
Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of agricultural consumers' cooperatives

Kuzmina Yu.

The problems of evaluating the efficiency in consumers'cooperatives have been studied, indicating their place in complex development of rural territories in Tula oblast

Economic evaluation of dairy market in suburban zones of Belgorod oblast

Plaksieva S.

The state of art in dairy market in suburban zones of Belgorod oblast and mutual relations of agricultural and processing enterprises have been studied in dairy subcomplex. The economic effectiveness of dairy production by large agricultural organizations was shown, motivating the feasibility of diversification of channels in milk realization and offering the creation of specialized -wholesale markets of milk and dairy products

Efficient functioning of information-consulting service

Zhivaev A.

The problems of evaluating the efficiency in functioning information-consulting services and centers have been considered, presenting four variants of integral efficiency evaluation in consulting services

Improving the system of indicators for financial-economic stabih'ty in enterprises of the AIC

Yakunina M.

A method for calculating new indices of financial-economic stability in food industry enterprises has been offered on the basis of modem economic trends and problems of development in the AIC.

Integration - as a guarantee for successful functioning of individual farms

Bogotov Kh., Gyaurgiev A.

The economic status in individual farms and their role in food supply to citizens of Kabardino-Balkaria have been characterized, motivating the necessity of integrating ties between the private sector and large state-owned production and designating its lines and forms of regulation

Market of mineral fertilizer: problems, prospects

Pavlova G.

The article gives retrospective analysis of factors in intensification of agriproduction and chemicalization in agriculture. This motivates the necessity of improving the formation of prices on fertilizer realized at the internal market. This also presents calculated requirements of agrarian sector of economy in mineral fertilizer

Socioeconomic effectiveness of using land resources

Kusakina О., Alekseeva L.

The definition and indices of land usage efficiency have been given on example of Stavropol krai with comparative analysis of land usage efficiency. Basic lines for raising the efficiency in usage of land resources were stated on the basis of extension of resources-saving and soil-protecting technologies, offering a method for evaluating the socioeconomic efficiency in usage of land resources.

Taxation mechanism within the system of measures for financial sanitation of agricultural commodity producers

Khubaev Т.

The influence of tax machinery on the functioning and development of agriculture has been considered in the article, scientifically motivating the proposal on reduction of tax burden upon agricultural enterprises in the Republic of North Osetia-Alania.

The basis for sustainable development of bee keeping

ZhJlin V.

The state of art in bee keeping has been studied, indicating basic lines and principles of sustainable development of the branch. The necessity of creating own ecologically clean nectar resources was motivated on example of apiaries owned by various categories of commodity producers, such as agricultural organizations, peasants' (farmers') economy and individual entities

The development of agroindustrial complex in Chechen Republic

Israilov S.

Basic goals, problems facing the agriculture and ways of their solution have been determined, revealing the role of the Priority national project «The development of the AIC», the Federal target program «The restoration of economy and social sphere of Chechen Republic (2002 and next years)» and other programmed measures in the process of restoration and further development of agroindustrial complex

The development of regions in Extreme North of the Far East

Ruvil' V.

The state of economy in northern regions has been characterized, analyzing the problem of food supply to the public of the Extreme North, particularly to Magadan oblast. The lines of development in agriculture were offered, motivating the feasibility of restoring those kinds of activity, traditional in the North

The formation of cadastre value for agricultural land

Gazaliev M.

The existing procedure for cadastre evaluation of agricultural land has been studied, indicating its shortages. Proposed method for cadastre evaluation is based on normative evaluating indicators in production of agricultural goods that allow for substantial determination of cadastre value of land.

The implementation of innovative strategy for the development of agricultural organization

Trafimov A.G.

Basic principles for the formation of innovative strategy have been stated, motivating the necessity of systemic approach to extension of novelties. Phases of novelty extension in ZAO «Stud «Ruch'yi», were presented in plant growing, dairy and meat cattle farming, fodder production, organization of labor and management. Presented indicators of economic efficiency in these branches were achieved in the course of novelty extension. The system of intraeconomic relations was described, giving information on functioning agrarian center of education «Ruch'yi».

The implementation of national projects for supporting smaUer entrepreneurship in the countryside

Arakelyan S.

The results of implementing the programs for the development of smaller entrepreneurship in the countryside in Kaluga oblast have been given, presenting the forecast of growth in incomes of rural population in 2012.

The role of agricultural consumers' cooperatives in development of regional food market

Ishmuratov М.

The role of individual farms at the regional market of Bashkortostan has been considered, having studied their capabilities of cooperation and available normative-legal basis. The prospects of crediting and multifunctional rural consumers' cooperatives were motivated

The system of information support for innovative activity in agriculture of Voronezh oblast

Zakshevsky V., Pekshev A.

The system of information support ensuring the innovative activity of agricultural enterprises of Voronezh oblast has been considered, suggesting the creation and extension of the information system of the day-to-day management in agricultural production (ISDM) and motivating its efficiency

Trafimov A.G. The formation of multiform economy in agriculture of Russia under conditions of implementing national projects of the AIC

Kot S.



В статье раскрываются программы стимулирования сельскохозяйственного производства, направленные на улучшение условий жизни в сельской местности. В частности, программа стимулирования инвестиций ориентирована на поддержку фермеров, кооперативных хозяйств, отдельных юридических лиц. освещены условия участия в программе фермеров.The article discloses the programs for stimulating agricultural production, focusing on the improvement of life conditions in rural areas. Particularly, the program for stimulation of investment focuses on support of farmers, cooperatives, individual legal persons, disclosing the conditions for participation of farmers in the program


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