Проблемы теории и практики управления


Assessing Regional Economy Competitiveness (the case of the Central Federal District)

Novosyolova Irina

After surmounting the crisis the competitiveness of the regional complex will be determined by its potential directly dependent on the level to which regional advantages are used. An efficient use of competitive opportunities will help cope with the crisis less painfully for territories, which, under a favourable investment climate, have managed to channel their advantages in current and strategic competitiveness in order to attain the desired goals.

Consumers of Educational Services: Patterns of Behaviour

Izmailova Marina

A simple perception of a demand does not yet produce active search for ways to meet it. The demand has to be sufficiently strong and the person confident that he can manage to meet it. Then it transforms into a motive, an stable inner psychological reason for the person's behaviour and move.

Forming the Concept of Quality-Oriented Organizational Culture

Salimova Tatyana, Yerastova Alexandra

Mutual esteem, cooperation, equity, honesty and confidence, wellbeing of the staff, team work, social responsibility and the desire to attain ever better results should be the key quality-oriented characteristics of organizational culture. Moulding these qualities is a necessary prerequisite for efficient development of any company.

Functional Structure of Regional Educational System

Gorelik Olga, Kalashnikova Irina

Higher educational institutions as producers of educational services lead the market to the condition of development and self-adjustment based on competition laws. It is this competitive situation that creates business factors serving as the initial point of marketing activities.

Innovations and Competitiveness Growth of National Economy: Modern Approach

Shamray Yuri

Creating a competitive environment in the area of innovations is the most appropriate platform for the innovative process. Only competition and its energy can mobilize the person's creative abilities, help initiate his innovative activities. Thus, to develop the process a market model of the national innovation system and, primarily, the market of new technologies and innovation-minded experts should be established.

Methodological Bases of Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Environmental Activities

Boboshko Vladimir

The evaluation of relative costs and benefits connected with environmental activities is the main indicator of their economic efficiency. Consideration paid particularly to environmental production costs, the damage inflicted due to environmental pollution, and irrational ecosystem exploitation is, obviously, of great importance in assessing costs and benefits.

Problems of Effective Utilization of CEOs' Potential in Industrial Enterprises

Alyokhina Olga, Kulagova Irina

In assessing CEOs' labour efficiency the choice of adequate and veracious accounting criteria is important. According to the authors labour productivity growth rates of the enterprise managed by a particular CEO could be the most objective and sufficiently exactly measurable indicator.

Russian Tax System: From Analysis of Problems to Their Solution

Pochinok Alexander

The Tax Code enhanced overruling of double and triple taxation, attached more harmony and stability to the tax system. New tax amendments should be adopted with extreme precaution. We live now in conditions of an economic crisis and should mind a simple thing: changes aimed at practicing good ideas (e.g. crisis combating) should not provoke far-reaching and unrecoverable consequences.

Shaping the Loyalty Program As Competitiveness Factor of a Higher Educational Institution

Reznik Galina, Savenkova Yulia

The problem of survival of a higher educational institution in competitive conditions can be tackled with the help of the loyalty program oriented at all market players - enrollees and parents, students and lecturers, employers and government institutions. The task is complicated by the fact that the higher educational institution has to be not only to the enrollee's liking at the moment of striking the services agreement but also be able to support the student's active interest in an extended educational course.

Small Business: Organization, Economy, Management

Kondrakov N.

Prepared in the framework of the Agreement on Strategic Partnership between the Russian Union of Rectors and OPORA Rossii Organization by a group of authors, the textbook will be of substantial help in developing small business in Russia. This is how Academician V.Sadovnichy and S.Borisov, President of OPORA Rossii, appreciate the volume in their address to its readers.

Strategic Controlling as Efficient Mechanism of Anti-Crisis Financial Management

Nikitina Natalya

Development of correspondent coordinating mechanisms is significant in anti-crisis financial management. In this sense, the key to successful enterprise operation is strategic controlling as a mechanism of anti-crisis financial strategy, which contributes to designing operative strategic solutions.

Strategy Realization under Conditions of Uncertainty

Cherkasova Victoria

The approach described by the author helps evaluate analytical tools, which may be applied for decision-making under conditions of uncertainty at various levels. The method proposed may serve as a guideline in implementing most difficult strategic projects and adopting resolutions on particular operations.

The Costs of Logistics: Theoretical and Practical Aspects

Kuznetsova Marina

The totality of logistics processes has a substantial impact on the cost value and structure. In the majority of cases, however, modern bookkeeping and accounting methods do not allow to directly identify enterprise logistics costs, which can be done only by specifying the typological structure of financial means spent and - subsequently, after an accounting department is formed on the enterprise - computing the value of particular components.

The Strategy of Transition to Efficient Development of the Chuvash Republic: Principles and Directions

Smirnov Valeri

Under conditions of instability, one of the directions of efficient transformations in industry is regionalization of production connected with establishing interregional links, whereas the strategy of transition to efficient socioeconomic development of the Republic should become basic for designing target development programs for both individual Republican infrastructure subsystems and the region as a whole.


Развитие экономической ситуации в стране будет зависеть от того, сумеют ли люди разобраться, почему финансовый кризис стал возможен и что нужно сделать для его преодоления. Ответы на эти вопросы попытались сформулировать участники конференции, организованной Институтом общественного проектирования.Development of the economic situation in the country will depend on whether people will be able to grasp why the financial crisis has become possible and what has to be done to overcome it. Participants of the conference organized by the Institute of Public Projecting made an attempt to formulate answers to these questions.

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