The editorial mission of Auditorskie vedomosti consists of covering and shedding light on relevant issues for the contemporary audit profession, as well as disseminating and promoting advanced best practices, and helping meet the need of auditors for continuous professional training.Every issue, the pages of Auditorskie vedomosti feature discussions on a wide range of issues regarding the future of the audit services market, the development of operational strategies for audit firms, the organisation and exercise of audit quality control, the introduction of International Standards on Auditing (ISA), and the practical application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), including operational algorithms for resolving complex and disputable issues in audit practice, among numerous other topics.Among the journal’s traditional main sections are:Audit theory and practiceAudit theoryWhat auditors are talking aboutThe auditor’s guideRegulation of the audit professionInternational experienceAccounting and reportingAccounting, theory and organisationStatistics and analysisInternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)Management accountingEconomics, finance and taxesEducationProfessional advancementCorporate governanceChronicleBook reviewsIn memoriamQuestions and answers