The article provides the fundamental principles of the electoral programs of the President of the Republic of Belarus A. G. Lukashenko. Their implementation is considered as the development stages of the sovereign state, the sustained progress of the country towards democratization and the steady growth of economic welfare along with the strengthening of political institutions.
It is shown that due to the measures implemented under the state development programmes in Belarus, the country has successfully developed agricultural and food sectors of the economy. There is growth of labour productivity in the agricultural sector, improvement of the quality of agricultural products and increase in exports. At the same time, the limits defined by the Common agricultural policy of the European Union, have led to decline in profitability of the Polish agricultural products.
To promote innovation activity enterprises need to develop and implement new approaches which can improve the competitiveness of enterprises. Outsourcing is one of these new approaches. the article considers the comparative competitive advantage of outsourcing for small innovative enterprises.
The article describes the distinctive features of the socio-political and economic systems of Belarus in comparison with other countries of the former socialist bloc, which favored the process of centralization of authority under a semi-presidential form of government and the concentration of power in the hands of the President.
The article gives brief comparative analysis of Ukraine and Belarus in the aspect of the formation and development of statehood and political structure, national values and symbols, attitude to the russian language and Russian culture. The prospects of integration of Ukraine into the European Union and of Belarus into the Eurasian Union are considered.
The article discusses the contemporary issues of higher education within the framework of global practices and gives the author’s perspective view of its development.
The article discusses problems of anti-corruption enforcement. The laws and practices of the republic of belarus are analysed. Some “unconventional” proposals are made. The author states that corruption can be successfully combated only by finding new ways of influence.
The article reveals the concept of «corporate communication», which is becoming more widespread in modern companies. the main attention is paid to the nature of internal and external corporate communication interaction. The practice of constructing optimal internal communication system is studied on the example of one domestic enterprise
The article discusses the dynamics of the development of Free Economic Zones (FEZ) in Belarus and China within 2004 - 2013 time frames. The author analyses the reasons for the lack of effectiveness of the belarusian FEZ, provides recommendations on the improvement of their activities, taking into account that the current regional policy of belarus is focused on the formation of new growth points, and refers to the Chinese experience in the formation and functioning of FEZ.
The article presents the results of the nationwide sociological studies which certify the support of the belarusian model of presidential government, fully formed during the two decades, by the population of the Republic of Belarus, and focuses on the positive assessment of the transformations that have occurred over 20 years of reforms implemented after the first presidential election in Belarus. It also shows the attitude of the respondents to the significant transformations that have been taking place in the social, economic and political life of the country over recent years and gives their evaluation of the state’s possible prospects of political development, including participation in international associations.
The article presents the geometrized theory of a market economy as a nonlinear dynamic system, which can exist in different stationary states (economic structures). The family of market economy constitutive equations including the basic parameters such as supply and velocity of money, price level, quantity of goods, etc. has been derived. The identification of different stationary states and the basic ways of the transformation of a market economy are considered.
The article considers the issues of the improvement of the legislation regulating the activities of commercial legal entities and the advisability of such legal form as a closed joint stock company. It analyses the special aspects of the legal norms application aimed at improving the quality and availability of legal protection in this area, which will ultimately help to create a favorable legal climate for the entrepreneurial activities of small and medium business in the Republic of Belarus.
The article analyses the mounting inequality tendencies in the world based on the statistical data of the international ratings. it pays special attention to the way belarus tackles estrangement, social and economic inequality in comparison with the CIS countries and advanced industrial economies.
The article stresses the necessity and defines the direction of partnership between the Academy of Public Administration under the Aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus and the faculty of the General Staff of armed Forces of the Belarusian Military Academy in training of public and military administration experts.
The article considers the experience of Italy in the sphere of the regulation of State-Church relations. the author comes to the conclusion about the possibility of its use in modelling such relations in post-sovietic countries.
The article analyses the new edition of the model educational code of the CIS participating countries (General part), adopted by the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly in 2013, in the context of the legislative base development in educational sphere in modern conditions.
The article investigates the integrative nature of marketing in public administration and proves the necessity to analyse it not only as a non-profit marketing, but also as a social marketing, putting the main emphasis on the needs of the object of public administration.
The article discusses themaingoals, objectives, methodologyandmethodsoflegalmonitoringorganization and views it as a specific, legally valid activity, which should be a part of public administration.
The article traces the stages of progress of socio-economic systems in the frame of narrow specialization which allowed mankind to achieve great results in the fi of material life facilities. The principle of self- organization is presented as the basic priority for all the existing branches and as the main trend in the development of contemporary science. A paradigm shift in its development is seen as the most important current feature. The possible risks of using nanotechnologies that may lead to considerable intellectualization of social production are analysed. The state and prospects of the development of nanotechnologies in Belarus are considered.
The article estimates the period of twenty years of the contemporary history of Belarus, demonstrating that tendensy to traditional values can bring success.
The article considers the technique of parliamentary studies and training for deputies, the main features of a psychologist’s direct involvement in the game while teaching deputies the psychological basics of parliamentary activities, and the circumstances, which activate and aggravate the problem of improving professional and psychological training of deputies. The interactive teaching methods and simulation and gaming system of parliamentary training as a system of situational psychological skills training are disclosed. The technical means, which provide the interaction of all the participants of the parliamentary educational process, are submitted.
The essence of the concepts “state” and “statehood” are considered. The internal and external factors of statehood of the Republic of Belarus are analysed in detail by the author’s methodology. Data on inflation and other socio-economic problems of the country and the results of their successful resolution are presented. the conclusion is that successful and effective development of Belarus (the “Belarusian model”) is determined by coherent strategy proposed by the government.
The article considers the main components of human psychological health and suggests the ways of stress prevention and behavior management both to current and future leaders.
The effective functioning of health care system is determined by a well trained staff. For the innovative development of the country in general and health care system in particular professionals able to make effective decisions, develop and implement high-quality medical services are required. Public health professionals are the ones who according to their official duties play a key role in the implementation of the decisions made by executive authorities responsible for the national policy in the field of health care.
The article considers the essence and the topical issues of managerial economics, viewed as a science and an academic discipline. it presents the basic theoretical, methodological and practical questions settled in the framework of modern management. Special attention is paid to the problems of the administrative apparatus cost, optimization of its quantity, innovation economics, interrelation of managers and to the level of damages.
The article focuses on the pressing problem of ensuring religious security in Belarus. The author suggests considering the problem through the lenses of religious space and gives his own definitions of such concepts as “religious space” and “religious security”.
The article outlines the author's point of view on the historical origins of the Belarusian political and social culture, questions of national identity of the Belarusians, the stability of the Belarusian state, social and economic policy of the Belarusian authorities. it is shown that Belarus is functioning as an independent state with an alternative development policy, without ethnic strife and without challenging the borders with neighbouring countries.
The article analyses the procedural appellate models in the economic courts of the Republic of Belarus with the purpose of developing proposals for the improvement of legal regulation of the appellate institution in commercial proceedings.
The article analyses the transformations within the paradigm of ecologism and proves the shift from the ecocentric orientation to the recognition of economic factor as an important condition of ecological sustainability.