The article presents a chronological analysis of the formation and development of the warehouse infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of the size of warehouse space, the supply of trade and storage areas of the regions of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the number of infrastructures in the regions of the Republic of Belarus. Based on the obtained results, the features of the development of the warehouse infrastructure of the country were identified, recommendations and directions for its further development were developed.
The article presents some topical issues of foreign language for specific purposes teaching in higher educational establishments. Modern foreign language teaching approaches and methods are being analysed. The results of the annual students’ survey launched by the Department of Foreign Language Communication at the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus are provided. The authors single out some peculiarities of future managerial personnel foreign language for specific purposes teaching.
The article examines the directions of changes in the modern interests system of personnel. New elements of the motivational and stimulating system structure are rationalized. Its model, which takes into account the impact of the transition to the sixth technological wave, is suggested.
The article considers the basic principles of analytical assessment and planning of regional development in the Republic of Belarus. A methodology for assessing governance level of social and economic activities of regions has been developed. The level of social and economic development diagnosis of the Brest region in 2017 is presented as an example. Some recommendations for increasing competitiveness and ensuring sustainable development of the regions of the Republic of Belarus are given.
The article under consideration deals with philosophical foundations of critical theory as a conceptually integral paradigm of modern humanities. The author has studied its emancipatory dimension based on the program of transformation of society with the principles of justice and rationality. The article also considers the concepts of the most representational adherents of this theory and reveals the importance of discursive practices as the basis of sociocultural transformations in modern critical theory. The author reconstructs the main concepts of J. Habermas’s communicative model and R. Forst’s critical theory of justice as the realization of the “right to acquittal”.
The article presents efficiency evaluation for investments in the creation of rural tourist objects «Farmstead», «Agrotourist Complex» and «Agrotourist Village». Particular attention is paid to the assessment of investment costs amount and sensitivity analysis for specified model tourist objects.
The article analyzes the theoretical and practical aspects of the formation and development of e-government in the Republic of Belarus and abroad. Electronic government (e-Government) is considered as a new concept of public administration, involving interactive interaction of its subjects within a single portal of public electronic services. The experience of various states in the development and improvement of the e-government system is analyzed. The authors note the successes of the Republic of Belarus in creating the e-government infrastructure, which is reflected in the UN E-Government Survey 2018 rating. At the same time, the authors emphasize further improvement of the normative acts regulating this process (in particular, the State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy and the Information Society for 2016-2020), in the direction of specifying the goals and objectives, as well as the customers of the corresponding subprograms.
The article substantiates the important role that a foreign language currently plays in forming and mastering professional and cross-cultural skills and competences while pursuing a master’s degree. The authors described the experience of the department of cross-cultural communication of the Academy of public administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus in working out and organising entrance tests and examinations for applicants as well as teaching the discipline «Foreign Language (Professional Vocabulary)» for masters of different specialties.
The key point of the study in the analysis of scientific and theoretical aspects of the legal regulation of public relations is the consideration of issues related to the transformation of views on the issues of the concept and types of legal regulation. It is argued that the ideas about the legal regulation of social relations, originated at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries, were further developed in the Soviet and modern legal science. Types of legal regulation are normative and individual legal regulation, which organically complement each other and contribute to the resolution of all emerging life situations that require legal regulation.
The article presents an analysis of possible geopolitical consequences of the widespread implementation or renewable energy sources on the basis of the review of the main theoretical publications on this matter as well as an evaluation of the relevance of such research for the Republic of Belarus. Structural changes in the world energy system involving a shift from legacy energy resources to environmentally clean sources can result in significant geopolitical consequences that still need to be assessed, including those from the perspective of individual countries and regions. Geopolitical consequences may be direct (caused by the nature of renewable energy sources) or indirect (caused by energy markets changes).
The article presents the main methodological approaches to studying and assessing public health. The significance of its social determinants is updated. The main trends as well as medical and social problems of public health in the current context are being analyzed. The role of social institutions in public health responsibility-sharing is outlined. Public administration measures implemented in Belarus and the role of innovative development of regions in the formation of health-saving policies are presented. The role of local communities in risk prevention of ineffective implementation of health-saving policies is underlined.
The article discusses the historical experience of management training in the BSSR in the 1920s and 1930s. The evolution of educational institutions for the training of Soviet management personnel in the BSSR is investigated. The processes of creating an educational and material base, an organizational structure, and a staff of learners are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the development of the educational process for training, retraining and further training of managers in institutions and short-term courses.
The national innovation system is considered in the context of an institutional matrix - an effective balance of a complementary combination of distribution and self-regulatory institutions and institutional forms. The author reveals the sociodynamic essence of sustainable innovative development which determines the investment attractiveness of the national innovation system in the state. In this regard, the article emphasizes a special importance of public-private partnership development.
The article is devoted to the development of local self-government in the Republic of Belarus in the context by the European Charter of Local Self-Government for the countries applying for its ratification. It is concluded that, on the whole, the national legislation in this area corresponds to the provisions of the Charter. At the same time, the need to strengthen the economic basis of local self-government and the development of law enforcement practices, taking into account the best European standards, are underlined. A number of proposals are being made to improve the legislation as well as to develop democracy at the local level.
The article deals with the possibility of management improvement of the local social network of the administrative-territorial unit with decentralization and situational delegation of authority to the network groups of the local community. The proposals are aimed at developing management mechanisms and technologies for interaction of representatives of the hierarchical structures of local government bodies with active groups of the administrative-territorial unit which form social networks. When forming a plan for empowering the population to participate in local governance, it is recommended to apply the package principle of problems combining.
The article is devoted to the current assessment and attestation system of civil servants in Republic of Belarus, its shortcomings and relevance of its improvement.The author introduces a new framework of civil servants’ performance evaluation based on the research, domestic and foreign experience as well as legislation of different countries. The article also outlines the principles and features of the proposed model, attestation being its integral part.
The article highlights the features of the choice of countries with export potential for a particular product, based on the criteria of remoteness / proximity of technical regulation systems of the exporting country and countries of destination.
The analysis of organizational and legal bases of the grain market state regulation, tendencies of their changes and development in time is carried out. Proposals for improving the state policy of grain market regulation as a key element of the agrarian sector have been put forward.
The article presents the analysis of the problems of the economic mechanism functioning in the system of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) as an integral system of interrelated levers and relations in market conditions. The basic elements of the economic mechanism and features of their functioning are revealed, the necessity of its improvement is proved.
The article shows that, based on a study of social morality, it is possible to identify negative phenomena that entail the emergence of corrupt relations. The effectiveness of anti-corruption activities depends on the degree of cognition of the moral imperfections of an individual, that is, the sphere in which the rudiments of corruption behavior appear. The analysis of some customs and traditions, historically formed in society, made it possible to conclude that there are some negative aspects that contribute to the emergence of corruption relations. Their change is possible by forming a different attitude to the corruption component of customs and traditions, based on the upbringing of a person’s moral integrity.
The development of criteria for harmonizing micro- and macroeconomic interests is a rather labor-consuming methodological task. The difficulty lies in the fact that its solution requires a multifaceted approach, the development of issues from the standpoint of political economy, the theory and practice of state building and public administration, its legal support, as well as philosophy and sociology. There is no doubt that the solution of this difficult problem is possible only within the framework of systematic studies of economic processes and generalization of their results. In the center of institutional reforms are not only the problems of formation of social utility of the goods, but also the problem of constant reduction of socially important costs for its creation. It is necessary to arrange so that any member of financial and economic process received the income depending on usefulness which he or she gives to society. The establishment of institutions of coercion was important in resolving the problem. With their support, it is likely to overcome the opposition of market players who are obliged to adapt to the macroeconomic situation.
Analyzed are the points of view of Russian and domestic authors in the legal literature on the controversial problem that still remains with respect to the concept, essence and characteristics of the subject of constitutional law as a fundamental branch, and their strengths and weaknesses are noted. The author’s position on this issue is given.
The article under consideration is based on management theory and deals with the basics of the management system for the protection of national economic interests, its main elements, a mechanism for timely response and active impact on any threats (purpose, situation problem, solution), types of organizational structures (linear, functional, linear-functional, results-based), formation order, conditions of functioning, the status of subjects of protection (objective, task, function, subject, responsibilities, their classification), violations in defining their competence, ways of regulation (amendments), system support, the need for modeling, the provisional design of the distribution of competences.
The article examines the main aspects and trends of the process of legal globalization. Based on the study of international experience and the study of the national legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the basic forms of legal globalization are analyzed, their interrelation is revealed. The basic characteristics of the implementation of the norms of international law, legal internationalization and legal integration are singled out in the context of their implementation within the framework of the peculiarities of national legislation. The potential consequences of legal integration as threats to the sovereignty and national interests of individual states are highlighted. The special relevance of this issue to the Republic of Belarus is noted in connection with the constantly evolving Eurasian economic integration, where our country is a participant.
The article reflects the origin and development of state-building processes on the territory of Belarus in a historical retrospective. The author notes that even in the Middle Ages, ideas about statehood were based on the principle of the spiritual and moral inherent value of a man, the ideas of interstate and inter-ethnic harmony and mutual understanding. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the national idea took shape as the spiritual and ideological imperative of the formation of an independent and self-governing Belarusian national statehood. It embodied in the proclaimed BSSR, but took shape as a full-fledged sovereignty of the people in the early 1990s. The basic values of the people of Belarus, their traditions and historical experience were formulated in the state-legal norms, which have approved the notion «state for the people» in public consciousness and political-legal vocabulary. At the same time, the citizenship of a particular person is an important factor in the development and strengthening of the national Belarusian statehood.
The article deals with geopolitical concepts of foreign policy, which had formed the U.S. global strategy as an instrument of establishing the new world order. These concepts are the following: the moving “Frontier” concept, the “anaconda” concept, the “Heartland” concept, the “Rimland” concept and etc. Analysis of the above concepts allows to consider the U.S. foreign policy as a geostrategy. Geopolitical causes of the U.S. countering Eurasian integration process are being revealed.