The article offers a review of current issues of development and introduction of the business process management system in a commercial bank, shows the necessity of change management on the basis of the architectural approach to designing the business model of a bank in the digital transformation environment.
The article deals with the main opportunities for using BigData technology to assess the credit risks of corporate clients, individuals. Important points are singled out for the difference between BigData technology and traditional methods of credit risk assessment. The effectiveness of using the credit risk assessment system on practical examples of banks' introduction is considered.
The Concept of state regulation of the institute of ownership, that provides for a comprehensive implementation of ownership directions and tasks for improving the state regulation of the institute of ownership with regard to optimizing the correlation of types of ownership, introducing a tight monetary policy, national economic planning, taking into account the development of targeted strategic programs, the planned establishment of state ownership, support domestic production through the introduction of protectionist measures, etc. has been developed. It identified the expected results at the end of the Concept implementation and indicators by which to assess the degree of the objective achievement.
The article justifies the application of the cost approach of the invention evaluation in the pharmaceutical industry. An algorithm for the formation of the value of an industrial property object in the pharmaceutical industry has been developed, allowing to obtain reliable accounting information on the costs incurred for the created industrial property object, taking into account both the final result of innovation activity and its individual stages.
The article examines and classifies politicized public associations operating in the Republic of Belarus, retrospectively tracks deformation steps of politicized public associations, identifies main areas of cooperation between the politicized public associations and political parties.
The article reports on features of electric power industry of the Republic of Belarus. It considers the necessity of reforming the industry. The difficult economic situation, the contradiction of long-term plans for current development, inefficient use of resources all require the demonopolization of the industry and the transition to a new level of development based on the transformation of both individual enterprises and the industry as a whole.
In this article the author offers the forecasting methods of estimated figures of a university human resources capital by academic teaching staff, based on artificial neural networks theory. The offered methods will enable a university's management to forecast both qualitative and quantitative changes in a university's human resources capital, which, in its turn, will enable to define its perspective development directions and increase the efficiency of a university's HR capital management in general.
This article is dedicated to researching the approaches, based on the effective data aggregation and processing, to insuring against the possible loss/damage and ensuring the just risk splitting in situations of uncertainty within the stakeholder relation system. This allows for attracting a broader spectrum of stakeholders, which, in its turn, raises the probability for implementing the national projects in upbringing children and protecting their rights. It also puts background for introducing the innovative approaches to further development of the stakeholder relation system in order to ensure its sustainable development.
This article addresses the hypothesis that women could be naturally prepared for a diplomatic career, not only for public or citizen diplomacy, but also for professional diplomacy, which is supported by some scientific publications. Moreover, arguments presented by career Ambassadors from several countries, suggest that the female gender is equipped with innate qualities and abilities that would benefit any state's diplomacy in the world. The article goes beyond the feminist speech of gender equality, but without suggesting that discriminatory aspects, such as physical appearance, are the ones that could give them greater aptitude for this profession.
The author of the article studies new measures to improve the effectiveness of enforcement proceedings such as the development of the institution of reconciliation at the stage of execution proceedings and alternative ways of conflict resolution. The emphasis is on the determination of the effective ways to improve the quality of executive documents execution, i.e. bringing debtors to criminal and administrative responsibility, which will improve the effectiveness of enforcement proceedings.
The article deals with the interconnected components of public opinion, its functions and tasks, which together determine its dynamically changing structure. The main features of social communication are analyzed. It is shown that social networks have the ability to concentrate information to form the positions of various groups of the population, to strengthen or weaken their adherence to certain worldview positions and political preferences. At the same time, rapidly developing technologies for shaping public opinion through social networks make it possible to consolidate society in the process of forming and strengthening the civil positions of the population.
The article analyzes the classical and systemic approaches to the definition of «investment attractiveness». The author's definition of the concept «investment attractiveness of commercial real estate object» is offered. As a tool for assessing the investment attractiveness, it is proposed to use the investment attractiveness coefficient of a commercial property. To develop a technique for the assessment of investment appeal of a commercial real estate separate object the algorithm of calculating the coefficient of an assessment of investment appeal of a commercial real estate object by determining the quantitative indicator is offered. The mechanism of using the coefficient of investment attractiveness estimation for an individual investor is developed.
The methodology for integrated process management is presented, the stages of its implementation are described, and its practical application aspects are given through the example of budget revenues by fines. The author proposes definitions of the basic concepts of the methodology and the features of their use, which provide for the competent application of the methodology in the integrated process management. This approach is applied to budget revenues, but apparently, it can be used in other problem areas.
The authors present an approach to the evaluation of changes (in actions, knowledge and skills) concerning the managerial personnel competence in the era of digital transformation of economy and information society formation. The research of the subject area “administration” was conducted on the basis of the ontological approach. The latter is presented in the Occupational Standard as the data on complex functions, which include information about 536 actions, 776 pieces of knowledge and 677 skills (1 827 elements). The sampling can be considered representative. Based on modern methods of research and special criteria offered by the authors, the quantitative estimates of the extent of change in managerial personnel work at five levels of organizational hierarchy have been calculated. Digital transformation has a significant impact on managerial personnel work in an organisation, as it has modified 1 222 elements of actions, knowledge and skills combined (or 67 % of the total number of 1 827 elements). The research has also revealed that there exists a significant modification as for the actions performed by managerial personnel, especially in regard to unit managers (163 actions), followed by line managers (114 actions), heads of organisations (98 actions), their deputies (88 actions) and stakeholders (29 actions). In conclusion, the authors stress that the curricula for retraining of different categories of managerial personnel should vary in length. It is also shown that the scope of automation of functions and managerial processes is different and transactional costs, as a rule, decrease. The approach developed and the quantitative estimates of the extent of change in actions, knowledge and skills can be used as a starting point for the development of retraining curricula and professional self-education of managerial personnel, educational standards, plans and disciplines revision.
The article deals with legal acts affecting the foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus in 1990-2000. Three sections are structurally distinguished: the formation of the concept of foreign policy, the regulation of foreign economic and foreign policy activities, the legislative formulation of powers in the sphere of foreign policy. The author suggests classifications of the legislative base of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of foreign policy for the period of adoption of acts, organization of activities in the sphere of foreign policy, hierarchy of issuing legislative acts.
The article presents the history and prospects of implementation of the automated cloud information system “Kundelik” for the implementation of the goals and directions of improvement of educational processes in accordance with the State program of education development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019. It is shown that insufficient development of public-private partnership (PPP) system as well as weak development of informatization in education are considered as the main constraints. The use of the PPP mechanism makes it possible to optimally distribute risks between the public and private sectors and achieve significant socio-economic and budgetary performance indicators for the state, as well as the necessary indicators of financial efficiency for the private investor.
In the article, the obligation of public authorities to provide information to the public about the quality of drinking water in Ukraine is explored as one of the directions of the state water policy. Attention is focused on the fact that the legal regulation of information on the quality of drinking water is often carried out in the context of environmental information. Based on the critical evaluation of different approaches to the formulation of the content of the terms "environmental information" and "information about the quality of drinking water", the author's definition is given. The conducted political and legal analysis of providing the population with information about the quality of drinking water in Ukraine made it possible to propose a mechanism for its provision by the public administration authorities as a set of successive stages. The conclusion is made about the need to improve legislation regulating the provision of the Ukrainian population with information on the quality of drinking water.
The article analyzes the possibilities and describes the results of the modern media-analytics. Numerous examples of electronic information resources and virtual social networks monitoring with the use of webometrics and political mediametry are presented. Moreover, global trends regarding Think Tanks creation and traditional mass media functioning are analyzed.
The article substantiates the necessity of developing the Information Code in the Republic of Belarus. The author distinguishes its main formal and semantic (informative) structural elements, offering the content of the General, Special and Specific units.
The article analyzes the mechanisms of implementation of the National action plan for implementation of the Convention on the rights of the disabled (2017-2025) in the Republic of Belarus in the framework of the implementation of plans and programmes for the development of barrier-free environment tailored to the needs of citizens with disabilities. The complexity of the concept of "accessible environment", the multi-leveled system of managing the accessibility process are analyzed. The article gives recommendations on managing the process of adaptation of services based on the results of preliminary assessment of every organization that provides services to the population, and making services for the disabled available in the society.
The problem of modern regional press is the gap between the theory and practice of journalism, between the innovations of journalistic science and the palliative views on the nature of journalistic creativity. Photojournalism, as the highest stage of journalism, reinforces the ideological impact of publications of the periodical press on the minds of readers. It is capable of raising the local press to a higher quality level with the inherent functions of a collective propagandist, agitator and organizer.
The article analyzes the commercialization of intellectual property objects of Belarus and China in 2001-2016 in terms of “payment for the use of intellectual property objects”, “trade in high-tech goods (percentage of exported products)”, “the share of countries in world high-tech exports”.
The definition of the «youth parliament», its content and legal basis of youth parliaments in the Republic of Belarus is analyzed. The development and formation of the system of the youth parliamentarism in the country in historical retrospective are researched.
The article examines the topical aspects of innovation policy, the relevant framework conditions and their impact on the development of innovative activities in Germany and Belarus. The results of innovation policy are determined by differences in the supply of innovations and approaches to their commercialization. The article analyzes the features of the current innovation policy and identifies opportunities for the development of opportunities for innovation in Belarus.