The article touches upon the problem of autopsychological competence. The author describes the main approaches to the notion of autopsychological competence and its structure and singles out some criteria of a personality’s maturity.
Some prinsiples of the state organisation and activity are analyzed in the article. The author presents the scheme of constitutional balance as it was planned and realized by the originators of American Constitution. The balance of powers definition is givven. The structure of cheks and balances system realization secured in the present Constitution of the Repuhlic of Belarus is presented in the article.
The article presents an analytic survey of the basic modern scientific approaches to studying professional career and career orientations of a personality: philosophical, economic, sociological, pedagogical and psychological. Socio-economic, crosscultural, gender, subject-akmeological approaches are analysed by the authors.
The author reveals the role and the place of CIS in the context of new intergovernmental relationships formation on the post- Soviet area.
The EurAsEC activity on the international arena is analysed in the article. The main aims, tasks and priority directions of EurAsEC development in the context of implementing the programs aimed at integration of EurAsEC countries and rise ofliving standards of population are revealed
The article reveals the role and place of the Geneva based disarmament forums in international security architecture as well as the contribution of the Republic of Belarus into negotiation processes in the field of disarmament and arms limitation.
The article considers theoretical basis of the influence of state support on economic processes and analyzes effectiveness of particular kinds of industry state support in the Republic of Belarus. Measures of raising effectiveness of industry state support are suggested in the article.
The author analyses the cardinal issues of energy saving, effective and rational use of fuel and power supplies to ensure energy safety of the Republic of Belarus. He considers the possibilities of using non-traditional and renewahle energy sources in the view of the growing power price rise. The analysis of industrial implementation of power-effective technologies makes it possihle to formulate the main directions of power saving policy ensuring the decrease of power intensity of production and the increase of its competitive capacity.
Licensing in the legal regulation mechanism of business activity from different theoretical approaches is dealt with in the article. The analysis of different points of view on the nature of licensing is given. The essence of licensing of different kinds of activity as a complex social and law phenomenon constituting the basis of legal regulation of business activity is revealed.
The analysis of human rights and their moral foundations in European Christian civilization is presented in the article. The author defines spiritual parameters oj the Russian Orthodox Church in the modern paradigm of drawing up the dialogue of cultures and interreligious cooperation in European Christian civilization.
New meanings, technologies and practices of US geostrategy in Eurasia in the context of the geopolitical conception of «Heartland-Rimland» are investigated in the article. Special emphasis is laid on US conceptual approaches to geo-economic mastering and control of Eurasia owing to including in Rimland zone the post Soviet area to the prejudice of national interests of Russia and Belarus.
Innovation policy is presented as an aggregate of principles and actions of governmental agencies and organizations. Increasing innovation activity by means of prediction, stimulation, marketing and management of innovation is its objective. The structure of theinnovation policy, its comprehensive and multi-level character is presented in the article.
In his article Ministerfor Foreign Affairs of Russia S. Lavrov shares his assessments of integration processes on the post-Soviet area and perspectives of further development of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
The problems faced by legal entities in the process of carrying out their activity are analyzed in the article. Ways of solving them are suggested.
On the basis of fraud counteraction practice analysis the system of types of fraud regarding natural persons is given in the article as wel1 as a short description of the most actual means of this type of crime in modern conditions on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
The drawbacks of the enterprise investment planning system and the ways of overcoming them are shown in the article. The structure of the methodological provision of investment planning is grounded. An approach to the assessment of the economic investment effectiveness is worked out by the author.
The article deals withthe prohlems of complex methodological and organizational construction of analytic and planned work in the field of providing national security of the Republic of Belarus. The author suggests some new theoretical and methodological solutions of the prohlem.
The methods of quantitative estimation of the e-commerce development level, including the five stages of calculating the generalized parameter (structurization of purposes and problems of a commercial enterprise activity, estimation of economic efficiency of e-commerce, identification of significant factors and their quantitative estimation by consumers (buyers), calculation of estimation of the e-commerce development level, the analysis of the received results), allowing to define the state of commercial activity and being a basis factor for carrying out the analysis of the perspectives of its development by comparing with the worked out norm scale of the e-commerce development level are worked out by the author.
The article considers basic theoretical approaches to defining national-economic values of mineral resourses and provides economic, ecological-economicand ecological evaluation of the mineral resources of Belarus.
The problems of public administration system modification and social-economic processes regulation from the point of view of globalization and the construction of an effective state are viewed in the article. The main principles and trends of modernization in ideological, economic, financial, external economic and social spheres in the Republic of Belarus foreseen in the program of modernization of public administration and social-economic processes regulation worked out by the Academy of public administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus are formulated.
The author reveals cardinal issues of providing national and international security. He analyses the modern strategy of administration in the Repuhlic of Kazakhstan within the context of geopolitical and geoeconomic processes of the XXI century.
The article discusses the influence of the process of globalization on national law. It presents the analysis of the national legal system development taking into account the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and international acts in the field of human rights and freedoms.
The article initiates into the research and analysis of historical and contemporary aspects of proper notification of parties about the time and place of court proceedings in civil procedure. Basing on the investigation of historical and contemporary domestic and foreign experience in the sphere of proper notification of the parties of a civil process, we have developed suggestions and recommendations for theoretical and practical solution of the problem of the presence of the plaintiff and the defendant at civil proceedings.
The essence of social relations in informational sphere is revealed in the article. Main approaches conceming self-dependency of legal relations in informational sphere are analyzed. The analysis of national legislation norms regulating informational relations is made. The author’s definition of these relations is suggested.
Cardinal problems of intergovernmental relations and law institutions formation connected with the perspectives of creating a new international security architecture are considered in the article. The role and the place of the Republicof Belarus in the present geopolitical situation are defined.
The actuality of the problem of philosophic and synergetic paradigm of social administration is connected with the necessity to overcome out-of-date stereotypes of management and to create innovative approaches adequate to the complexity of contemporary social processes. Thus, synergetic approach as one of innovative approaches is looked upon as contemporary philosophic and synergetic paradigm gradually penetrating in the theory and practice of social administration. Special emphasis is laid on the analysis of mental transformations, thinking style, consciousness, world outlook which synergetic paradigm brings to social administration. Thus, the author’s use of the term of "philosophic and synergetic paradigm" can be considered rightful.
An approach to portfolio formation for educational and other students ’ achievements estimation applying a group self-appraisal method is worked out and suggested in the article. The essence of the method is that a group of students is a commission of experts and its every member is an object of examination realized by means of anonymous questionnaires when the distribution of estimations corresponds to normal law. The results of three experiments showing the efficiency of the method are presented in the article.
The author investigates the main forms and models of local government organization in the Republic of Belarus and defines the ways of improving the state regional politics and lосаl government in the Republic of Belarus.
The article deals with the problem of emotional intellect development of employees of an organization. Practical experience of the author, received in the process of conducting the training of emotional development of employees is analysed in the article.
Features of formation and functioning of the system of social safety of student youth in the context of the social policy of the modern Belarusian state are analyzed. The student youth is considered as a special social group and modern public transformations depend a lot on students social activity. The data of the sociological research conducted among students of the Belarusian State Technical University living in the hostels are presented in the article. A number of factors defining student’s activity in higher schools is revealed. The groups of educational and professional, communicative, material and everyday, organizational and administrative factors forming actual problems in the system of social safety policy of modern Belarusian students are discussed in the article. The ways of their solution are shown in perspective tendencies of the state youth policy of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage.
The article considers the issues of political socialization of the modern Belarusian youth on the basis of political science, official statistics and sociological research data.
The author reveals multiple vectors of the foreign policy of the Repuhlic of Belarus and the role of the Repuhlic of Belarus in its relations with the developing countries of Latin America and Caribbean basin countries. The state and perspectives of Belarus-Cuba relations are analyses in the article.
The peculiarities of the system of training and attestation of educational specialists for Academic Degree established in West-European Universities from the 12
The author reveals the causes of tendencies and regularities of the new architecture of international relationships formation at the present stage of historical development.
The formation process and the time history of the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus are analyzed in the article. The issues of the day are revealing. The vision of the ways of solution of the problems are suggests.
The article deals with the notion of written discourse. Levels of discourse comprehension and perception in accordance with the construction-integration theory of discourse comprehension by Kintsch and the model of discourse comprehension by Millis, Graesser and Zwaan, and the processes which are special for each level are considered in it.
The authors define the role and place of the Repuhlic of Moldova in the system of regional intergovernmental organizations in the context of new architecture of international relations development. Socio-economic relations of the Republic of Moldova with the Commonwealth of Independent States and European Community are analysed in the article. Main priority trends of the foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova are revealed.
The article considers the factors which should be taken into account in the process of innovation officials training. The importance of time-management is shown. Basic categories of time-management are given.
In his article speaks about the most problematic issues of Russia’s state system formation. The analysis of the lessons of history in the part of state formation and state govemment in all periods of the Russian State being is given. The sense of the occurred and expected ahead (at the beginning of the new century) events, based on deep investigation of Russian national character formation and peculiarities of Russian mentality isrevealed in the article.
The role and place of the Union state in the system of international relations are revealed in the article. Realization of programs and measures concerning different trends of the Union construction is analyzied.
In his article the author analyses the system of higher education of the Russian Federation in modern world and investigates educational community activity and intellectual and moral guiding lines formation of future world development.