Проблемы теории и практики управления


Agrarian Reforms: Goals, Character, National Specificity

Kazaryan Aik

The role of agrarian reforms in the development of agricultural entrepreneurship is shown, international experience, national specificity and targets set for reforms in different countries, Armenia included, are researched.

Complementary Investment Projects: Assessing the Synergy Effect

Korolev Anton

The author presents methodological principles to assess the synergy effect in complementary investment projects for construction industry and housing. He advances an approach, which implies application of complementary development mechanisms and accompanies the rising profit of the joint company.

Designing Enterprise Strategy: Modern Approach

Zhemchugov Alexander, Zhemchugov Mikhail

The authors propose a matrix of thinking as basis for strategy elaboration. They draw on issues linked with managerial decision-making and authority delegation within the system of strategic management.

Economic Motivation of High School Personnel

Olkhovik Irina

General postulates of management theory, which refer to personnel motivation, are exposed, a system of economic motivation of innovation in a high educational institution is proposed.

Enterprise Management Structure: The Impact of External Factors

Grishin Vladislav

While forming the organizational structure of a certain type the managerial priority is influenced by the specificity of interaction between the given enterprise and the environment. The author analyzes methods of management structure development under the impact exerted by the immediate environment of the enterprise.

Expanding the Holding Company: Regularities and Risks

Krasilnikov Sergei

The author dwells on conceptual issues connected with holding company expansion, formulates approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of the holding company after a new firm is incorporated as well as possible relative risks.

Horizontal Links in the Organization and Innovation Management

Milner Boris

The author researches the specificity and principles of horizontal links formation in the organization, which ensure effective management under conditions of innovation development, and demonstrates the role of project structures.

Strategic Management of Urban Socioeconomic Development: Theoretical Approaches

Zalkind Ludmila, Serova Natalya

The authors cite positions of various schools of strategic management with a focus on their application in strategic management of municipalities. They identify strategic management directions potentially crucial for territorial socioeconomic systems.

The Aggregate of Investment Projects: Economic Rationale

Chirkunov Kirill

The effect of joint project implementation (also as part of a program) is researched; basic project types, methods of transforming one type into another, algorithms used to design project programs and provide for their growing effectiveness within the program are described.

The Companys Operational Cash Flow: Planning under Uncertainty Conditions

Tsarkov Igor

An aggregated financial model applicable in annual financial planning of the company is presented. An approach to planning the working capital requirement and a system of factors and risks are proposed.

The Interaction of Big and Small Enterprises in Regional Economy

Alkhimovich Igor

Targets aimed at improving socioeconomic processes in the region are analyzed, The participants of the processes (the state, big and small enterprises) and their role in creating a market economy model are characterized.

The Role of Schools of Thought in Education Center Formation

Yents Galina

The author shows the need for a new methodological fundament to find solutions for the current and imminent complex problems in education. Special role is attached to the schools of thought and research works.

The Strategy of Fast-Growing Companies: Financial Tools

Stanislavchik Elena, Belikov Pavel

Approaches to design enterprise financial strategy are analyzed, advantages of applying tools like factoring, or Factoring Agreement, are described.

This content is a part of the Organisation and Management collection from eLIBRARY.
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