Проблемы теории и практики управления


A New Pricing Concept (Part 2)

Garin Yevgeni

A new concept of pricing is discussed, which explains the presence of exceptions in Marshall law of supply and demand in form of Giffen goods, Veblen goods, and Leibenstein goods. A pragmatic three-dimensional pricing model has been built, it takes into account the active impact of the good on market environment changes in the process of market saturation.

Confidence Gaining Competition in the Economy: Essence and Development Perspective

Vazhenina Irina, Vazhenin Sergei, Sukhikh Vasili

The essence of confidence gaining competition in the economic space is disclosed. Specific features of confidence as a social phenomenon are researched as well as factors leading to loss of confidence. Recommendations are given as to the tactics of competition in confidence.

Consolidation of Interregional and Intermunicipal Economic Cooperation Processes: Possible Approaches to Research the Issue

Rostanets Victor, Topilin Anatoli, Burak Pyotr

Modern models of integrating territories of various levels are presented. Main trends and methods in researching interregional and intermunicipal economic cooperation are advanced.

Knowledge Management, Information and Economic Growth (Part 2)

Sukharev Oleg

Issues related to building information economy involving significant layers of economic agents in its development area are the objects of study. The author demonstrates that this economy introduces changes into market needs very rapidly and radically, R&D inclusive.

Macroeconomic and Demographic Problems of Pension Age Regulation in the Russian Federation

Solovyov Arkadi

Problems and conditions of pension age rise in Russia are discussed. It is argued that the process of increasing the pension age should be prepared in line with an adequate development of the entire socioeconomic system of the state.

Managing Social Responsibility for Supply Chains

Negomedzyanov Yuri, Negomedzyanov German

Landmarks for a new approach to corporate social responsibility are determined. It is shown that under present conditions not only corporations but also supply chains are socially responsible.

On the Market Environment of Outdoor Advertising (the case of the city of Shakhty)

Malinina Olga, Fedorkova Anna

A survey of the market of outdoor advertising was undertaken, the principal trends and perspectives of its development are summarized. The main players in the outdoor advertising market in the city of Shakhty are identified.

Organizational Career: Determinants for Gaining Competitive Advantages in the Labour Market

Sotnikova Svetlana

The growing role of the workers’ organizational career under tougher competition for skilled staff is substantiated. The author proposes her original definitions for notions like “organizational career”, “career determinants” and advances a structural- hierarchical typology of organizational career.

Platforms and Ecosystems Competition: New Strategic Solutions Adopted by Companies

Zhmykhov Alexei

Issues related to changes in market boundaries and the shift to platforms and ecosystems competition in high tech businesses are investigated. Examples are given of strategic solutions and network effects emerging in the course of setting up and managing ecosystems.

Tax Capacity as Mechanism for Implementing Municipality Development Strategy

Lukyanova Marina

Factors are unveiled, which have impact on the tax capacity level and are the target of the local self-government system. A method is proposed to calculate the tax capacity of municipality which can be applied when designing forecasts of municipality development.

The Dynamic Model of Managing Sustainable Development of Company Value within the Sociocoevolution Concept

Bolshakov Nikolai, Raush Elena

A metaclassification is introduced for types of determinable business value which mirrors the interests of financial relations agents. A dynamic model of business value management process within the certainty concept is presented, the methods of scenario appraisals of situations are also proposed.

The Impact of Government Investments on the Development of the Russian Industrial Potential

Ragulina Yulia

The author focuses on the possibilities to raise Russia’s industrial potential premised by the targeted federal investment program. She shows the role of the state as the main source and guarantor of financial means invested into low-gain and long-term projects significant for the economy.

The Planning Frame for Territorial Development of Russian Regions

Sokolova Svetlana

Factors and criteria are cited which determine the development level of a territory. A modern Russian planning frame is designed with strategic, interregional and regional centers, agglomerative settlement systems, principal transport communications involved.

Trends in the Russian Market of Business Education Services under Macroeconomic Instability

Chekansky Alexander, Sokolova Galina, Kotsoeva Veronika

The market of business education, its dependence on GDP dynamics and the macroeconomic situation in the country are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the trends in the market of MBA and EMBA programs.


Исследуется зарубежный опыт управления кризис-коммуникациями на предприятиях разных отраслей экономики. Выявлены факторы, обеспечивающие качество и эффективность этого процесса, а также условия его применимости в российской практике.The foreign experience in crisis communication management in enterprises of various economic sectors is investigated. Factors providing for quality and effectiveness of this process are shown as well as conditions of its applicability in Russian practice.

This content is a part of the Organisation and Management collection from eLIBRARY.
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