The article analyzes the legal status of linear structures as the objects of civil rights. To justify their assignment to capital real estate, their classification, characteristics of real estate objects and features of their state registration are considered. It also explores the issues associated with the classification of immovable objects and makes suggestions on the improvement of current legislation in the field of real estate.
The article analyzes theoretical and practical issues of public and private law features in civil service law relevant to modern Azerbaijani legal science. It is shown that civil service law interacts with other branches of law that regulate social relations arising between the state and the citizens, and contains all the elements related to sectoral foundations of independent branches of law. at the same time as the state service is included in the complex system of legal relations, civil service law has distinctive features. Based on the results of the analysis it was concluded that civil service law should be considered as an independent branch of law.
The article investigates the features of the functions of control and supervision, clarifies their forms and signs. Outlines different approaches of jurists to define the essence, legal nature and role of these legal phenomena. an important part of the article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of state control and supervision, their common and distinctive features. Analyzes the activity of the prosecutor’s office in the implementation of prosecutorial supervision.
The article discusses the methodology of studying the process of post-Soviet societies’ democratization on the basis of the historiography data.
The conception of dynamic chaos application as a possible basis for effective control of technical devices with some traits typical for animals was innovated in this article. multi-agent computer model of pseudo- animals population (“hidrotetropuses”) was developed to illustrate the principal scheme of the dynamic chaos adaptive control in netlogo environment. the model agents are controlled through measurement or parameter of discrete Verhulst equation. dynamic chaos makes it possible for simple systems to demonstrate complex and diverse individual behavior which at the same time is based on strict dynamic patterns.
The article considers the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus № 5 dated 15.12.2014 aimed at elimination of economic mismanagement, strengthening of industrial and technological, labour and performance discipline. it presents the results of the prosecutorial supervision in the sphere of economy, which was conducted in 2014 and was focused on observing the interests of the state when allocating financial resources, implementation of the strategic production development programs, investment policy, provision and use of land.
The article presents the main results of modernization of energy system as one of the most vital sectors of the national economy, conducted in the Republic of Belarus in 2014. It outlines the activities of the branch industries increasing their management efficiency in 2015.
The article examines the experience of developed countries in management of state support of agricultural production and analyzes the North American and Western European models of the agrarian sector support. it suggests the main ways to adapt the instruments of impact on the agricultural sector in the US and the EU to the conditions in the Republic of Belarus.
The formation of efficient and effective public service is one of the priorities of the administrative reform in Ukraine. The implementation of this priority requires competent and active civil servants, real appreciation of their role on the stage of Ukraine coming into being as a democratic, legal and social state. That is why introduction of the system of public authorities’ activities aimed at professional and career development of civil service personnel is of great importance nowadays. Successful solution of this problem depends to a large extent on the study and use of international experience. Indeed, in many developed countries public administration has long been recognized as a separate kind of socio-economic activities with a civil servant being its principle figure.
The article considers financial aspects of scientific-technical and innovation activities in Belarus and identifies the main problems of staffing and training in scientific sphere.
The article analyzes the influence of forecasting information on the formation of management solutions and substantiates the necessity of taking it into account. It also identifies the factors that impact the effectiveness of forecasting in public administration.
The article deals with a philosophical and methodological aspect of man-conformity in education and the role of the educational system in the post humanistic era. Data translation represents a way to the monological thinking, human behavior and communication, “widens” his outer boundaries and contributes to the loss of his aptitude to self-development. One can ensure the student's return to the Image as a unified vision of the world through studying of meta-object units.
The article considers the concept of land and its distinctive features as the object of land and civil matters. It analyzes its individualizing characteristics due to the combination of public and private elements. Proposals on the improvement of civil and land legislation regarding regulation of land relations in the Republic of Belarus are given.
The article examines the problem of public administration implementation in the sphere of crucial objects security. One of the solutions offered here is the use of theoretical and legal approaches, developed in the sphere of intersectoral public administration. Based on these approaches, we propose the elements of intersectoral public administration system in the sphere of crucial objects security and give its substantial features.
Public health is regarded as a productive sector that reduces economic losses of society caused by morbidity, disability and premature mortality of its members through preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative technologies.
The article shows that the main directions of housing construction development in the republic of belarus is the construction of rental housing, low house-building, introduction of progressive forms of financing, export of construction services. Implementation of the measures corresponding to these areas is impossible without strengthening the responsibility of senior officials of the industry and improving the efficiency of the construction industry in general.
The article gives a brief summary of the activities on the implementation of the decree of the president of the Republic of Belarus No. 5 dated December 15, 2014 that are intended to be held by the State Control Committee in 2015.
The article analyzes road traffic as a social system and reveals the contents of public relations developing in the course of its operation. The results of the study contribute to the understanding of this phenomenon as an object of public administration and let define the ways of law development in the sphere of road traffic regulation.
Thearticleanalyzesmodernapproachestodefiningpersonalfactorscontributingtothesuccessofmanagement activities, described in the articles of western and Russian authors. A lot of definitions of a modern leader are considered. different points of view on training and development of managerial staff are investigated.
The article presents the main indicators of economic development of the Grodno region in 2014, setting the pace of their growth in the long term. The successful development of the region in 2015 is linked to the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 5 dated December 15, 2014.
The article examines the relationship between foreign trade activities and the development of cross- cultural potential of staff. It shows the necessity of taking this factor into account while managing foreign economic activities, marking economic cross-cultural communications out of the general class of cross- cultural communications, expanding research in this sphere. It grounds the expediency of introduction of the corresponding course in the educational programs of higher and postgraduate education in economics
The article discusses the issues of efficiency improvement of the educational system in the Republic of Belarus in modern times.
The article considers the features of enforcement in the sphere of labor relationship and the forms of its realization. It shows that enforcement in labour relationship has a socio-legal nature and is constantly present within socio-legal sphere. The most preferable form of enforcement realization in the sphere of labour relationship is developed on the basis of the results of sociological research.
The article reveals the concept of the principle of treaty freedom. It defines the role of this principle to justify the possibility of mixed contracts.
N the second part of his research the author continues to highlight the results of the U.S.-China joint research on the issue of today's political development in China. The article analyzes the reforms conducted in China in 1980-1990, the problems that arose in the provision of public services and their solutions. It presents different perspectives of Chinese and American scientists on the development process of power decentralization in China, difficulties, peculiarities and prospects of democracy development at a basic level in China, social stability and sustainable development of society, the mechanisms of corruption occurrence and the ways to fight it.
The present article reflects the significance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 5 dated December 15, 2014 for the development of housing and communal services sector.
The article deals with the role of the state in export promotion. The Standard Cost Model has been used for the quantitative measurement of the administrative burdens. recommendations on the participation of the state in direct and indirect export promotion are given.
The article is devoted to the formation of qualification system for young managerial staff as an effective solution of personnel problems of talented youth on the basis of modern approaches in scientific and methodological support of the state personnel policy and mechanisms of its implementation, practical use of progressive domestic and foreign experience in the sphere of human resource management.
The article summarizes the main directions of the environmental activities of the Ministry of Natural resources and environmental protection and the measures being taken to ensure environmental safety.
The priority areas of enhancing the effectiveness of national economy management such as conducting concerted monetary, fiscal, investment, industrial and innovation policies are analyzed within the context of global trends.
Scientifically sound labor standards are considered as a basis for the production of competitive products and efficient operation of organizations. The problems that arise in the process of work standardization conducted by employers and their solutions are discussed.
The article presents an analysis of the concept “mechanisms of public administration” and highlights the basic public administration methods in postgraduate pedagogical education. The attention is focused on the appropriateness of a creative use of legal, institutional, financial and socio-psychological mechanisms of public administration in adult education that have successfully been tested and are effectively used in foreign countries.