On the initiative of the editorial board, the features of the election campaign to the local Councils of Deputies of the 28th convocation were discussed. The results of the election campaigns to the local Councils of Deputies of various levels are compared with the results of the election campaigns of 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2014. The directions for the electoral system and deputies’ work improvement were considered. Chairpersons of Electoral Commissions of different levels, heads of executive and representative bodies, authorized representatives of candidates, deputies in office and newly elected deputies presented their materials.
The article considers one of the key aspects of assessing the regulatory impact in the legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity - the problem of correlating private and public interests. It presents a theoretical approach of the correlation of interests, which makes it possible to determine the dual nature of interests - their unity and antithesis. The article outlines the system of interest accounting in the introduction of the assessment of the regulatory impact of normative legal acts in the Republic of Belarus, which is built on the principle of balancing private and public interests based on the natural civil rights and freedoms and contributing to the improvement of the standards of living.
The article deals with the transformation of the powers of the higher authorities of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of foreign policy in connection with the change in the form of government. Powers in the sphere of foreign policy of the highest authorities of the Republic of Belarus are examined at each of the three stages: 1990-1994 (parliamentary republic); 1994-1996 (parliamentary-presidential republic); since 1996 (presidential republic). The article substantiates the necessity of redistribution of these powers at each stage in connection with the formation of the Belarusian development path.
The analysis of more than 20 definitions of the term «socio-economic security», formulated by the economists of the former Soviet republics, the definitions from official documents of Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Russia, and more than 10 definitions, given by the scientists from the developed countries (USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Spain), shows that each group of countries uses different approaches. So, in the post-Soviet countries, most of the definitions are given through the prism of «interests», in post-socialist countries - by measuring the impact on international security and in developed countries - through the concept of «sustainability». It should be stressed that the world practice of providing a country’s socio-economic security is vast and diverse. In this paper, we propose to consider the security experience of Japan. This country has considerable economic experience, including ensuring their own socio-economic security.
Large chaebols, which play an important role in national economics, continue to be one of the main factors of economic success of the Republic of Korea. This article deals with the history of establishing of the South Korean model of corporate governance and the main factors of its formation. South Korean and Japanese models are compared and their common and distinctive features are identified. The specificity of interaction between the state and South Korean holding companies is analyzed. Practical significance and novelty consist in the comprehensive study of the phenomena «chaebols» and in comparison of the South Korean and Japanese models of corporate governance.
The article considers the main global trends in the modern employment and labour market and their impact on the national employment market in Belarus that predetermines the leading directions of state institutional regulation in this sphere.
The article analyzes some aspects of the basic civil law principle - the equality of rights of civil relation participants - in terms of its content in the Belarusian legislation as well as some aspects of its realization within supranational acts, law enforcement activity and acts of the Eurasian Economic union.
In the Belarusian political process, the institutions of traditional religions are like the actors, which have a significant support of the population, have a broad social base and actively cooperate with the government in order to achieve certain goals. The authors reveal the differences between the level of declared religiosity and activity of religious life. Religious processes significantly influence the political development of modern Belarus. The article presents the influence of religion on political life, reveals the importance of its ideological potential and attempts to predict the future development of public-confessional relationships and find the optimal model of state-religious policy and religious security for modern Belarus. Thus, a number of recommendations in order to improve the legislative framework on the cooperation between government institutions and religious organizations are offered.
The article analyzes various opinions on the legal nature of subrogation, deals with the relationship between subrogation and assignment of claim, subrogation and recourse, and also indicates some practical aspects of the correct definition of the nature of subrogation in insurance relations. Having come to the conclusion that subrogation is a kind of singular (private) succession, the authors point out the need for further theoretical research in this field, which will inevitably impact the effectiveness of the insurance law institution and the tasks it is faced with.
The article presents the results of the elections (February 18, 2018) of deputies of local Councils of Deputies of the Republic of Belarus of the twenty-eighth convocation. The competences of the local Council of Deputies, the main functions and powers of the deputies of local Councils of Deputies, the forms of their activities in the constituencies, their rights and responsibilities are discussed. Specific examples of decisions made and their implementation by local Councils of Deputies are provided.
The article gives a brief analysis of the election campaign for local government bodies of the Republic of Belarus and presents statistics on the election of deputies to the local Councils of Deputies (February 18, 2018). Peculiarity of candidates’ nomination process and election campaign monitoring are considered. The practice of holding elections to local Councils of Deputies confirms the existence of legislative basis for effective and democratic elections conduct. The directions for law enforcement practices improvement are indicated.
The article analyses the inbound tourism development indicators in the Republic of Belarus in 2010-2016 and considers the country’s tourism potential on the basis of the available opportunities for the development of the industry. It presents its objects, types and varieties, analyses the conducted activities that are important for the development of the separate tourist market segments and promotion of the tourism potential of Belarus in the international arena.
The article characterizes the essence and role of power-management relations in the process of a modern network society. Four types of a social network power are differentiated. The structure and functions of management in information and communication interactions are exposed. The role of man as the subject and object of these interactions is revealed.
The article analyzes the legislation of the Republic of Belarus in the field of investments in terms of protection of the State’s property interests in case of the investor’s failure to fulfill the obligations under the investment agreement.
This article describes today’s Ukraine at the stage of public administration reforming. The public administration reform in Ukraine is crucially important for building a European democratic society. The essence of the reform, as well as the regulatory and legal acts adopted within the framework of the reform are given. Great attention is paid to the regional level. The author describes the experience of Poland, the structure of its government administration and provides the comparative table of their governor’s powers and those of the future prefect in Ukraine. The author provides recommendations on reforming the system of public administration taking into account the situation in the country.
The article considers the history of formation and development of non-custodial types of punishment and their social conditioning in different historical periods. The conducted study substantiates the need of reforming these types of punishment and suggests the ways to improve them for a more effective application and execution.
The article continues to analyze the development stages of a legal technique doctrine. It considers the development dynamics of the scientific legal technique concepts from 1991 to the present time. It draws the conclusion about the availability of the legal technique theory in legal science. The results of the scientific research have influenced the reflection of the legal technique problems in educational literature, including special textbooks.
The article presents the author's approach to determining the country’s competitiveness, where the main goal is the formation of a self-sufficient economy. The main way to achieve this goal is innovation. The problems of innovation processes management in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. A retrospective analysis of the state's managerial decisions in the sphere of industrial-innovative development of the national economy is carried out. In particular, the analysis of the implementation of the State Program on Forced Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014 and 2015-2019 is carried out. Accomplishments and shortcomings in the implementation of innovation policy are considered, and the main directions in increasing the effectiveness of management decision making are identified.
The article deals with modern tools of process management, ensuring the formation and implementation of business processes to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise.
The article is devoted to the scientific approaches of the civil service institution development. The approaches include the improvement of the requirements for the selection of candidates for civil service, the evaluation of civil servants, and their training. The authors study the creation of communication environment that provide the effective functioning of this institution.
The article presents the main characteristics of the real estate market functioning in current economic conditions. It considers its functional structure and reveals the specific features that exert a significant influence on its functioning mechanisms. Based on the analysis of characteristics, functions, mechanisms and segments of the real estate market, as well as the features of its development in the Republic of Belarus, the author proposes the definition of the «real estate market» concept. It allows taking into account and coordinating both legal and economic interests of economic entities and individuals in the real estate market, considering and studying the mechanisms of its management.
The article analyzes key competences of the state in the development of economic policy. The importance of defining priorities for implementing the idea of strategic planning based on foreign experience and economic policy instruments is reflected. The growth of the well-being of the population is seen as the most important priority of the country’s economic policy. The prospects for the development of the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the context of its membership in the EAEC and the public stance on the functioning of this integration association and possible threats to economic development are discussed.
The article shows that the development of a new economy, expansion of globalization, strengthening of societal informatization influence social and labor relations. Changes in the components of labor relations that characterize the current stage of economic development are considered.
The article considers state and civil initiatives as the elements of public policy. It introduces their main properties and discloses the purpose and content of the used components. The author applies the methods of system analysis, the theory of hypercomplex dynamic systems and defines social development tendencies and the mutual influence of state and civil initiatives as its factor. The article underlines the growing role of personality in the transitional period, intensification of the active component in solving contemporary social problems. It marks the significant key processes and phenomena, as well as their components that affect the country’s progressive development and an effective social construction.