Проблемы теории и практики управления


Assessing the Competitiveness of a Region

Barabanov Andrei

The author presents his method, which helps evaluate the competitiveness of a region, and proposes instruments to raise the competitiveness level.

Cost Management Optimization in Trade Organizations

Karpova Natalya

The author explores the cost management process in wholesale organizations, the connection between the process and the efficiency of managerial decision-making, shows how operation analysis is applied.

Energizing Rural Economy and Youth Migration

Dabson Karen, Schroeder Craig, Markley Deborah

The authors present and comment on the results of an Internet survey held among rural school children in several federal states of the U.S. The survey has aimed at gathering information in order to design a relevant strategy targeted at reducing youth outflow from these regions.

Enterprise Value Management Based on Balanced Scorecard

Ryzhakina Tatyana

In the article the integration of balanced scorecard system in the process of enterprise value management is researched, indicators integrating this system are listed, their impact on enterprise value creation is investigated.

Exchanges as Quasi-Market Tool under Conditions of Economic Globalization

Bondarenko Viktoria

The author of the article analyzes the dialectical development of exchanges and claims that mass perception takes exchanges for a basis-generating tool of market pricing, whereas exchange prices are heavily dependent on the impact of non-market factors

Managing Academic Staff Potential of University Complex

Gubarkov Sergei

The article reviews problems linked with the interaction of research, education and production based on innovation. It shows that university complexes provide for innovative environment formation and infrastructure development aimed at commercial mastering of innovations in education.

Marketing Services Market: Reputation Management

Korchagin Pavel

In the article the difference between image and reputation of marketing services market is traced. The author looks at the main functions of these economic categories and describes methods of evaluating reputation conditions.

Project Knowledge Management: Organizational Structure

Komarova Anna

The author explores the use of project management in its methodological aspect, describes the organizational structure of project knowledge management, lists principal functional responsibilities of experts engaged in corresponding departments.

Service as a Socioeconomic Phenomenon and Management Object

Vatolkina Natalya

The author of the article gives insight into the essence of service as category, defines its content as a social, public and economic phenomenon and, at the same time, object of purchase and sale, identifies specific features of all aspects of the category in question.

Skolkovo Innovation Centre: Operation Mechanism

Leonova Tatyana

The article presents a description of the organizational and economic mechanism, on whose fundament Skolkovo Innovation Centre is operating, and the organizational structure of the Centre.

State Financial Audit: Priority Development Avenues

Astashova Natalya

In connection with ongoing administrative and budgetary reforms, governmental and municipal financial control needs to be improved. The author looks at the ways to develop a result-oriented management system of financial control, and at the interaction of internal and external financial audit.

State-Private Business Partnership: Nationalization and Privatization

Solovyov Mikhail, Koshkin Leonid

The authors explore mechanisms, which help practice partnership relations between the state and private business, and show that partnership projects are part of privatization and nationalization variants.

State-Run and Private Oil and Gas Corporations: The Peculiarity of Corporate Management

Egorova Marina

The author quotes the results of a comparative analysis of corporate management in state-run and private oil and gas companies, gives her recommendations on a plausible and mutually beneficial partnership between companies of both types intended to ameliorate the situation in the world energy sector.

Substantiating Governmental Decision-Making: Methodological Approach

Krivov Viktor

Issues related to deeper validity of governmental decision-making are highlighted. Main avenues of activities realized by the Analytical Department of the Council of Federation are listed.

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