Bolshakov Nikolai, Ivanitskaya Irina
Problems of measuring development sustainability of the forestry sector are analyzed from the perspective of how to avoid a fall in profitability linked with irrational use of resources.
Korol Svetlana
In the framework of housing problem solution, it is possible to enhance the regional component by making use of its functioning construction complex. The author proposes to analyze thinkable directions in developing organizational units when managing construction organizations as well as construction methods, by taking into consideration the regional resource and investment perspectives.
Rusyaeva Elena
In the process of developing a software and information set of turnkey solutions intended for small businesses to automate the choice and set up fabrication of advertising, souvenir, awards, decorations and representation products in the North Caucasian and the Southern Federal Districts, the principal idea was to make use of the chances offered by information technologies in managing small businesses. The set mentioned may serve as an example of how to apply information technologies in practical entrepreneurship in other Russian regions as well
Koroleva Valentina, Logunova Oksana, Makarychev Pyotr
In the article aspects of social control for personnel training, problems of its practicing are regarded and a qualitatively new investigation method to survey various layers of society with the help of questionnaires proposed. The authors present the results obtained on applying the method, which call for a more active contact with the people.
Buchnev Alexander
In the article problems of a modern alternative electric power system, its history, economic and energy potentials, its perspective development trajectories are investigated.
Kostyuk Alexander, Kondrunina Ekaterina
The authors examine the experience of best practices formation in corporate governance gathered in the EU and CIS countries, define the main stages of evolution of corporate governance codes, systemize the principal problems observed in best practices formation and their implementation in EU countries, in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan
Udalov Fyodor, Alekhina Olga, Ivanov Boris
The authors reveal the role of forecasting in defining strategic development directions for industrial enterprises and, based on researches undertaken in industrial enterprises, exemplify cases when erroneous solutions were made to tackle strategic problems.
Reut Dmitri
The urban development management goals are set within a broad context, which implies the achievement/maintenance by the embracing country of her status as a subject of history. An innovative management concept (including a four-level management object model) as an instrument is proposed.
Guskova Nadezhda, Krakovskaya Irina
Higher educational institutions are treated as educational, research and innovative complexes, whose competitiveness is based on intellectual capital. The authors advance well-founded patterns of managing investment into human capital of a modern higher educational institution.
Yushina Elena
The author analyzes the essence of municipal administration, lists the main principles governing municipal administration as most important element of local self-government
Plotnikov Nikolai
In the article opportunities to apply the catastrophe theory to the description of shifts in organizational forms of an activity are investigated and a related model is proposed.
Martynov Vladislav
The author highlights the performance of SAP, a big company engaged in providing software applications to automate business, and displays the tasks solved in Russia with the help of SAP products.
Bogaveyeva Rezeda
The author typifies the causes leading to urban development strategies being declarative according to the area of their origin, formulates and displays the principles of territorial strategic planning in line with the stages of its design and realization, proposes a set of measures aimed to improve the implementation process and monitoring of development strategies devised for big cities.
Korolainen Viktor
The author investigates the essence and role of strategic management in the framework of a physical education and sports institution and demonstrates that rational formation and management strategies efficiency in developing this institution is provided thanks to its objectively formulated mission.
Rumyantseva Irina
At present problems connected with interaction processes are evident in modern Russian organizations. Under conditions of the crisis these problems not only grew considerably but new ones emerged in addition. Nevertheless, examples of successfully applying new tools, which help establish cooperative relationships under critical conditions, are already available.
25 марта 2010 г. в Конгресс-центре ТПП РФ состоялся Всероссийский форум деловых средств массовой информации «Роль деловых СМИ в поддержке процесса модернизации и технологического обновления производственной сферы России», организованный Торгово-промышленной палатой Российской Федерации и Союзом журналистов России.The All-Russian Forum of business media The role of business media in supporting the process of modernization and technological renovation of Russia's industrial sphere organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (RF CCI) and the Russian Union of Journalists was held at the RF CCI Congress Centre on March 25, 2010.