Проблемы теории и практики управления


Analysis of Digital Economy Development Trends

Popov Yevgeni, Semyachkov Konstantin

Main tendencies of digital economy development are addressed. The findings of studies made allow to estimate informatization directions and to essentially increase the justification quality of development prospects taking into account identified trends and available growth potential. The research records can serve as information basis for managerial decision making aimed at national digital economy development.

Associations of Economic Interaction of Russian Regions: System Crisis or Search of New Forms of Development

Burak Petr, Rostanets Viktor, Topilin Anatoly

The article examines the causes, content and directions of structural and functional changes in the activities of the associations of economic interaction of the subjects of the Russian Federation occurring in them starting in 2012. Proposals have been put forward to improve the work of associations on the principles of public-private partnership.

Business Mechanism of Increasing Management Quality

Korolev Viktor

The content of the organizational and economic mechanism of improving management quality is highlighted, its main elements are analyzed. Main specific features and development trends of this mechanism are shown.

Development of Municipal Self-Government System in Germany

Rudolph Kurt, Weidemann Frank

This article generalizes the experience of postwar municipal and regional governance system development in the Federal Republic of Germany. Special attention is paid by the authors to four aspects: all stages of municipal and regional administration reforms were associated with consolidation of municipal and regional entities; during the postwar period the competences and powers were increasingly concentrated in these large entities; the tendency towards growing importance of regional-level management is observed; closer and efficient cooperation between business and power entities is in development.

Employee Involvement — Foundation for Culture of Participation

Kalendzhyan Sergei, Kuzmina Tatyana

Тhe principle objective of the article is to study factors motivating employees not to just serve their shift from bell to bell, but be pro-active and strive to achieve outstanding results in their work. Necessary conditions are formulated that would allow the employee to go beyond his formal job duties and do more than he is expected to in order to achieve the result. The authors hold that an employee involved is not indifferent, he shows internal and informal responsibility and assumes the initiative.

Improving Team Effectiveness

Gaponenko Alexander, Savelyeva Marina

The authors identify the main components of team building: creating and developing teamwork formats; maintaining employees’ involvement in the work in progress; establishing and developing respective values. The authors define conditions for team effectiveness improvement, which imply offering the team the opportunity to independently resolve all problems connected with its activities, creating conditions for employees’ training and self-training, introducing the spirit of cooperation, promoting exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Institutional Modeling in Economic Systems Management

Sukharev Oleg

The article deals with the use of institutions models in managing various economic systems. The author develops his theory of dysfunction of institutions, systems and management, this theory comes into use in various types of models of dysfunctions arising in case of a change in the information potential of the system, adverse selection, also depending on the "content of the institution" and the choice of products' range. The basic identity of planning is presented that links tools, factors and goals of development of a controlled system.

Investigating the Impact of Informal Employment on Balanced Pension Fund Budget and Employees’ Pension Rights Formation

Solovyev Arkady

Actuarial analysis of informal employment is carried out supported by the Federal State Statistics Service and the Pension Fund data. The impact level of informal (shadow) employment on financial security of the pension system and the formation of pension rights of insured persons is revealed. The author analyzes prospects of resolving problems that emerge due to informal employment, the aim is to search for reserves to increase the Pension Fund’s budget revenues.

Public-Private Partnership: Japanese Experience in Institutional Framework and Governance

Ivanov Oleg, Ivanova Anastasia

Specific features of public-private partnership (PPP) institutional framework and management in Japan are reviewed. The strengths of the Japanese PPP model are underlined, among them: integrated approach, doctrinal and conceptualized arrangement of PPP policies, strategic goal-setting and long-term planning of infrastructure development, solid legal and regulatory basis shaping, formation of special governance bodies of different types, system of state promotion for PPP development. Based on the analysis of Japanese experience, recommendations on how to improve the effectiveness of Russia's PPP state governance system have been advanced.

Resource Approach to Development of the Russian Arctic Region: Principal Risks and Contradictions

Popkov Yuri, Shvetsov Alexander, Naumova Yulia

Problems, risks and feasibility of applying a resource approach to develop the Arctic territories are investigated. The authors concentrate on the analysis of risks linked with raw dependence of national economy, complex development of offshore oil and natural gas deposits, lagging in technology, environmental and also potential risks for the Arctic infrastructure. They come to the conclusion that it is not point exploitation of regional subsoil, but sustainable territorial development based on standard residential population the prerequisite of Russia’s systemic presence in the North and in the Arctic Region.

Responses to “Low Signals” in Personnel Management as a Risk Minimization Factor

Sokolov Lev

The author shows that the ability to detect and interpret low signals properly helps the organizations — ahead of their business rivals — see and make use of emerging opportunities and minimize risks. HR instruments allow to improve the management quality by responding to low signals.

Smart Production System: How to Design and Build It?

Kondratyev Eduard, Gudz Nikolai

The terminology, structure and methods of Russian production systems (RPS) development programs are analyzed. Their incompatibility with the paradigm of human development and the current level of knowledge on complex organizational systems development is substantiated. In accordance with synergetic and systemic institutional approaches to complex systems development, a program of modern "smart production system" (SPS) development is proposed.

Transformations in Transition Economies: Experience of Kazakhstan

Aubakirova Gulnara

Key problems of national economy are identified on the basis of general indicators reflecting the first phase of Kazakhstan’s industrial policy. Medium-term perspectives of industrialization of the country are specified. According to the author, the new model of public-private partnership is turning into the concept of the modern political and socioeconomic project for Kazakhstan. In this case, simultaneous structural, institutional, innovative and substantive modernization will produce a systemic development effect.

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