnikova T.

A new method for accounting service norms in dairy cattle farming has been offered on the basis of mezostandards, presenting the account formulae and models of presumed effect from introducing such norms.

Improving the system for certification of seed material

Moiseev V.

Modern state of work in seed inspections on conduct of variety crop approbation and seed material certification has been analyzed, motivating the necessity to harden the system of seed material certification

Innovative-integrating processes of development of the AIC in Ryazan oblast

Datsyuk P., Polyansky S.

The experience of innovative activity in Ryazan NIPTI of the AIC of Rossellchoz academy and implementation of regional program of priority national project «The development of the AIC» has been summarized to motivate the necessity of working out new approaches and methods for the formation of agricultural enterprises of really marketable type, agricultural cooperation system and multiform economy, innovative renewal of the AIC in Ryazan oblast

Investing structural shifts in the economy of rural territories of Kaluga oblast

Sukharev A.

The necessity of attracting investment resources into rural territory economy of Kaluga oblast has been motivated, stating the regulators of investment activity in the region

Marketing consulting for agricultural producers

Shcherbakov Ye.

The state of art in the information-consulting service of the country has been studied, offering a pattern for creating state-owned and private structures of information-consulting service, intended to raise the competitiveness of rural commodity producers

Marketing study of crediting cooperation in the Republic of Komi

Naidenov N.

Given analysis deals with conditions for creating crediting consumers' cooperatives, the dynamics of growth in the scope of investment to agriculture; presenting the data of public questionnaire; indicating the factors that impede creating crediting cooperatives; enumerating the organizations that finance smaller entrepreneurship

Methodology for motivating the standard of budget financing in agriculture

Borkhunov N.

The necessity of temporary transition of agriculture to financing by standard has been motivated, presenting the procedure for accounting budget financing by standard in agriculture

New lines of development of rural territories

Neparko M.

The opportunities of developing Kaluga oblast have been considered on account of rural tourism, use of available natural, historical and cultural objects, innovative projects and state of investment in the region. It is supposed that tourism mil utterly improve life quality of country men

Organization of agricultural crediting cooperatives in a region

Antonova M.

The analysis of cooperation development in smaller agrarian business has been given on example of Penza oblast, which presents the share of production of agricultural goods by peasants' (farmers") economy and personal homesteads, offering some measures on development of smaller agribusiness forms, creation of agricultural crediting cooperatives.

Program-target development of the region and formation of agroinnovative cluster

Neudakhin B.

The state of art in agrarian sector of Altai krai has been analyzed in the light of the national project «The development of the AIC», stressing the necessity of modernizing technical equipment of the branch, investment into this sphere, presenting regional programs of the AIC development, «tree of goals», lines of cluster formation on the basis of the Center for innovative technologies in agriculture

Providing for access of financial means for agricultural producers

Smirnova T.

Suggested measures enable to provide for access of financial means to agricultural commodity producers: subsidizing insurance payments by the state, development of rural cooperation, creation of a state-owned agricultural guarantee agency.

Regulating rural employment in Nizhniy Novgorod oblast

Zinyakova M.

The state of rural labor market in Nizhniy Novgorod oblast has been characterized by means of analysis from specialists and questionnaire of workers in agriculture. Critical points are detected: unemployment, flow of personnel, shortage of specialists, offering some variants to improve the situation, replenish the countryside with labor force.

State-private partnership while using the technical potential of a region

Batov G., Zhilokov A.

The technical potential of the agroindustrial complex in republics of the North Caucasus has been analyzed, offering particular measures on efficient use of available machinery, giving examples of functioning machinery-technological stations.

State support of agricultural commodity producers needed

Kirienko Ye.

'The lines and indicators of financing from federal and regional budgets the agricultural commodity producers in Smolensk oblast have been stated having analyzed its effectiveness. Suggestions are offered on raising the effectiveness of subsidizing milk production and working out the strategy of sustainable development of the agroindustrial production.

Structure and effectiveness of using water resources in the world agriculture

Paptsov A., Sokolocva Zh., Papuriya I.

The total annual average volume of water used in the national economy of various countries of the world, availability of portable water and amounts of water needed for production of agricultural and industrial goods have been given, having analyzed the factors that determine the amount of water capacity, provision of the public with portable water resources and effectiveness of its use.




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