Проблемы теории и практики управления


Approaches to Identify Indirect Signs of Public Financial Misreporting

Voloshin Dmitri

Main practical tools are addressed which aim at identifying indirect signs of data misstatements in companies’ financial reporting. Conditions are determined allowing to gain maximal efficiency in the misstatement identification analysis.

Development of Company’s Human Capital

Khachaturyan Ashot

Active development mechanisms are addressed which provide for converting a modern company into a learning organization generating necessary conditions for training and developing its workers, their mutual knowledge exchange and, in the end, human capital gains of the company. The essence of the “soft component” of the general winning formula in business is explained.

Economic System and Economic Modernization Policy

Voeykov Mikhail

The author focuses on debating issues relating to the nature of economic system. He proves that this system determines the economic management strategy and justifies the importance of restoring national economic planning with its updated forms and methods.

Far Eastern Problems in the Context of Russia’s State Interests

Leksin Vladimir

The new eastern policy pursued by Russia’s leadership and its impact on the solution of long-term national goals are analyzed. Measures are proposed to master economic and social problems of Far Eastern and Baikal territories.

«Green» Economy Formation in Russia in Line with New Industrialization

Martynov Arkadi

The problem of «green» economy formation is investigated with a glance to the present-day condition of reindustrializing Russian economy. Special attention is paid to incorporating the «green» economic growth strategy into the framework of nationwide development strategy.

Industrial Policy Revisited

Kondratyev Vladimir

Main trends in Russia’s present-stage industrial development are summarized. Development problems of industry in the context of import substitution are traced. The need is stressed to apply world experience of industrialization in Russian practice.

Innovation Venture Projects: Business Angels' Evaluation Mechanism

Lipatnikov Vitali, Grebenkova Elena

A research of the selection mechanism of innovation venture projects was carried out. Factors impacting the choice of business angels were examined. It is shown that the funding of the project depends to a greater extent on qualitative characteristics of the project.

International Monitoring of Education Quality in Russia: Results and Problems

Smirnova Tatyana, Krut'ko Vyacheslav

Methods and results of PIRLS, TIMSS and PISA international monitoring studies are analyzed. It is shown that the accuracy and reliability of assessments as to the educational progress and the condition of the educational environment which have been gained by these surveys, are insufficient to manage schooling in the interests of Russia’s prospective development.

Production Planning in Construction Organization: Systemic Approach

Korol Svetlana

The essence of systemic approach to long-term and production planning in a construction organization under conditions of turbulent environment is presented. Evidence is provided for the impact of long-term strategic and tactical plans on managerial and engineering measures taken for the current year and, on the whole, for the construction organization’s yearly production program.

Restructuring of Production Enterprises: Technical and Integration Aspects

Pustynnikova Ekaterina

Issues linked with restructuring of production enterprises are addressed. Main restructuring problems are covered whose solution will help raise the competitive advantages of aircraft enterprises. The practicality of restructuring of aircraft enterprise is substantiated.

State Defense Order - Basis of Russian Economic Development

Kurbanov Artur, Knyaznedelin Radislav

Proceeding from the analysis of the specificity of the national defense-industrial complex, topical problems of its operation under modern conditions are identified. Further improvement of the system of government order in the interests of the Armed forces is advanced as one of the directions in the development of Russian economy.

State Support for Innovation in Countries of the European Union

Emelyanov Yuri

The Lisbon Strategy principles exposed in the European TrendChart on Innovation are unveiled. Measures adopted in the past in EU countries to extend governmental support for small innovative enterprises and motivate innovation in up-to-date technologies are investigated.

Systemic Approach to Regional Diagnostics

Yudina Marina

Theoretical bases of regional diagnostics system formation are studied. A multiparametric model of structural diagnostics allowing to research socioeconomic development of regional systems is advanced.

The Specificity of Setting Up and Operating Sports and Fitness Complexes Based on State-Private Partnership

Kosarikov Alexander, Shchepalina Anna

The practice of setting up state-private partnership (SPP) and its management mechanism for socially-oriented projects is examined. Options of impacting SPP’s appeal factors for concessioners are uncovered.

The World Market of Natural Gas: Main Development Trends

Ziyadullaeva Lola

Principal trends observed in the world fuel market are examined; the growing role of natural gas (also liquefied gas) is justified for the nearest future. Contradictions across regions and countries as well as development trends in the world market of energy resources are identified.


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