Yashnik A.
Possible ways of agrarian transformation for achieving the assigned goal - creation of competitive agroindustrial production have been analyzed, making forecast estimation of possible effectiveness of organizational structures in agrarian sector while using not the data of statistics, but the elements of science. Taken as an indicator of effectiveness in this or that structure, the potential labor productivity might be obtained in the organization that employs the achievements of science and technology.
Shut'kov S.
The phases of formation in agricultural cooperation have been studied, considering standard rates basis, state of organization and economic relations, ways of development in production and consumers' cooperation
Rassadin V.
A classification of management styles has been stated, defining the connections of management styles with leader's temperament, his character and methods of management, ways of influencing the course of production and his subordinates
Kot S.
Gataulin A., Aleksandrov A., Afanas'eva S.
The effectiveness of consumers' cooperatives of rural commodity producers in processing farm produce, particularly milk, has been motivated, stating a method for calculating procurement prices on raw stuffs as dependent on scope of processing, which excludes the unprofitableness
Fedorova N.
The dynamics of price disparity in the AIC has been studied, analyzing the financial state of agricultural enterprises in the Udmurt Republic, with suggestion of creating a branch cooperative on production, processing and sale of farm produce on the basis of distributing the total profit by rates adopted in the cooperative, using parity prices.
Lyalyakin V., Goryachev S., Ashchepkov N.
The state of art in machinery and tractor park of agricultural enterprises of the Russian Federation has been shown, considering the experience of state support by the use of budget crediting of work on restoring repair and modernization of farm machinery in the Republic of Bashkortostan, offering a method for subsidizing the banking rate on credits of restoring repair.
Lomidze Yu.
The necessity of evaluating the effectiveness in activity of the leader of enterprise has been motivated, offering the indicators for evaluating the effectiveness in activity of the leader and methods for its determination
Mironova Z.
The analyzing has been performed on the role of production types of farms during post-perestroika period, opportunity of their cooperation aimed to raise their production effectiveness, its intensifying and most complete using the local natural and economic conditions
Ushachev I.
The role and significance of labor productivity as an integral indicator of economic effectiveness has been shown to motivate the necessity of shaping the ample multifactor system of management over the labor productivity and prove the objective feasibility of reviving multifactor forecast of labor productivity in the branch. The content of the notion "labor motivation " and its mechanism, as well as basic principles of market model of this indicating index were stated, revealing four large blocks of missions which resolving will enable to develop methodological and methodical approaches to calculating the level and dynamics of labor productivity in close connection with problems of its motivation and payment. Basic lines of research on problems of labor productivity were also suggested.
Charykova O., Kozlobaeva Ye.
The reserves for growth of competitiveness in agriculture of Russia have been studied, featuring competitive advantages which realization provides for gaining in competitive struggle, Basic lines were given in the state agrarian policy in the sphere of regulating agricultural production
Bodyagina I.
The agriculture of the Republic Хакасия has been described, level of security resources. The influence of the loan resources to the efficiency of an agricultural production was investigated upon the correlative-regressive analysis. The loan resources gradation was made according the tendency and closeness conexion. Recommendations about perfection of the mechanism of loan are given.
Savchenko Ye.
The significance of labor productivity for resolving socioeconomic missions in agriculture has been motivated on hand of example in Belgorod oblast. The strategy of developing agricultural production was considered, stating the advanced experience of the region on raising labor productivity, creating new jobs in rural area
Epstein D., Khokman G.
Performed analysis on results of development in agricultural enterprises of Russia and Leningrad oblast for 1999-2006 provides for concluding about dual nature of development. Proposals were offered on improvement of state agrarian policy.
Paptsov A.
The experience of establishing tax policy in countries with developed market economy has been stated, disclosing the notion apparatus of tax policy, giving the data on tax revenues per capita of the population and tax rates foe added value in various countries
Osipov A., Avarsky N.D., Smirnov A.
The contents of the Federal law «On development of agriculture» and the State program «The development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural produce, raw stuffs and food for 2008-2012» have been analyzed, enlightening the measures on monitoring in the grain product subcomplex and grain market
Semin А.
Preconditions for occurrence of strategic planning and management and their using in the economic practice have been determined, offering the algorithm for elaborating a strategic plan and mechanism of its implementation, considering the organization and functional pattern for the regional center of strategic planning in the AIC.
Khukhrin A.
The necessity of elaborating clear-cut methodology for true, but not formal approach to preparing the management strategy of developing individual farms and raising their profits has been motivated, proving that to insure really high effectiveness of selected strategy, it will realize smaller resonance actions, which requires calculating the bifurcation point. The opinion was expressed that creating production-ecological clusters enables not solely increase the production of farm goods, but insure the preservation of environment, fully financing the development of agriculture in the course of Russia's entry into the WTO