Проблемы теории и практики управления


Committee and office of strategy management in the management system of a modern company

Popov Sergey

The author's approach to solving the problem of realization of competitive and potentially effective strategies of companies is offered. The author introduces the model of the "Committee and Office of Strategy Management" and describes basic elements of this model.

Internationalization of companies in China: analysis of strategic potential of Chinese brands within globalization

Napalkova Anastasia, Razumova Julia

The authors examine brand strategies of Chinese companies at the world market, study the achievements and problems related to brand management. The potential of brand development of Chinese companies in the global world is analyzed.

National innovative system as the institutional base for knowledge economy

Bogachev Victor, Kotov Anatoly

The authors analyze the principles of creation of national innovation system (NIS) along with its basic elements and functions. The criteria for its effective functioning are offered.

Regional policy of the state: in search for scientific base

Kuznetsov Sergey, Mezhevich Nikolay

The authors analyze changes in the system of regional development management. The concept of "areas of special development" is introduced that serves as a theoretical and methodological framework for a new approach of regional development.

Resource management of spatial-territorial development: contemporary approach

Yaskova Natalia, Fomina Lyudmila

The authors discuss possible approaches to improve efficiency of spatial restructuring through the implementation of principles of target mobility, resource mobility, and functional mobility. A special emphasis is made on an increasing importance of human capital.

Retraining program: portrait of a modern audience

Gorodnova Anfisa, Abrosimova Elena

The portrait of the consumer of programs of professional retraining is described, and trends of changes is analyzed. The research is based on the results of tests offered to students attending the programs of additional professional education at the Nizhniy Novgorod division of National research University Higher school of Economics in 2008 and 2013.

Russia''s agriculture: organizational and human aspects

Udalov Fedor, Udalov Oleg, Alekhina Olga

Some problems of functioning of agriculture of Russia are discussed. Comparative climate analysis of agricultural zones of the USSR and Russia on the one side and USA on the other is made. The emphasis is made on the role of human factor in solving the problems of agriculture. It is argued that despite all the significance of farming, the main direction of the effective functioning of agriculture of Russia should be large agricultural complexes.

South Korean experience of business activity organization in the exploration of economic space

She Son

Specifics of creation of free economic areas in the Republic of Korea are studied. South Korean experience in organization of business activity in microelectronics is summarized.

The essence of economic security

Kornilov Mikhail

The article outlines a new concept of economic security, reveals the essence and content of this concept. It is shown that the economic security of business is the protection of the vital interests of entrepreneurs in the economic sphere from threats.

The problem of freedom in the theory and practice of organization management

Shadrin Alexander

It is shown that the dominance of the paradigm of freedom leads to a fundamental drawback of modern theory and practice of management. According to the author, it can be overcome through the introduction of all the best that is concentrated in the well-known management standards.

The process of mergers and acquisitions as an element of effective corporate strategy

Bikina Irina

The article examines legal approaches and major trends in the market of mergers and acquisitions for 2012–2014, and reveals problems and approaches that ensure the effectiveness of the process of mergers and acquisitions.

The role of incomes and savings of households in the investment process in Russia

Spasskaya Natalia, Stetsenko Alexander, Takmakova Elena

It is shown that in the current economic situation in Russia there appeared a tendency to a balance between savings rate and accumulation rate. The main problems that impede to increase the role of savings as a source for investment are formulated, and ways for solution are outlined.

The social responsibility of business at the implementation of large infrastructure projects

Kamzabaeva Myra

The article addresses the questions of social responsibility of subjects of market economy in the context of various structural changes such as privatization, restructuring, mergers, and acquisitions. As an example, the authors consider Siberian regions which experience a huge impact on all aspects of their life by powerful mining companies.

The study of growth factors structure of social capital in regions

Simchenko Nataliya, Tsyokhla Svetlana

The growth factors of social capital is viewed as the most important indicators of economic stability and welfare of modern society. The key growth factors of social capital of the Crimean region is considered.

Transformation of the Russian economy within sustainable economic growth

Mudretsov Anatoly

The current stage of the Russian economy is analyzed, and the necessity of its transformation in view of changes in technological structure is discussed. The author considers the ways and technologies for national modernization that should lead Russia to sustainable economic growth.

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