Polishchuk L.
The application of additives with beta-carotene essentially diminishes the costs of buying veterinary preparations for cows, raises the output of calves and reduces the service-period. The experience of the Lenin АО in Novokubansky raion of Krasnodar krai shows the effectiveness of introducing by injections the "Karolin" preparation that contains beta-carotene.
Serov V.
The growth of agricultural production in Oryol oblast has been stated along with improvement of investment activity, suggesting some measures for its further stimulation.
Bondarenko T.G., Avarsky N.D., Overchuk L.A.
The analysis on example of the United States shows the state of real estate market in agriculture, particularly land, and level of its prices, offering an approach to estimate real estate value in agriculture of Russia and determine market value of land.
Filippov I.
A method has been suggested on example of ZAO "Lebyazhye-Chepiginskoye" in Bryukhovetsky raion of Krasnodar krai to evaluate the creditworthiness of an enterprise, motivating the necessity of performing the economic monitoring and estimating financial stability of an economic subject.
Zeldner A.
Low activity of the investment processes in agrarian sector has been stated to analyse the sources of financing in agriculture and suggest some measures of stimulating the investment activity.
Polbitsyn S.
The definition of innovation potential has been given with consideration of specific features of agriproduction, revealing the structure of the innovation potential management and offering the way the innovation development in agricultural enterprises of Urals region.
Kresnikova N.
Basic points of draft law about mortgage (collateral) of agricultural lands have been cosidered, stating several rules and ways of regulating mortgage (collateral) of agricultural land plots, offering some measures to improve the standards and regulations suggested in the draft.
Lysenko Ye.
Zhdanov S.
The necessity of state support in agriculture has been motivated,
Shelkoplyasov A.
. The necessity of improving the strategy for economic management of the AIC has been motivated, offering the principles of management at the regional level and determining some measures to improve the organization of target planning.
Vermel D., Ismuratova G.
It is feasible under modern conditions to continue researching started in 1960-1970"