Проблемы теории и практики управления


Company Investment Strategy in the Framework of the Wave Model of the Life Cycle

Slavyanov Andrei

The main causes that hinder innovative development of an enterprise are unveiled. The author’s wave model of the enterprise life cycle, if implemented in designing the company’s investment strategy, will allow to avoid problems connected with innovative modernization of production, the author holds.

Consumption in the Russian Alcohol Market: Key Trends and Regulation Upgrading

Krasova Elena

In the article key development trends of legal alcohol consumption in the Russian market, the consumption dynamics and structure by main types of alcoholic beverages are researched. The specificity of the current alcohol market regulation is studied.

Evaluating Level Indicators of Russian Economy’s Innovative Development

Ovcharenko Yaroslav

The author analyzes, with the help of several innovative activity indicators, the scale of innovative activity in the Russian Federation over the recent 15 years. He evaluates the level achieved by the Russian economy in its innovative development.

Free Port of Vladivostok Spatial Model: Functional Characteristics

Andreev Vyacheslav

The author presents the results of analyzing spatial and functional characteristics of the model represented by the emerging free port in the Far East of Russia macroregion. Prerequisites for spatial localization of economic entities to be formed, and for sustainable integration links — enhancing minimization of transport and transaction costs — to emerge are discussed.

John M. Keynes and New Industrial Society of the Second Generation

Bodrunov Sergei

The article focuses on similarities between some J. M. Keynes’s ideas and the conclusions drawn by the author of this article in the frame of new industrial society of the second generation concept. The topicality of the Keynesian approach under current conditions of transition to a new type of material production is shown. A correlation is noted between conditions in which modern Russian economy is functioning, and the premises exposed in Keynes’s works.

Service Economy Paradoxes and State Ecological-and-Economic Strategy

Buletova Natalya, Zlochevsky Igor

The nature and content of service economy ‘traps’ are addressed which, according to the authors, constitute the main cause for mass consumption model domination in modern society. A model of interaction between various types of economy is proposed that is optimized to find a way out of service economy traps. The authors underline that the task of the state under these conditions is to make the process of services consumption more rational and less detrimental to environmental resources of territories and the entire environment of mankind.

State Regulation of Economy: Current Realities and Improvement Trends

Burov Mikhail

The article investigates the theory and practice of public regulation of the economy. Methodological provisions, ways and directions to improve economic development of the country and its regions are justified. The study is based on a comprehensive approach that combines federal, regional, municipal and corporate management levels with regard to the opinion of the population residing in administrative-territorial entities of the Russian Federation.

Strengthening the Competitive Profile of an Industrial Enterprise under Macroeconomic Instability (the Case of Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant, EZOCM JSC)

Kelchevskaya Natalya, Ismagilova Galina

The article presents an analytical review of non-ferrous metals market and market positions occupied by domestic producers. A comprehensive assessment of competitiveness of EZOCM JSC as a part of RENOVA Group is given. Measures are proposed to enhance its competitiveness in the product markets of precious metals.

The Economy of Modern Russia: The Results of Market Reforms and Reindustrialization Problems

Grinberg Ruslan

The author analyzes the results of systemic transformation in Russia and the chances of the country’s progress to a civil society and social-oriented market economy. He proves that the evolved and the projected mechanism of economic reforming ‘favours’ trends that secure the raw structure of the economy. Main approaches to attaining reindustrialization targets of the Russian economy are unveiled, among them a specific role is attributed to the Concept of economic sociodynamics, which captures modern socioeconomic realities most adequately, according to the author.

The Strategy of Advanced Development of Russia

Buzgalin Alexander, Kolganov Andrei

The article shows that in Russia a system of oligarchic-bureaucratic capitalism of semi-peripheral type has emerged, where economic and political power rests with the nomenclature that embraces owners and insiders of the biggest corporations, on the one hand, and higher bureaucracy, on the other. The authors hold that problems of this system can be partially solved by an overhaul in the system of socioeconomic relations and institutions with the aim to implement an advanced development strategy. Main components of these reforms are substantiated, they provide market socialization, selective strategic planning and an active industrial policy within the framework of an economy that remains substantially of market type.

Why and How Should Urban Agglomerations Be Managed?

Shvetsov Alexander

The author characterizes management peculiarities in urban agglomerations, determines the specificity of agglomerations as management objects, advances a classification of main approaches and possible organizational schemes for urban agglomerations management, shows the advantages of an inter-municipal cooperation mechanism in a series of tools aimed to solve urban agglomerations problems. Lessons drawn from Western European management practices in managing agglomerations are analyzed, their importance for Russia is assessed.

World Trends in Labour Productivity and Consumption: Empirical Analysis

Lavrovsky Boris

The article discusses the correlation between the dynamics of labour productivity and consumption level in the world context. Trends in cross-country convergence-divergence of above indicators are identified, the role of China and the place of Russia in modern trends are defined.

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