
Agriculture in the context of national projects

Pankova K.

The implementation of basic lines of the national project «The development of the AIC» has been analyzed, denoting the advantages of the large scale production, expressing concern of the fate of collective agricultural production, and motivating the necessity to perform the inventory of agricultural lands.

Evaluation of new varieties and hybrids as objects of intellectual property

Nechaev V., Moiseev V.

Methods for evaluating new varieties and hybrids as objects of intellectual property have been suggested having studied the sequence of calculations on economic foundation of scientific projects in the AIC. Also suggested is the formula for calculating the annual economic effect from introduction of a new variety, accounting its qualitative indices, and costs of creating and introducing a new variety into production.

Formation of natural incomes of population in Kirovoblast

Zorin N., Kudryavtseva R., Perestoronina N.

The analysis of natural incomes of the population in Kirov oblast has been given, considering the contribution of farms of the population into the economy of the region. Statistical data were given on production of several kinds of agricultural produce in farms of the population of the oblast.

Institutional restrictions in mortgage of agricultural lands

Shagaida N.

The analysis of the law on land mortgage has been given as applicable to agricultural lands, its limitations, estimating the opportunity of widening the access to credit resources via agricultural land mortgage.

Labor payment in agricultural organizations with account of their financial state

Kuznetsova L.

The analysis of the ratio labor payment versa life minimum has been given for Kaluga oblast. It is suggested to divide agricultural enterprises by financial stability into three groups. Variants of forming additional labor payment were disclosed.

Management of effective functioning in processing enterprises

Novikova V.

Strategic management lines have been stated for the development of processing branch; analyzing the dynamics and economic state of dairy cattle farming in Smolensk oblast, and its effect on effective functioning of enterprises.


Avarsky N.D.

Novelty or repetition of the past

Bautin V., Kostin V.

The necessity of intellectual property protection has been motivated, revealing the reasons and offering

Prrospects of developing the investment activity in agriculture of Siberia

Tyu L.

On the basis of analyzing actual materials there have been found some problems in development of investment activity in agriculture of Siberia. Research was performed in dynamics of scopes and structure of investments, reproduction of capital funds in agriculture. Also motivated were priority lines of investment activity in agrarian sector of economy.

Realization of the national project "The development of the AIC"

Putin V.

8 июня 2005 г. состоялась видеоконференция по вопросам реализации приоритетных национальных проектов. Выступления участников видеоконференции по национальному проекту «Развитие АПК» по материалам стенографического отчета публикуются ниже.

Regulating land relations in the region

Eldieva T.

Basic goals of regulating land relations have been stated, analyzing positive effect of measures, connected with implementation of land reform in Novgorod oblast, on development of agrarian sector of economy, growth of production. Also enlightened was the role of personal subsidiaries and peasants'(farmers') economy in establishment of regional food market.

Strategy of development of food subcomplex in the Republic of Ingushetia

Plieva N.

The analysis of the state of food market in the Republic of Ingushetia has been given to motivate the necessity of developing and realizing the program for development of agriculture for 2006-2010. Special attention is focused on restoration of soil fertility, development of irrigated agriculture and raising land use effectiveness.

System of continuous agrarian education

Dorofeev A.

The system of agrarian education has been studied, disclosing the experience of Belgorod state agricultural academy on personnel training for the countryside and its fixation in the agrarian sphere.

The tendencies of development of grain storage system

Osipov A.N., Avarsky N.D., Prolygina N.A.

Modern state and trends of development have been studied within the system of grain storage under conditions of functioning grain market. Lines of its regulation by the state were shown to establish mutually beneficial relations between commodity producers, elevators and grain receiving enterprises.

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