
Ameliorative organizations within integrated structures

Matveev A.

The analysis and dynamics of destruction of ameliorated lands has been given, stating the factors which impede the development of amelioration. Suggested mechanisms serve to regulate the relations between ameliorating organizations and agricultural commodity producers and include these ameliorating organizations into agriholding structures.

Development of cooperation in the AIC of Russia

Tkach A., Anoshina A.

The analysis of development within the system of consumers' cooperation has been given, stating its significance during implementation of the national project "Development ofAIC". Some proposals include the system of personnel training on cooperation issues, creating legal basis and insurance system. Specific examples show the efficient work of cooperative organizations.

Diagnostics in anticrisis management of agricultural enterprises

Khitskov I., Popov D.

The evaluation of financial state in agricultural organizations of Russia has been given, stating the results of research in the field of forecasting systemic financial payment crisis. Methodical approaches to evaluating the degree of development of systemic financial payment crisis were motivated.

Effectiveness in production of broiler meat

Zykov A.

The analysis of effectiveness of producing goods at the poultry factory "Broiler of Ryazan" has been given, studying the factors of intensifying the production. The lines of further raising the effective production of poultry meat were offered.

Food security of the country: problems and solutions

Ushachev I.

The most significant components of food security in Russia have been stated, disclosing problems that might cause some negative effect from membership in the WTO on the level of economic security of the country. Given data show the state of the agricultural branch, the dynamics of production in basic kinds of food.

Forecast of yield in farm crops

Schmidt Yu., Kulikov V.

Simulated model enables on the basis of accidental values to account for the effect of a set of natural-climatic and socioeconomic factors on agriproduction, formulate simulated algorithms and calculate the values of farm crop yield.

Forming the strategy for development of an agricultural enterprise

Gasanova Kh., Aslanbekov M., Aliev R.

The analysis of aggregated balance has been given to evaluate the financial state of an enterprise. The investment strategy of GUP "Tidibsky " was studied to offer variants for adopting managerial decision

Influence of social and engineering infrastructure on life quality of country men

Sergeev V.

The analysis of dynamics of aggregated index of human development in rural area of Kursk oblast as a criterion of life quality has been used to determine the influence of social and engineering infrastructure on life quality of rural population and motivate the choice of priority line in socioeconomic development of the countryside.

Life quality as a factor of strengthening economic security

Svetlakov A.

The analysis of changes in life quality of rural people has been given in the course of agrarian transformation, presenting the groups of social position of country men depending on age groups and motivating the necessity of improving the labor market.

Planning on an enterprise of the AIC

Ogloblin Ye.

Proportions of reproduction in agricultural organizations

Borkhunov N., Rodionova O.

Summarized proportions of reproduction in agricultural organizations have been studied, giving their evaluation and motivating rational correlations between the parts of produce and resources which enter in distribution order.

Prospects of development in agriculture of Chechen Republic

Israilov M.

The complete and objective characteristic of a modern condition of the state agricultural enterprises of the Chechen Republic is given. Their role and place in total production of agriculture is shown. The special role in stabilization of manufacture realization of measures of the program of socioeconomic development of the Chechen Republic on 2007-2010years is shown and participation in the priority national project «Development of AIC».

Risk management during investment of smaller economic forms

Matsneva Ye.

The issues of efficient investment into milk processing enterprises of low capacity have been studied. Presented investment project possesses good financial-economic characteristics; it shows stability to negative effect of environmental factors and efficient conduct of smaller dairy product business.




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