Проблемы теории и практики управления


Budgeting-Oriented Management of Financial Performance in Wholesale Businesses

Karpova Natalya

The author presents the methodology which helps manage operating costs and performance of an organization. The methodology is founded on: comparing budgeted and actual indicators, analyzing deviation causes, designing measures indispensable to plan and forecast future activities.

Corporate Culture of Russian Business Organizations

Klokov Yuri

In the article the notion of corporate culture and its function is explained and compared with the notion of company culture.

Elaborating and Introducing the System of Indicators in a Company

Mikheenko Yulia, Podsypanina Tatyana

The authors quote an algorithm to design indicators, which help develop a comprehensive vision of the business. They propose a new approach to system formation, special attention is paid to the principles of efficient operation of the given system.

How to Evaluate IT Projects Management Maturity

Korovkina Nina, Trushkina Ekaterina

The article describes the pattern, which allows to evaluate project management maturity in a company and to formulate recommendations related to management evolution. The results of evaluating the level of project management maturity in Russia are compared to that in the United States.

Implementing the Innovation Strategy of a Higher Educational Institution

Guskova Nadezhda, Krakovskaya Irina

The authors deal with human capital of higher educational institutions as the most important source of their competitive advantages and factor of innovative high school development. Programs of investment into human capital act as efficient tools of human capital strategic management within the framework of the innovation strategy of higher educational institutions.

Making Use of the Potential of Technoparks to Modernize Enterprises

Klepikov Alexander

At present, the most important targets for Russia are: accelerated development of high-tech sectors of the economy, and their transformation into one of the principal driving forces of the country's economic growth. Ideas emerging in the field of science need to be quickly implemented in the sphere of production and turn into products and services. Technoparks represent one of the basic mechanisms to this end.

Managing Expert Training in Information Technologies: Competency-Based Approach

Koroleva Valentina, Logunova Oksana, Belyavsky Anatoli

The authors investigate the competency-based approach to managing the educational process in bachelor and master programs, identify the divergence between competencies preferred by employers and those indicated in the educational standards.

Project Management of Knowledge: The Topicality of Practical Application

Komarova Anna

The author describes the project management-based approach to knowledge management, characterizes and describes the advantages of project management of knowledge. She defines the subjects, objects and mechanisms of applying the above type of managerial activity.

Raising the Energy Efficiency of Production - Most Important Line in National Economic Development

Melnik Alexander

The author researches the impact of the financial crisis on Russia, unveils the causes for the origin and development of the crisis in our country. He pays special attention to the influence of the energy factor on the development of national economy under conditions of the deepening world financial crisis and generalizes the expertise in managing energy costs in Western countries.

Real Estate Development as Type of Professional Activity: Problems and Prospects

Cherkashov Maxim

In contemporary Russia, problems emerge in professional real estate development, now in its first stage of evolution. The author looks into the causes of difficulties experienced in the process of its making, into the factors connected with high risks run in the area.

Regional Innovative Activity and Innovation Responsiveness: Rating Method

Korchagin Pavel

In the article methods of assessing regions from the point of view of their innovativeness and commitment to pass over to information society are explored, regional innovative development rating indexes are elaborated.

The Balanced Scorecard for Technoparks: Microeconomic Aspect

Maltseva Anna

The author substantiates the need to apply the balanced scorecard system to assess the performance of technoparks as economic agents and suggests to view their operation strategy from the perspective of corporate management.

The Development Strategy of the Foreign Economic Complex of the Russian Federation

Pakhomov Alexander

The outcomes of post-crisis development of Russia's foreign economic complex and prospects of its transformation are assessed. Particular attention is paid to the first stage of implementing the Foreign Economic Strategy of the Russian Federation up to the Year 2020.

The Employers' Socially Responsible Behaviour Formation: Regional Experience

Bushmin Igor

The author explores the target of raising the employers' social responsibility in its standard variant. The case of the Altai Region of the Russian Federation is basic for the analysis.


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