Проблемы теории и практики управления


Complexity, Management and Information in Socioeconomic Systems

Gavrilets Yuri

A series of well-known and significant social problems are addressed from a specific, "systemic-cybernetic" point of view. Growing complexity of modern society, difficulties related to forecasting and management are investigated. The impact of information on the behaviour and preferences of all subsystems of society is discussed. The conclusion is drawn about the need for harmony reigning between socioeconomic processes, science and humanitarian culture for the sake of human society to survive.

Depopulation as a Factor That Makes State Economic Security Weaker

Deren Vasily, Ragulina Yulia, Bogoviz Alexei

The article analyzes direct and indirect causes of depopulation, unveils the specificity of depopulation threat for Russia’s economic security. It proves that depopulation can be counteracted by a scientifically sound anti-depopulation policy, which in is practiced now in Russia not to the full extent.

Forecast of Technology Processes Ensuring Self-Sufficiency in Organic Fertilizers

Kachanova Ludmila

A regulatory and an extrapolational forecast scenario for the development of technology processes of production and use of organic fertilizers have been developed. The efficiency of forecast scenarios is proves and data for their comparisons with analytical retrospective data presented.

Innovative Process Members: Behavioural Specificity

Yerznkyan Bagrat

The behaviour of innovative process members in a non-stationary economy (with two conditional types, economic and institutional, of human personality detached) are regarded. The author argues that ‘homo institutius' is governed rather by institutions than by reason, and his behaviour is, in principle, relative since it is absolutely impossible to separate his nature from institutional reality in which he is embedded. Keeping this in mind is important for the institutional context of innovation process.

Labour Potential Еvaluation and Realization in Innovative Economy

Maslov Evgeny, Gladkova Olga

The article presents theoretical and practical problems associated with underestimated worker's potential, use of cheap labour and downgrading the value added. A methodological approach is proposed to calculate the workers' competitiveness. It is shown that in Russian enterprises the worker's wage level corresponds far from always to the level of his professionalism and weakens his motivation from the start.

Law, Ethics, Efficiency and Informal Relations in Corrupt Management: History and Modernity

Rumyantseva Elena

he author poses the problem of inconsistency in theoretical interpretations of both modern and historical experience of corruption. She formulates the principle of historicism based on the interpretation of corruption as a specific type of managerial activity tied to power, a type characterized by violations of legal and ethical norms (or corruption law emergence) and by prevailing special kinds of interpersonal relations within corrupt groups.

Management as Creative Activity

Novichkov Nikolay

The article presents the author's vision of the essence and content of management as a creative activity. It features the specifics of management seen as a chance to realize the creative element. The author characterizes principal professional competencies a manager should conform to in the framework of management as a creative activity.

Managing Resources of Knowledge Generation

Popov Yevgeni, Vlasov Maxim, Shishkina Anna

In line with product life cycle stages, the authors determine the potential of applying the resources of knowledge generation. Based on the evidence of an enterprise of Russia’s military-industrial complex they assess the potential of using resources of knowledge generation and formulate optimization trends in applying resources on every stage of product life cycle.

Models of Setting Business Requirements for Architecture Reengineering of TNC Units

Grigorieva Anastasia

The author addresses the setting of business requirements for a foreign subsidiary of a corporation within a globally organized business. Several stakeholders' requirements are developed to increase business efficiency of a foreign TNC subsidiary. It is shown that architectural methods aiming to optimize the companies' performance by aligning business processes and IT-technologies can be applied as tools in order to provide for efficiency of companies' activities.

Possible New Economic Partnerships with Russia’s Participation

Kheyfets Boris

The paper discusses the potentiality of new Russian economic partnerships formation and analyzes close economic alliances that are most acceptable for Russia. Existing problems are highlighted as well as promising trends and forms to develop Russia’s relations in the framework of new partnerships.

Residents of Special Economic Zones: Business Environment of Organizations, Condition and Development Trends

Molchanova Olga

The article investigates the practice of introducing special economic and legal regimes as experimental sites in the search of effective approaches aimed to create a business environment attractive for entrepreneurship. The author elaborates on knowledge and incentives problems, which are of key importance and appear in the course of designing special economic zones and their management systems. Possibilities and advantages of decentralizing the process of designing special economic and legal regimes are analyzed.

Techniques of Supporting Corporate Organizations'' Strategic Decisions

Dukanich Ludmila

Specific features in the methodology of strategic decision making are unveiled. The author demonstrates the mechanism and possibilities of Th. Saaty’s analytic hierarchy process as exemplified by substantiating the company’s future market share on a mid-term horizon.

The Structural Organization of Regulatory and Supervisory Authorities of the Federal Executive and Chances of Its Rearrangement

Boyko Alexei

A model variant is substantiated to form two integrated regulatory authorities under the supervision of RF Government on the basis of several federal services uniform in their objectives. The idea is thought through to reduce the staff of the central and territorial units in every integrated authority.

Urban Environment Modernization: Infrastructure Investment and Institutional Problems

Kolesnikova Marina

The author investigates the degree of influence different factors exert on innovative processes and increasing infrastructure investment in municipal infrastructure modernization. She offers a historical analysis of the formation and evolution, in scientific literature, of the "municipal environment" concept. Credible directions and prospects of municipal environment modernization and its quality enhancement are examined with a glance to the impact of historically crystallized formal and informal institutions.

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