Проблемы теории и практики управления


Advancing from Worker to Top Manager of International Corporation

Baturin Dmitri

Issues related to management consulting were discussed during a talk with Dmitri Baturin, head of the international Center for Business Processes Optimization and Profitability Increase of Enterprises attached to AO “Krona Group”, corresponding member of the International Academy of Management, Manager of the Year 2912. The U.S. experience in the area was also touched upon in the talk.

Dynamic Approach to the Analysis of Enterprise Solvency

Bukvic Rajko, Pavlovic Radica

Two approaches to the analysis of enterprise solvency are compared - the traditional one based on balance sheet indicators, profit and loss statement indicators, and the new one based on indicators of the cash flow report. It is shown that enterprise solvency estimates gained in these two approaches differ radically.

EBRD Activities in Russia

Evdokimova Ekaterina

The main lines of activities of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development carried out in the recent years in the Russian Federation are addresses. The results gained in the framework of the previous strategy scheduled for 2009-2012 and the priorities declared for 2013-2015 are analyzed.

Economic Behaviour: Synthesis of the Rational and the Irrational

Orlova Ekaterina

The author displays methodological approaches supported by the rational choice theory and neuroeconomics to describe economic behavior. She detaches the determinants of limited rationality (irrationality), proposes an approach to evaluate their impact on the efficiency of choice.

Economic Development and Innovative Networks: The Meeting Points

Grasmik Konstantin

The article shows the topicality of a systemic approach to innovation processes management. The key characteristics of the innovative network are presented by the cases of the Silicon Valley (USA) and Technology Park in Bangalore (India).

How Can Motivation Efficiency Be Raised: From Financial Inequality to Motivation Derivatives

Krasilnikov Sergei

Several key issues linked with motivation are investigated, among them the growing level of financial inequality, problems of combining monetary and non-monetary forms of motivation. Measures are suggested to raise the efficiency of corporate motivation mechanisms.

Implementing the Road Map in the University

Korshenko Igor, Shusharina Tatyana

The project-based approach to managing competitive growth programs in Russian universities is highlighted. The authors advance the idea of setting up a project-oriented university infrastructure, which would help create a corporate environment of project management in the higher educational institution.

Managed Economy

Kokhno Pavel

In the framework of his theory of a harmonious labour economy, the author investigates the problem of mitigating the impact of strategic risks on the country’s socioeconomic indicators. To solve this problem, a mathematical apparatus of dynamic models is applied.

Managerial Decision Making on the Basis of Dynamic Norms

Tonkikh Andrei, Ionov Sergei

The technology of decision making applying reference dynamic indicators (dynamic norms) is presented. This technology allows to solve a series of management problems, which frequently emerge in the enterprise.

Managers’ Motivation along Key Business Processes and Indicators

Popov Yevgeni, Cheskidov Roman

The authors describe the management system based on a combination of indicators and motivation measures. They put forward a program, which introduces necessary personnel management requirements in a metallurgy enterprise and also implies an algorithmic approach.

Regional Specifics of Closed Administrative-Territorial Units (evidence from Nizhny Novgorod and Penza Regions)

Baidarov Dmitri, Faikov Dmitri

A comparative research was carried out of cities with a status of closed administrative-territorial units and situated in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Indicators of socioeconomic development, budgetary revenues and expenditures, business activities of the population, etc. were included into the analysis.

Reproduction-Based Approach to Intellectual Resources Management in the Region

Bashmachnikova Elena, Abramova Lyubov

The role of intellectual resources in public production is shown as well as the approach to tackle the problem of balance between claims and goals set by agents interested in adequate development of the region.

Specificity of Science Management

Neizvestny Sergei

The author exposes his views on the conception of management of science and presents the road map to implement this conception. He substantiates the significance of having “management” as a discipline in science.

State-Private Partnership and Regional Infrastructure Development Projects

Shvetsov Alexander

Premises for state-private partnership in projects aiming to develop infrastructure sectors of regional economy are formulated. The economic and legal content, application areas, merits and flaws of the given cooperation form are unveiled.

Theoretical and Applied Problems of Economic Systems Management

Sukharev Oleg

Basic principles of economic systems management on macro and micro levels are addressed. Widely spread present-day forms and types of management are cited, a combinational approach to macro level management is exposed.

The Role of Media in Shaping Russia’s Image

Prosyanyuk Darya

The author shows the results of studying the image of modern Russia published by the American newspaper New York Times, and the role of traditional values of the American society in shaping a negative image of Russia.

The System of Indicators Typifying Nano Economy Development

Pavlov Konstantin

The system of adequate indicators applied in researching an area like nano economy is substantiated. The content of individual indicators, which, in various aspects, reflect the process of creating a modern nano industry, is unveiled.

Value-Oriented Management of Modern Enterprise

Mezhova Lyudmila, Shcherbakova Natalya

Within the conception of a value-oriented management strategy of an enterprise, options based on this enterprise’s value appraisal are advanced. Variants of value ranking are exposed, which were obtained in differing approaches to the appraisal.

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