
Approaches to Determination of IT Professionals Training

Zenevich A., Punchik Z.

The article considers foreign experience in standardization of training maintenance of IT experts. The approach is to define training maintenance of this kind of experts in Belarus on the basis of requirements development for professional competences.

Aspects of Psychological Safety

Vishnevskaya V.

The paper considers the issues of psychological safety. It is noted that psychological safety is a multifaceted, multifunctional system, solving the problems of which requires the integration of various branches of scientific knowledge. The article draws attention to the need of maintaining the homeostasis of psychological safety, both within the state and at the international level, thus creating conditions for harmonious development of social consciousness, to a certain extent, ensuring national security.

Bureaucracy, Corruption and Government Effectiveness

Lubovskij V.

The article specifies supplementary measures to combat bureaucracy and corruption in the work of state bodies.

Comparative Analysis of Institutional and Economic Dynamics in Russia and Belarus (the 1990-ies)

Ivanov V., Ovsienko Y., Tikhonov A., Yasinsky Y.

Institutional transformations and economic dynamics in Russia and Belarus have been analyzed. Factors of economic growth in both the countries have been studied. It is shown that the Belarusian model of institutional transformations has provided greater and more sustainable economic growth, while the Russian model has proved to be ineffective despite huge rent incomes during the high oil prices period.

Competence Approach as a Matter of Communicative and Epistemological Analysis

Berkov V.

The article deals with the competence approach as the direction in teaching methodology that meets the vital needs of the information society. In axiological respect, it continues the humanistic tradition in pedagogy and is aimed at disclosing the creative forces of the human personality. A necessary condition for the effectiveness of the competence approach is a communicative and epistemological field, common for both the educator and the trainee, that is, firstly, a common language for them and, secondly, a common scientific methodology in its philosophical, general scientific, specific scientific and methodological terms when using it in research activities.

Conceptual Approaches to the Systematic and Structural Making of Versions in Crime Investigation

Yermolovich V., Galeznik M.

A conceptually new multi-level system of versions is offered and well-grounded in the article. Its integral composition is constantly claimed while investigating socially-dangerous acts.

Image of the Business Organizationand its Social Responsibility

Puzyryova Y.

The article tackles upon the issues of image formation of the business organization where social responsibility is represented as a basic link. The experiences of similar positioning of business structures of the Western countries, as well as that of Russia, our nearest neighbor, are considered. New prospects in cooperation of the state-owned sector, civil society and business are revealed as well as new perspectives of Belarus’ entering the international scene, owing to acceptance and gradual realization of the basic principles of social responsibility are underlined. The results of the resonance in Belarus are shown: the advent of professional competitions on the topic in question in which a considerable quantity of the Belarusian enterprises caring for their prestige and image participate.

Increasing Export Potential of the Pridvinsky Region by Staking on Import Substitution and Introduction of Innovative Products

Kosinets A.

This article analyzes the conditions created in the Vitebsk region, to develop competitive, innovative, resource- and energy-saving, environmentally friendly economic environment that will ensure further sustainable social and economic development of the region aimed at improving the quality of life of the public.

Integration in the Former Soviet Union Area: Prospects for Creation of the Eurasian Union

Babosov E.

Features of integration interactions between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are analyzed. Prospects of movement from the Customs Union through the Common Economic Space to the Eurasian Union are revealed. The role of these integration processes in the creation of a multipolar world is shown.

Optimization of Relations Between the State and a Citizen as a Most Important Factor for Increasing Effectiveness of Government

Vasilevich Gr.

The article considers the issues of mutual responsibility of state bodies and citizens and their more efficient collaboration.

Organizational Structure of Managing Social and Economic Facilities

Morozevich A.

The rapid social and economic complexity of objects and large-scale dynamic processes occurring in them require deep analysis for making effective managerial decisions. However, the instrumental base accumulated for this purpose in the humanitarian sphere has proved to be very poor. That is why both the experience of managing technical objects and the corresponding terminology are being increasingly and, which is more, quite successfully introduced into the social sphere. To use this experience managers must be able to somewhat formalize and abstract descriptions. Basics of such representations (both formal and abstract) are presented in this article which, despite such a serious statement, is more methodical than scientific. But the diagonal reading of it will not bring the expected (by the author) results.

Principal Conception Views on Counteraction for Terrorism

Smeyan A.

Elucidating terrorism incipient formation is one of necessary condition for its prevention and neutralization. The paper carries the analysis of modern views on terrorism as a social phenomenon, on its origins, approaches to its definition, as well as the classification of measures and methods of countering this phenomenon. The author comes to the conclusion that understanding the reason for transformation of the social processes into terrorism prevents its formation by the prompt and effective countering measures.

Reforming the Print Media in the Republic of Belarus in Terms of Globalization of Information Space

Bondareva A.

The article reveals the experience of government print media in reference to national strategies for sustainable development of a democratic, socially responsible government of Belarus and the possible threats posed by globalization of information space.

Reforming the System of Training Managerial Personal in Azerbaijan

Alekperova Ibrahim kyzy

The paper reveals the necessity in development and innitiation for a special program of training and retraining managerial personnel of the Azerbaijan Republic in order to optimize the activities of the Academy of Public Administration under the Aegis of President of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Regional Dimension of European Belt Neighbourhood Policy for the Republic of Belarus

Yesin R.

This article summarizes information on the status and prospects of forming a belt of good neighborliness. It also provides a brief description of the main provisions of essential concepts of the regional dimension of the European Neighbourhood policy belt for the Republic of Belarus.

Relationships of the State with Religious Organizations in the Republic of Belarus

Zemlyakov L.

The subject matter of the article is religion and its institutions in the sociological and political life of the Belarusian society at the end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st centuries. Much attention is paid to the content, character and dynamics of the relationships between the state and religious organizations, the development of the state policy in the sphere of religious relationships.

Sociological and Managerial Approach to the Organization of Social Services

Schetkina M.

The article is aimed to demonstrate that sociological and managerial approach to social service organizations enables us to analyze the generalities in regulating the system of social services on the basis of examining the relations between groups of people, arising in the process of providing social services, consider their interests and needs, assess status and trace dynamics of the levels of service amongst different population groups, estimate the degree of social protection of population as an integral indicator of the effectiveness of implemented social policies.

Software-Based Management and Quality Management System: Opportunities and Challenges for Organizational Optimization in Educational Institutions

Schöll Ingrid

The article gives a short overview of the usage of program products and quality management in a public educational institution. The target of the publication is to show how an educational institution using software and the system of quality management can cope with organizing and holding more than a thousand courses per semester in a national high school situated in a large city ensuring a high level of effectiveness, team spirit and perceptiveness to new trends and ideas. For the reader to get the idea of how public educational institutions belonging to municipal property function, there is a small historical preview of the development of national high schools in Germany (by example of Bonn).

Spirituality: Historic and Philosophical Explication of the Concept

Korotkaya T.

The article discloses the meanings of the concepts «pneuma» and «nous» in classic philosophy. It expands understanding of spirituality in Christianity and evolution of this concept in future evolvement of European philosophy.

State Administration of Belarus’ Competitiveness in the International Community: the Noosphere Approach

Nikitenko P.

The article considers from the perspective of the state noosphere approach theoretical, methodological and procedural issues of Belarus’ governance competitiveness in the system of international community of 95 countries. The article is recommended to the managerial personnel of all spheres and activities, academics, students and all those interested in the development of national and world economy.

State Protection as an Integrant Part of the National Security of the Republic of Belarus

Riabovolov V.

The paper determines the role of state protection in the national security policy in the frame of the new National Security Concept of the Republic of Belarus; formulates proposals for improving the legal regulation of security of protected persons and protected objects.

The Network of Goods Movement as the Basis for Foundation of the Logistics System

Gorodko M.

The analysis of advantages of introduction of modern logistical technologies on a particular manufacture is carried out, the factors influencing efficiency of economic indicators such as profit, regulation of warehouse stocks, decrease in production costs, etc. are defined.

Theoretical and Legal Issues in Improving the System of Administrative Penalties in the Republic of Belarus

Tagunov D., Sherstobitov A.

In the article the author gives the substantiation of necessary modifications and amendments in Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus concerning administrative responsibility of individual and collective subjects.

The Role of Public-Private Partnership in the Innovation Development

Kamenkov V., Aleksandrov D.

The article in question tackles upon the issues of defining the role of public-private partnership in innovative development of the society. In the article the concept of public-private partnership is defined, legal regulation of public-private partnership in the Republic of Belarus and abroad is analyzed. The authors pay special attention to examining the issues concerning the measures taken in the Republic of Belarus for development of public-private partnership in the Republic of Belarus.

The Role of the Family in Human Capital Development

Yashchuk A.

The author examines intelligence, health, knowledge, qualitative and productive labour, high quality of life as human capital. The family, being the basic unit of reproduction of human capital, accumulates and develops the abilities of its members, which are further manifested in the form of implementation of human capital in the economic system. In this regard, it is extremely important to consider the role of the family, ensuring the reproduction of human capital.

Topical Issues of the Belarusian State Development

Proleskovskiy O., Kryshtapovich L.

The article reveals the historic, civilizational and mental grounds of the Belarusian state formation. The attributive feature of the Belarusian state which determines its development in the modern conditions is being specified.



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