Oshchepkov Victor
The author proposes a process model of company management based on assessing its intangible assets, which provides the company a safe perspective of returning assets to investors. At the first stage of designing the model the company CEOs select their potential clients - this helps decide on which particular intangible asset to concentrate in order to meet future demand. At the second stage the place of the model in the array of company priorities is evaluated.
Shinkarenko Pavel V.
The first international conference «Standardization of Information Technologies and Interoperability, SITOP-2007» organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Agency for Information Technologies, Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology as well as several other research centers and associations was the central event of the Eighteenth IT-Exhibition «SofTool».
Surov Sergei
The system of economic and moral incentives should create a «motivation space» in the enterprise, which impacts on awakening interest of the personnel to render high quality services in meeting the patients' demands, needs and requirements. Organizational measures stimulating employees to be guided by long-term interests of the institution constitute the fundament of the system.
Blinov Andrei, Sidorova Antonina
A high level of education along the path of self-oriented training of students is linked with solving three problems: the choice of training situations; determining their type from the point of view of sources of data as to the content; and planning of the training process. In addition, students have to learn to set goals, plan and analyze the process of studies, and evaluate it adequately.
Usoltsev Yevgeni
The author interprets the process of consistent transformations of the initial innovation idea as the life cycle of an expanded R&D program with implementation activities included. The integral totality of applied tasks is presented in form of a pyramid crowned by a meta-task subject to immediate solution.
Akopyan Diana, Yelyakov Anatoli
If any managed or directed impact is made on Internet not only interests of society but also its demands as a self-organizing system acting according its laws (which violation is fraught with irregularities and even ruin of the Web) have to be considered
Lashko Sergei
Integration of the internal and external directions of education policy helps lower the level of operating costs associated with coordinating economic agents on the market of educational services. The process can be profitable also in form of positive results, competitiveness growth, optimization of the geographical area of cooperation.
Kheifets Boris, Libman Alexander
The choice of forms and strategies of expansion abroad depends on the policy pursued by every individual Russian company, its financial potential, development experience in the past, existing political and economic conditions of the expansion country. The diversity of solutions testifies that investors are gradually accumulating operational expertise in foreign environment, their policy becomes more flexible and efficient.
Isaev Dmitri
When analyzing systems of corporate management by comparing target and current conditions most significant problem areas can be identified, where information technologies are able to secure a radical improvement of company operation.
Koptelov Andrei, Drozdov Alexei
The main idea of the process-oriented approach is to automate continuous business processes and not separate functions of the company. By applying the method best results in implementing IT-solutions, an optimally designed system can be achieved, the value and terms of project completion reduced.
Khlunov Alexander
The mission of the state in the framework of partnership of authorities and business is to develop «rules of game», create a comfortable environment for its agents, train relevant personnel, provide the necessary data basis of devised technologies, and secure the accessibility of the data to commercial organizations; the goal of science is to advance new ideas and their development; the role of business is to materialize scientific designs.
Sergienko Yakov, Raiskaya Natalya, Frenkel Alexander
Production rates attained by the country are based on domestic demand and a balanced monetary policy, whereas economic growth is not simply accompanied by growing output and expanding services but by a shift from extracting to manufacturing productions. However, prevailing import on the consumer market remains a problem.
Tregub Ilona
Methods of analyzing and forecasting time series are linked with researching isolated indicators, each of them consisting of two elements: a determinate component and a random component. The development of the first forecast does not imply serious difficulties if the main development trend has been revealed and if its extrapolation is possible. To forecast the random component the theory of probability is applied
Neyaskina Elena
The method of analyzing business capital use efficiency proposed by the author allows to identify regularities of a production complex operation and make general conclusions about its development. The essence of the new approach lies in neglecting growth indicators in absolute terms - the fact proper of reaching designed rate ratios is of practical importance since these are characteristic for the evolution of economic agents.
Olkhovsky Vladimir
Modern companies employ information and information objects which include intangible assets, use functions of intangible assets; on their basis the companies themselves design, substantiate and instruct their partners to functionally provide for the latters' production activity.
Kravchenko Kirill
Proceeding from the analysis of big Russian and foreign companies operation, the author stresses some of their specific features. Each one separately or in combination with other features influences critically the development of high efficient systems of managing big companies.