
Economical-mathematical model for evaluating the reliability of food suppliers

Radetsky A.

The reliability criteria of food delivery have been considered, offering the economical-mathematical model for evaluating the reliability of food suppliers aimed at sustainable provision of food to the region.

Effectiveness of innovative activity in the AIC

Yurkova Ye.

The analysis of innovative potential of the AIC has disclosed the factors that negatively affect its development, indicating the status of personnel composition, scientific designs, as well as the state strategy and policies with respect to scientific-educational complex and motivating the necessity of developing branch innovative programs.

Efficiency of producing animal husbandry goods in Ryazan oblast

Pozzhaeva Ye.

The state of art in animal husbandry of Ryazan oblast has been analyzed, motivating the lines for its restoration and development: creating solid fodder basis, optimizing the size of enterprises, growth of cattle productivity and expanding the sale market.

Evaluating the effectiveness of state regulation in agriculture of Kemerovo oblast

Kotov R.

The principles of evaluating the effectiveness of state regulation and support of agriculture at regional level have been stated on the basis of modified methods given by the Organization of economic cooperation and development. The effectiveness of support for rural commodity producers in Kemerovo oblast is evaluated as a whole and by particular kinds of agricultural produces.

Evolution of peasants' labor

Trafimov A.

The example of particular enterprise serves to analyze the processes that influence the changes in contents and quality of agricultural labor, proposing the ways to enrich its contents - innovative strategies, commercial accounting, partnership and rise of prestige.

Food market in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Obdunov E.

The problems of food market in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the system of trade in agrarian produces, issues of raising their quality and competitiveness have been studied, presenting a short review of trends and premises of development in markets of foodstuffs.

Formation of competitive AIC in the Republic of Tadzhikistan

Gulov I.

The strategy for shaping competitive AIC in the Republic of Tadzhikistan has been suggested from viewpoint of systemic approach. The essence of strategy consists in concentrating limited resources at «apex points of competitiveness», implementing the strategy with little resources, using national traditions and creating transboundary agrohydroenergetic cluster «Central Asia and Russia».

Goncharov V.D., Koteev S.V. Dairy subcomplex of Russia 98 Index of materials published in the journal in 2009

Avarsky N.D.

Management of intellectual property on scientific organizations of Rossel'khozacademy

Bondarenko Т., Muraya L.

The problems of intellectual property management within the system of Rossel'khozacademy have been studied, proposing the ways for commercialization jf intellectual activity.

Marketing investigations of fruit market in Dagestan

Sultanov K.

The trends in development offruit-and-vegetable market in Dagestan, market structure, import role, economic efficiency offruit-and-vegetable production in the Republic and the prospects of development in the branch have been analyzed, suggesting some measures for stabilization and further increase in production of fruit-and-berry produces.

Methodical approaches to developing a strategy of marketing management in the grain branch

Salnikova Ye.

The necessity of the development and implementation of strategy of marketing management in the grain branch is grounded. Methodical approaches on the development of strategy of marketing management in the grain branch are represented.

Natural fodder land: efficiency of use and outlook of development

Chirkov Ye., Laretin Ye., Gerasimenkova S.

The role of natural fodder land in reproduction of fodder basis in animal husbandry has been shown, defining the main lines for raising its efficient use and motivating the necessity of state support for fodder production in natural fodder land.

Problems of development in rural areas

Bondarenko L.

The article motivates the significance of developing rural areas, analyzes the existing demographic situation in the countryside, labor market and unemployment level in the countryside. It suggests a set of measures for raising the life quality, sanitizing the demographic situation and developing the social infrastructure in the countryside

Social implications of agriholding formation

Nikiforov P., Nisanov R., Nikiforova Ye.

Presented reasons stipulate the necessity of creating large agroindustrial formations. The analysis reveals the factors, affecting the process, positive and negative implications and the influence on rural social sphere. It has motivated the proposals on improving social processes in the countryside and raising the role of municipal territorial formations.

Specific features of functioning entrepreneur structures in the AIC

Latysheva L., Kuzmin K.

Distinctive peculiarities in development of entrepreneur structures of the agroindustrial complex have been considered, analyzing the main factors and conditions that affect the formation of results in entrepreneur activity of managerial subjects in the AIC and proposing the ways for raising the efficiency in activity of entrepreneur structures.

Strategy of development in agrarian sector and rural areas of Belgorod oblast

Savchenko Ye.

The analysis of modern state of art in agrarian sector of Belgorod oblast deals with target programs, their role in development of regional AIC, level of social development and demographic situation. Specific suggestions will ensure the stabilization and development in agrarian sector of economy for the long run and solve the social problems of the countryside.

Trends of farm land turnover

Shabanov V.

The land tenure structure in agricultural enterprises and peasants' (farmers') economy has been analyzed, indicating the movement of citizens' land shares that forms the basis of agricultural land turnover, reflecting the processes of its tenancy, purchase and sale, as well as considering the problem of unidentified land shares and their effect on land tenure of agricultural enterprises.

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