
Conceptual basis for ensuring food security of Russia

Nechaev V.

Determining investment efficient kinds of activity in AIC clusters

Kundius V.

Presented results reflect the scientific search for methodical approaches and preparation of recommendations in developing forecasts of production and consumption in basic kinds of agricultural produce, raw stuffs and food in the country. Proposed tools serve to determine priorities of innovative development of the AIC, formation of innovative-technology clusters of regional AIC.

Effectiveness of specialization and integration in pig breeding

Ishmuratov M.

A short review of the state of art in agriculture of the Republic of Bashkortostan has been given, presenting main goals envisaged in the state program on development of agricultural production. Detailed characteristic of pig breeding sovkhoz «Roshchinskiy» was given, presenting its production-financial results. Descriptive demonstration proves the advantages of large specialized enterprise, growth of production capacities, owing to integration

Effectiveness of using imported sugar beet harvesters

Gorbunov N., Voropaev A.

Presented results of photo chronological measurements demonstrate the work of harvesters of types «Holmer» and «Agrifac Hexa» with the aim of disclosing their advantages and determining the economic efficiency in using these beet root harvesters.

Effect of resources-saving technologies on farm crop yield

Gribkov M., Figurin V.

Presented system of measures ensures rational nutrition of cultures in crop rotation, production of stable yield and preserving soil fertility. The effectiveness of barley cultivation was demonstrated as dependent on predecessors and dosage of nitrogen fertilizer application

Food markets of Tajikistan: problems and solutions

Ashurov I.

Process of formation of the food markets in republic is stated, its economic and organizational characteristic is given, problems of the grocery markets are shown, measures of elimination of the reasons constraining development of the food markets of Republic Tajikistan are proved.

Get unused ploughed land back to turnover

Golyshev M.

Underlying issues of legal regulation in the sphere of land relations have been considered, analyzing the Federal law «On agricultural land turnover» and its mechanisms, revealing shortages of legislative documents. Given proposals on improving the process of land reform concern the changes in taxation, budgetary and civil legislation, raising the responsibility on preserving purposeful use of agricultural land, ensuring the protection of land users' rights.

Improve the agroindustrial complex management

Kenikstul V., Konstantinovich V.

The state of art in existing system of the AIC management has been analyzed, revealing main reasons of weak control over economic processes in agrarian sphere. The functions of state control over the AIC at the regional level were stated, presenting the structure of these organs. The results of performed calculations on determining optimal quantity of management apparatus in regions were also presented, enumerating key problems to be solved for shaping a rational system of management in the AIC

Labor productivity as a main factor for raising production efficiency

Soskieva Z.

It has been proved when determining the efficiency of agriculture to employ the indicator of the total mass of realized produces in comparable prices as calculated: per one worker in the branch (for determining the level of labor productivity in dynamics), per one citizen of the country (for the characteristic of food and raw stuff independence) and per unit of agricultural land area (for determining the effectiveness of land use). On example of agricultural enterprises in the Republic of North Osetia-Alania, there was shown a procedure of calculating the indices of labor productivity on the basis affixed accounting indicators. Progressive system was recommended for payment of milking operators in a particular farm.

Marketing activity at fruit and vegetable market of the North Caucasus

Batalov R., Kalashnikov A., Sultanov K.

Given characteristic shows the state of art in fruit production of regions in the North Caucasus. It has been proved how important for solving the problems of realizing fruit and berry produce is trustworthy information on real and potential capacity of consumers' market, giving its calculation formulas. Presented examples demonstrate the advantages of farms that use complex marketing

Market of milk and meat in Novosibirsk oblast

Kirillov S., Filichkin A.

The dynamics in development of animal husbandry in Novosibirsk oblast has been given, presenting the forecast of implementing the State program on production of milk and meat in the region in 2012-2020, considering the ways of cutting self-cost and raising the profitability of produced goods

Methodology of accounting basic herd depreciation in dairy cattle farming

Surovtsev V., Zabegalova Ye., Lapteva D.

Presented method serves to follow actual term of productive cow usage by the size of basic herd depreciation and value of losses due to premature discarding of animals. Given examples show the way of calculating the profitability level in the subbranch with account of depreciation with respect to basic herd.

Microeconomic policy in enterprises of meat processing

Truba A.

The methods of forming economic policy in meatprocessing enterprises. Some aspects of forming the price policy between subjects of the association which give the possibility of proportional distribution of revenue have been suggested. The calculations of total number of cattle capable to meet needs of meatprocessing enterprises in meat have been made.

Raise the effectiveness of state agrarian policy

Putin V.

Reproduction in agricultural organizations with different profitability

Borkhunov N., Rodionova O.

The analysis and evaluation of summarized proportions of reproduction in agricultural organizations have been presented. Based on performed grouping of agricultural organizations in the level of their profitability, there is a conclusion on improvement in processes of reproduction. In view of rising prices for agricultural produce and food, there is motivated necessity of involving detrimental agricultural enterprises into the sphere of integrating processes and attaching incentives for their efficient reproduction.

Russian grain market: state of art and unrealized opportunities

Altukhov A.

Modern state of art in grain economy and grain market in the country have been evaluated, revealing unrealized opportunities of their development in comparison with world trends in production and sale of grain. The role of the state was shown in providing reliable supply of bread and forage, development of domestic grain export, presenting necessary measures for effective functioning of grain economy and grain market in the nearest perspective

Specific features in development of agriculture in Southern federal district

Temirova Z.

Given characteristic shows the availability of agricultural land in subjects of the Southern federal district. It demonstrates specific features in distribution of agricultural land across land users, analyzing the agricultural production in the region.

The implementation of the State program for the development of agriculture is the key of the country's food stability

Gordeev А.

A short characteristic of the state in domestic agricultural production has been given, motivating the necessity of corrections in several indices of the State program on development of agriculture with account of existing economic conditions. The short presentation enumerates additional measures of long-term nature for development of the branch in the long run.

Using labor potential of migrants in the AIC

Shurupova A.

The results of the sociological research, carried out in 13 districts of Lipetsk region, have been considered, demonstrating the possibility of migratory influence on successful development of rural area. Promising spheres of using labour potential of migrants in AIC -were stated.



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