Paptsov A.
The taxation system in agriculture of foreign countries has been stated, disclosing the tax kinds, presenting the experience of taxation in farmers' economy
Sharipov S.
Given analysis shows the state of art and prospects of development in smaller business and cooperation in the light of implementing the national project «The development of the AIC», stating foreign experience in development of rural consumers' cooperation. The factors impeding the development of agricultural cooperation in Russia are shown along with necessary measures to support smaller entrepreneurship in the countryside, which permit to improve the life quality and employment of rural population
Pronln Ye.
The shortages of existing system of state leasing have been shown, demonstrating as the consequences the absence of competition on the market of leasing services, offering some measures on changing the pattern for implementing the federal leasing program
Gordeev A.
Preliminary summary of economic activity in enterprises of the AIC for 2007 has been stated. Presented results characterize the functioning of plant growing and animal husbandry branches, food and processing industry. The state of supply with technical means in domestic agriculture is shown. Foreign economic activity in the AIC for the previous year has been analyzed. Pricing situation on the market of agricultural produce and food has been evaluated. The course of implementing the priority national project «The development of the AIC» has been stated in detail along the three lines.
Shaikin D.
Proposed parameters permit to disclose, measure and evaluate the level of life quality, including the employment in labor sphere as a component of the latter. Detailed analysis has been given to the problem of youth employment in agrarian sector, presenting the definitions of indicators, used for estimating the condition of labor market. Given formulas for calculating the coefficients of variation in the level of employment permit to estimate the degree of stability of that indicator.
Gaaliev M.
Presented conditions determine the formation, functioning, development and effectiveness of market land relations. Given arguments show the necessity of providing in land legislation, basic issues of agrarian policy the compulsory combination of using the natural and ecological conditions and land properties, their rational exploitation that brings no harm to biosphere, biogeocoenosis and ecosystems. It shows feasibility of economic, social and ecological evaluating the land relations, indicating basic criteria that might be employed for that purpose
Zhukov N.
The characteristic of agrarian, climatic and economic conditions of the Central economic district (CED) of Russia has been given in the light of expanding the production of grain, raising the state of its supply to personal and production needs. Basic factors limiting high-productive cultivation of grain crops were disclosed, with reflection of integral parameters that characterize the opportunities of natural and anthropogenic resources for grain production in the CED. Basic lines of intensification in agriculture were stated, proving the necessity of state support for grain subcomplex.
Salabuda L.
The necessity of complex approach and active interaction between agricultural organizations on fodder production and enterprises on fodder protein production has been proved, aiming at providing sufficient fodder basis for animal husbandry. Proposed ways to achieve the above aim are: the improvement of processing technology, the application of economic mechanism of branch interrelations, directed for raising fodder production effectiveness, the addressed state support.
Lukashev N.
Domestic and foreign markets of production means and services for agriculture, dynamics of prices on material and technical resources have been analyzed, revealing on hand of many-year data basic lines in development of that market, offering some measures on economic regulation, raising the competitiveness of the market of production means.
P'yanova L.
The necessity of improving zonal specialization of agriculture in Udmurt Republic has been motivated, offering suggestions on re-distribution of raw stuff zones of processing enterprises and improvement of the structure of producing agricultural goods.
Burobkin I.
Samsonova I., Gomzyakova Z.
The state of art in potato growing of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has been characterized, analyzing the structure of crop area and production of potatoes, its dynamics as calculated per capita of the population, giving arguments for necessity of developing the regional potato market
Varlamov S.
The dynamics of domestic production and import of farm equipment to Russian market has been shown, analyzing the structure of foreign trade turnover, monitoring the remaining misbalance between production of farm machinery and its availability in domestic agrarian enterprises, enumerating some measures for direct and indirect regulation of foreign trade turnover
Golubev A.
The role of communities in rural settlements has been followed, motivating the feasibility of returning toward community relations in modern countryside. The institute of rural self-government and revival of public, essentially viable for the countryside, legislation appears in creating and active functioning of municipal formations.
Bokusheva R., Valentinov V., Svetlov N., Anpilogova V.
It has been demonstrated on materials of questionnaire, performed among representatives of management in agricultural enterprises of Stavropol krai, Oryol and Samara oblast, where professional experience and qualification of managerial personnel serve the most significant factor of investment activity in agricultural enterprises.
Dragaitsev V.
Comparative analysis of supplying grain harvesters to agriculture of Russia, USA and Canada has been given, disclosing the main factors and nature of their impact on supplying grain harvesters to agriculture. Qualitative state of grain harvester park in various countries has been considered along -with measures pf state support for renewal of machinery park.
GvtmAww F.
The tendencies of development in dairy cattle breeding have been stated according to categories of farms in Rostov oblast, motivating the feasibility of increasing milk production in individual farms
Altukhov A.
It has been shown that the level of self-cost, sale price and profitability of grain production in 2000-2006 varies not identically and in different directions. The ways of reducing the self-cost in this subcomplex were analyzed with account for modern state of domestic economy. Given suggestions deal with stabilization of pricing situation on internal grain market.
Выявлены тенденции и возможные сценарии развития аграрного сектора Центрально-Черноземного района. Подчеркнуты преимущества государственно-регулируемого курса развития. Дан прогноз основных параметров производства сельскохозяйственной продукции и потребления продовольствия на душу населения на 2011-2015 гг.The trends and possible scenarios of development in agrarian sector of the Central-Chernozem district have been revealed, stressing the advantages of state-regulated course of development, giving the forecast of basic parameters in production of agricultural produce and consumption of food per capita of the population for 2011-2015
Рассмотрено современное состояние системы управления сельскохозяйственным производством. Обозначены основные проблемы, связанные с комплектованием и использованием персональных компьютеров в сельхозпредприятиях, указаны возможные пути выхода из сложившейся ситуацииThe modem state of management system in agrarian production has been considered, denoting the main problems, connected with setting and using personal computers in agricultural enterprises, indicating possible ways for recovery from existing situation.