The article considers the problems and prospects of implementing the state youth policy in modern Russia. It structures the basic elements of forming state policy in relation to the younger generation. The priority directions of the development of the state youth policy in the conditions of reforming are reasoned. The author pays attention to the specifics of the formation of the youth subject as active participant in carrying out the state youth policy in the Russian context.
The article considers the main difficulties of socioeconomic development of the Republic of Ecuador in the late twentieth century. It shows that the basis of its intercultural dialogue with other countries, including the South American countries and the Republic of Belarus, is the recognition of sovereignty, respect, mutual cognition and mutual enrichment. The main areas of this dialogue are education, science and innovation as the tools for creating the future, with an important role played by interparliamentary relations.
The article discusses the main internal causes of current economic problems in the Republic of Belarus, based on the analysis of statistical data, characterizing the economic development of the Republic of Belarus and the European Union countries. It considers the dominants for the next fiveyear period of the Belarusian economic development, the directions, structure and functions of the industrial policy for the coming period and measures to ensure its incentive and promotion. It shows the determining role of science in improving the efficiency of production and in forming hightech sectors of the economy.
The article considers the conditions for the creation of large clusters in the framework of the EAEU and analyzes current and future ways of promoting goods, technologies and capital on a common grocery market of the EAEU. It proposes the approaches for the development of the cluster policy of the Union member states and the formation of the Association cluster of the EAEU on its basis. The authors developed a model of the national cluster structure on the example of a meat sub complex.
He article considers the ways of reducing the cost of crops and livestock production. It shows that the application of modern resourcesaving technologies and modernization of material and technical base provided the positive dynamics in the production of the main types of livestock products and improving its quality.
The article gives the performance indicators of the industrial production and agriculture in Grodno region. It shows the positive dynamics of output growth in January - April 2016. It considers the measures aimed to reduce expenses on manufacture and sales of production (works, services), including decrease in fuel and energy resources consumption and optimization of the number of employees and management processes in general.
The article discusses the features of international integration of financial markets. The author reveals positive and negative effects of international integration as well as the risks for any particular economy, the financial market of which is involved in the integration process.
The article is devoted to the study of foreign experience in the use of flexible forms of employment, the conditions of flexibilization and flexibility protection policy.
The article considers the nature of social values’ influence on personal value orientations and the impact of value installations on occupational choices (profession). It substantiates the necessity of taking into account the influence of public opinion on the attitude to professional activities.
The article shows that the efficiency of industrial enterprises operating in different political and sociocultural systems varies depending on the requirements of the state, the mentality of the local workforce, knowledge and skills of the individual managers responsible for production and nonproduction units. This article provides several examples of how to achieve high efficiency.
The article reveals the status and problem field of the innovative model of governance in the context of network culture. It identifies the specifics of the communicative practice functioning in the network policy, economy and culture. It substantiates the necessity of the development of netiquette rules and regulations.
The article considers institutional basics of youth parliamentary as a system of representation of the rights and legitimate interests of the youth. It reveals the main directions and principles of the work of youth parliaments in modern Russia. The author pays attention to foreign experience in developing youth parliamentary. The article also presents the main directions of interaction between youth parliaments and the United Nations Organization within international youth exchanges.
The article considers the correlation of legal and nonlegal norms in the mechanism of social regulation in general and at the stage of lawmaking in particular. A complex sociological approach to the study of lawmaking showed that in modern conditions the framework for the future legal norms is built not only on the data of legal science, but also on philosophy, economics, sociology, psychology and natural sciences. A determinative stage of lawmaking is to define the areas in which the suggested enactments and nonlegal social norms will be implemented, and to identify the conformity between the forms of social norms and social relations. Moreover, rapid psychological adaptation of these standards requires preparing the breeding ground and considering the fact that both legal and nonlegal forms of regulation govern any line of human behavior. The article also considers the conditions necessary to create a harmonious mechanism for the regulation of social relations viewed as a combination of legal and nonlegal norms.
The article contains the guidelines for the preparation and implementation of the system of the organizational political and economic measures to neutralize corruption and other illegal activities in the sphere of economic relations of the state. It describes the main forms of corruption and delinquency counteraction in the economy.
The article presents the author’s method of evaluating consumer satisfaction and loyalty in the formation of unified approaches and methods of assessing the competitiveness of the country’s transport system in the modern conditions of economic integration.
The article considers the problems of current calendar planning in the engineering industry and the ways to solve them. For this purpose, it attaches much attention to three problematic elements: cycle time, production capacity and backlog. The article proposes the models of managing the elements, the implementation of which will increase the efficiency of enterprises.
The article studies the organizational and legal principles of bilateral agreement governance aimed to create a full range of interstate relations with the countries bordering Ukraine at the expense of additional confidence and security building measures in the development of the Vienna Document 2011.
The article considers the Soviet experience in the application of personnel technologies in the work with young professionals and civil servants, which was based on the principles of a systematic, planned and integrated labor organization. The combination of professional and psychological assistance ensured social adaptation of young specialists, the subsequent demand for such specialists and their professional growth. The systematic work on training and professional development of personnel contributed to enhancing the effectiveness of the professional activity of managerial staff, laying the foundation for the lifelong learning that is being implemented at the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
The article examines current issues in the field of lawenforcement optimization in the Republic of Belarus. The authors analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the reforms of the pretrial investigation and prosecution agencies. Special attention is paid to the issues of training, retraining and advanced training of law enforcement personnel. The article stresses the importance of the Academy of Public Administration for this process.
The article considers the degree of applicability of the modern principles of forming HiAP public policy in the conditions of less developed countries, and the ways to implement the HiAP approach in Ukraine.
The article analyzes some principles of local government and selfgovernment in the Republic of Belarus and the delineation of administrative power and legality in the activities of local government and selfgovernment bodies in particular. The principles are compared with the ones enshrined in the European Charter of Local SelfGovernment. The article formulates the proposal to amend the existing principles with the principle of objective consideration of the actual state of things.
The article analyzes the principles of enforcement proceedings, their status and significance in the enforcement system. The intended purpose of the enforcement proceedings is to ensure and guarantee proper, prompt and effective execution of court decisions and other enforcement documents.
The article scrutinizes the formation of the institutional memory in the governmental bodies. The research resulted in designating the levels of institutional memory and classifying the basic groups of professional knowledge depending on its influence on the effective work of the governmental bodies.
The article analyzes some issues of state regulation of human organ and tissue transplantation in Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus and proposes the solutions based on the positive international experience.
The article analyzes the regulatory requirements for stresstesting in risk management systems of nonbanking financial institutions in Ukraine and the main problems of their implementation. It also explores the provisions of the European Directives on risk management in financial institutions.
The article discusses the topical for the Republic of Belarus issues of successful development of Austria’s biotechnology cluster, its evolution, the role of the state participation at all levels and at all stages of its development. Contrary to established opinion, it disproves the spontaneity of the cluster emergence and shows certain regularity and necessity of its appearance. It is proved that with a relatively low potential in the field of biotechnology and rather small funding it is still necessary and possible to create an innovative biotechnological cluster, but this requires coordinated support from all the levels of government and at all stages of its development.
The article discusses the possibility of technical regulation, standardization, metrology, conformity assessment, accreditation, system management and their use to increase industrial efficiency, quality and competitiveness of products and, consequently, to reduce the cost of its creation and application.
The article considers the formation of the assessment and certification system in the field of management. It views it as an effective solution to personnel problems, which is based on modern approaches in the scientific and methodological support of the state personnel policy and the mechanisms of its practical implementation. It stresses the importance of using progressive domestic and foreign experience.
The article discusses the relationship of legal regulation of professional secrecy with transparency of state bodies and the right of individuals to information. It analyzes the provisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO) documents concerning the insurance of legal professional secrecy (in the context of the right to information) as a separate restricted form of information in the Republic of Belarus and the peculiarities of its relationship with public information. It identifies the legal acts of the WTO, which regulate the information processes concerning the official secrecy of the Customs bodies. It specifies the priority areas in the development of legal regulation of official secrecy in the Republic of Belarus.