The definitions of the concepts «legal methods», « constitutional law methods» given in the legal literature are analyzed, their strengths and weaknesses are noted. The author’s position on this issue is presented. It is noted that it will be more correct to talk about the methods of constitutional and legal regulation, and not about the methods of constitutional law. The definition of this method should reflect the subject endowed with the right to regulate constitutional and legal relations, the importance of these relations and the purpose of constitutional and legal regulation. Proceeding from this, the author offers his own interpretation of the concept of the method of constitutional and legal regulation. It is also noted that there is a certain range of opinions among scientists on the types of methods in law in general and constitutional law, in particular.
The article gives an assessment of the state of the border security of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage. Based on the current system of official views, the national interests of the Republic of Belarus on the state border (in the border area) are formulated, as well as the goals, objectives and principles of ensuring border security. Priority directions of state activities aimed at strengthening border security in the medium term have been identified. It was proposed to clarify the conceptual positions in the field of ensuring the border security of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account the emerging situation in the border area.
An overview of the legislation of Turkmenistan on administrative procedures is given. Trends in the development of administrative legislation are highlighted. Particular attention is paid to the issues of discretion and other appraisal concepts as constituent parts of the administrative legal relationship.
The article considers the existing economic and financial situation in the agricultural organizations of the national agroindustrial complex, analyzes the available forms and methods of management, suggests ways of enhancing the agro-industrial production management by improving the personnel policy and using promising forms of management based on integration interaction.
The article considers the objective conditionality, features and advantages of bioeconomics as a new model of social and economic development. It substantiates the role of bioeconomics in solving employment problems and affirming the principle of decent employment.
The article deals with preferential rights, which can arise in hereditary, corporate, property and liability legal relations. The author proposes a classification of preferential rights arising in the sphere of corporate legal relations, based on such criteria as the organizational and legal form and legal status of the subject with the pre-emptive right, as well as the object for the acquisition of which the preferential right of the holder is directed.
Reasons for the shortcomings and problems of personnel policy in the sphere of public administration in Ukraine are clarified. They occur due to the violation of the principles, according to which civil servants are hired on the basis of their achievements; lack of transparency in the work of civil servants; weak accountability; lack of modern tools of human resource management and training; imbalance in the remuneration system; high turnover of staff in public service (15 %); subjectivity in promotion; insufficient number of highly qualified personnel in management and other positions in the civil service; high level of corruption; gender imbalance; low enough span of control (control scale).
The article examines the main trends of European policy towards small and medium-sized businesses in the 1990s. In historical retrospect, the content of the European Union’s public policy towards small and medium-sized businesses is considered in the third wave of integration of the European Union, the provisions of the Program of Action for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, the White Paper of Growth, Competitiveness, and Employment.
This paper analyzes the relationship between the education, in-service training of public servants in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the results of their activities in the field of planning and management of the sustainable development processes. It is shown that innovative management technologies have ensured the country’s success in achieving the sustainable development goals. The reports of the World Bank and different international institutions show that in terms of energy efficiency, as an indicator of sustainable development, Azerbaijan currently occupies a leading position in the region and in the world.
The article is dedicated to the current problems of functioning of the Belarusian Railways, which include both organization of the transportation process and the development of the railway infrastructure. The analysis of a result performance indicator of the country’s rail transport and of the available means of production was performed, the main problems were defined and a promising direction of their solution was identified.
The essence of the state gender policy at the present stage in the Republic of Belarus is substantiated. The regional aspects of the implementation of the National Plan of Action for Gender Equality for 2017-2020 are disclosed. The proposals of the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus for inclusion in the Regional Plan for the Implementation of the Gender Policy of the Minsk City Executive Committee for 2017-2020 are presented.
The article deals with the U.S. foreign policy concepts that shaped messianic approach of American elites towards establishing the new world order. It stresses the continuity of the U.S. strategy as well as its constant goal, which is attaining global hegemony. Chronological analysis of formation and development of the conceptual foundations of the American foreign policy since the middle of 19th century until present has been undertaken.
The article is devoted to the research of the processes of interaction between the innovative and social functions of the state. The fulfillment of the innovative function by the modern state as one of the key directions of its activity at the beginning of the XXI century is substantiated. The main components of the state activity in the social sphere in the context of their interaction with the innovative function of the state are investigated. It is substantiated that the solution of the most important tasks of social development in modern conditions should be based on the use of advanced achievements of scientific and technical progress. The author proposes and substantiates a logical model of the interrelation between the innovative and the social function of the state.
The article stresses the importance of strengthening the competitiveness of Belarusian light industry companies. It describes the contribution of the knitwear branch to the consumer products manufacturing on a nationwide scale. Problematic issues of light industry development in general and knitwear branch in particular are analyzed. Some ways of solving the problems and directions for the development are given.
On the basis of the official statistics analysis and the results of a conducted study the article formulates the problems and identifies the causes of a systemic nature of the stable negative dynamics in the main economic indicators of communal property enterprises in the Republic of Belarus. This allowed revealing legal and economic grounds for the modernization of the existing practice of managing communal property organizations in the Republic of Belarus and offering a number of specific conceptual solutions to the identified problems.
The article is devoted to modern problems of norm-setting activity. It reflects the current typical shortcomings in this area, in particular, the instability of legislation, its redundancy. The main attention is paid to the need of developing a methodology to forecast the consequences of the regulatory legal act. It is stressed that the assessment should concern all the possible consequences, not only of a material nature. In this regard, the need for the development of the theory of economic analysis of law is noted. Proposals on how to improve legislation, to broaden the introduction of information technologies in the process of lawmaking are made.
The ways for increasing the management efficiency in the field of science and innovations are considered within the context of global trends. The recommendations on the participation of the state in stimulating the science and innovation activity are formulated.
The article considers modern information technologies in personnel management of state bodies, analyzes functional capabilities of HRM-systems and main development trends. More detailed consideration is given to the development and practice of using technologies for training and developing managerial personnel, informational support of personnel services of state bodies on the experience of the Academy.
The article examines the stages of scientific research development at the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus, describes its modern scientific potential, as well as the specifics of the organization of current public administration research processes. The issues of reformatting the information resources of the Academy (preparation and publication of electronic scientific and methodical aids, creation of virtual platforms on the internet and a scientific electronic library) are discussed. The role of scientific publications in the renewal of educational and methodological support of the educational process in the sphere of public administration is noted.
The article deals with the content of organizational work for the implementation of legal acts by public authorities. It covers clarification and specification of the management act, selection of executives, support of their activity and the importance of control in gathering information about the results of management.
The article reveals the objectives, goals, psychological elements in the control system of agencies and departments for emergencies, psychological traits of leadership and management styles. Much attention is paid to a decision-making process in the bodies, conflict management in the team, improvement of management system and to other important issues.
Many countries implementing the concept of e-government came to the understanding that in the process of building an effective system of public administration, it is necessary to involve not only officials but also civil society, creating the conditions for citizens to act not only as consumers of public services, but also as active participants - to provide feedback on the quality of work of state bodies and organizations, to give comments and recommendations. In the Republic of Belarus, a mechanism has been developed to take into account people’s opinions - a portal for rating the organizations that provide services and administrative procedures that support the life of the population. The portal allows anyone who ordered a service in a state organization to be heard. This enables the higher authorities to make decisions on the quality of the work of subordinate organizations not only on the basis of official indicators and statistics, but also taking into account the real opinions of people.
The article systematizes theoretical and methodological foundations for public policy analysis as a field of political science. The article classifies the categorical apparatus used in public administration theory (as a branch of policy analysis). Theoretical approaches to the public administration are compared with the types of state, management models, as well as public policy types. Policy analysis methods adequate for the scientific support of the political and public administration processes are classified. The conclusion about peculiarities of the political science development in the Republic of Belarus is made. The importance of public policy analysis in public administration and analysis of political mechanisms of governmental administration as a branch in the Belarusian politology is shown.
The article identifies and analyzes the first stages of the legal technique doctrine development from the formation of its theory to an independent scientific direction, developed at the end of the Soviet period. The author examines the dynamics of scientific concepts about the legal technique in these historical periods, defines the main characteristics and directions of its development.
Information on the use of scientific research results in making managerial decisions for minimizing the negative impact of economic activity on the integrity of ecosystems, improving the environmental situation in the country is presented. Scientific developments lie at the basis of rational integrated ecologically safe use and processing of natural resources, restoration of biological diversity, and solution of the waste management problem.
Taking into account the adopted program on radical education reform, issues of systemic acquisition of knowledge and skills by public servants and officials of local self-government of Turkmenistan adequate to socio-political transformations taking place in the country are considered. Leading specialists of ministries and departments, experienced managers of the country, scientists are involved in the educational process of the Academy of State Service under the President of Turkmenistan. In accordance with the requirements of time, the programs are updated, new teaching and methodical complexes are created, in particular, the complexes for the courses «Demographic forecasting» and «Gender equality». Professional retraining of managerial personnel assumes the acquisition of a new specialty as a result of the development of additional educational programs based on previous professional training.