Groshev Igor, Krasnoslobodtsev Alexei
The authors describe the principal approaches to city brand formation. The interrelation between branding and competitiveness of the city is analyzed, the main elements of the city brand concept are detached.
Kiryushkina Elena
The modern essence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is unveiled thanks to a consequent study of its evolution and systematization of definitions. The notions of CSR and strategic management are compared, mechanisms of «embedding» CSR into the company’s strategic management model are considered.
Rykhtikova Natalya
The role of information technologies within the system of risk management is assessed. Practical experience in introducing specialized information systems in risk management in foreign and Russian companies is analyzed, factors are identified which determine the productivity of relevant projects.
Mamedova Natalya
The operating model of electronic trading in Russia as element of governmental anti-corruption policy is addressed. Managerial solutions are proposed which aim at limiting corruption risks under conditions of Russian contractual system development in public procurement.
Ragulina Yulia
The article unveils the results of researches into nusiness climate in Russia carried out by two most authoritative rating agencies in the world, Doing Business and the Heritage Foundation. The author of the article supports the opinion that systemic transformation of institutional environment and creation of favourable conditions for business would allow to improve Russia’s ranking on the economic development level.
Zhukov Maxim
The role of infrastructure in economic development is investigated. It is shown that crucial in this case is the notion of spatial proximity of innovations which allows to minimize adjustment costs and thus contribute to setting up economic networks, to industrial clusterization or agglomeration.
Alifanova Tatyana
The author traces the problems of crisis communications feasible in the organization. She cites the classification of factors (both internal and external for the organization) which influence crisis communications management.
Bogolib Tatyana
The theoretical bases, the essence and the components of the system of managing the national debt in Ukraine are investigated. The developmental stages of national debt formation are presented as well as the relationship between national debt management and the country’s economic security level.
Еmelyanov Yuri, Leonova Yulia
The authors analyze the specificity of Russian regions, which define their investment attractiveness. The Kaluga, Kaliningrad and Samara regions are taken as examples.
Bogatyreva Marina
The situation with migration of the population observed in the Republic of Bashkortostan is described. The main effects of labour migration for the recipient country and the donor country are investigated as well as the positive and negative outcomes of the process.
Voronina Elena
The author deals with methods of risk management in the course of carrying out projects of developing oil and gas resources on the Arctic shelf of the Russian Federation. The types of risks, causes of their evolvement, and specificity of management of these projects are analyzed.
Buzgalin Alexander, Kolganov Andrei
The article continues the series of three publications, which feature the authors’ perspective on the anatomy of the Russian economic system and its specific management methods at microand macro-level. The present text is devoted to the research of transformational economic systems.
Kononkova Natalya, Shiryaeva Svetlana
The opinion is substantiated that small business as an important source of economic growth is insufficiently used in our country. Governmental support for small companies, particularly in innovation, is needed, the authors hold.
Marchenko Elizaveta, Glazkova Valeria
The efficiency of investment in social innovation and investment projects is studied through the lens of the theory of institutionalism. The authors present their evaluation method, which helps take into account the interests of all actors.
Akhinov Grigor, Matveeva Tatyana
The notion of public and socially important goods is specified, their typology is presented. Proceeding from statistical data factors are identified which impact on the efficiency of budgetary funding of production and distribution of goods; the main trends in the development of the current situation in the given area are defined.
Vorobyova Olga, Vorobyova Ludmila
The difficulties faced by graduates from Russian educational institutions majoring in management are researched. The possibilities to adjust new-generation educational standards to the managerial practice of Russian enterprises and organizations are addressed.
Bek Nadezhda, Zhmykhov Alexei
The management methodology is presented whose fundament constitute «rapid strategies» with their resource-based approach and the dynamic capabilities concept. The practical implementation of the given methodology is demonstrated by the example of Nokia company operation.
Pavlov Konstantin
The general regularity of a wavelike relation existing between market-based and state regulation methods of the economy is researched. Specific manifestations of this regularity in transitional and sustainable organizational economic environments are identified.