Проблемы теории и практики управления


Adult Education - an Important Factor of Social Development

Malitikov Yefim

The development of adult education is provided by integration and interaction of state administration authorities and non-government organizations. The sphere makes, basically, minimal use of state budget funds. The main goal of the state is to set up prerequisites and work out legal norms to secure the continuity of the process.

Budgeting of Economic Agents Engaged in Foreign Economic Activities

Demina Irina

Enterprises engaged in foreign economic activities mainly do not need flexible budgets reflecting their export and import financial results. They have to calculate revenues and expenditures connected with every single foreign trade contract separately; in this case it is desirable to compare planned and actual indicators.

Industrial Policy as Fundament for Russia's Economy Systemic Modernization

Tatarkin Alexander

The territories' renunciation of an integrated model of economic activity in favour of a network of autonomous and interchangeable chains (locality-bound production complexes and enterprises) allows the economic authorities to distribute competences on the given territory chiefly by economically assessing the competitive potential of main economic activity types.

Internal Audit of Enterprise's Management Accounting System Efficiency: Methodological Bases

Voloshin Dmitri

Internal auditing of the management accounting system envisages that certain control methods are applied. On the one hand these differ radically from techniques used in financial audit, on the other they intersect with instruments used for a comprehensive economic analysis of enterprise operation.

Lecture 1. Knowledge Economy and New Management Requirements

Milner Boris

The Journal starts publishing an abridged version of lectures on Knowledge Management as subject, which mastering becomes the primary task for enterprise employees and researchers, students and post-graduates. The learning package has been prepared by a team of authors headed by professor B.Milner and integrated by lecturers and scholars from the State University of Management and the Institute of Economy (Russian Academy of Sciences).

Social Functions of Modern State

Knyazev Yuri

The role of the state in a socially-regulated market economy should be reduced to a necessary minimum and can later even decrease - but only in case if coercive measures of pressure are substituted by generally accepted moral norms, business ethics or economic agents' conscious behaviour habits.

Social Government Policy in Russian Economy

Sukhovsky Alexei

Social policy emerges and develops as a socioeconomic phenomenon and, simultaneously, a social process. It is a system of scientifically substantiated organizational and legal measures adjusted to goals, tasks and particular performers. In this form it can become efficient if financially backed on relevant state administration and economic management levels, as well as in accordance with time, place and subjects of project implementation.

Strategic Analysis and Its Role in Substantiating an Organization's Development Strategy

Plaskova Natalia

Strategic analysis not only plays a dominant role in long-term business forecasting but is also in demand as a control, coordinating and adjusting instrument to implement the company's mission. Efficient functioning of the system in an organization does not mean designing a mechanism of averting the negative impact of external and internal environment factors but developing flexible scenarios of optimal decision-making.

The Agro-Industrial Sector: Organization and Management Parameters of Investment

Mustafaev Aziz

Financial stability of agroindustrial enterprises is the key factor in solving current problems in the agroindustrial sector. Fostering stability in this economic sector is a more complicated task than that in manufacturing branches which is linked with the objective specificity of agricultural production and high probability of incidental events. That is why to solve the task both administrative and economic methods of production management are important.

The Monetary Policy of Russia and Central and East European Countries under Conditions of Financial Globalization

Golovnin Mikhail

The integration of Central and East European countries into the European Union under condition of euro zone access leads to repudiating national monetary policy. The advantage of this approach turns out to be imported monetary stability and minimization of transactional costs when dealing with economic agents within the euro zone.

The Role of Balanced Scoreboard in Managing Service Organizations

Paramonova Larisa, Nizamova Elmira

The uniqueness of the balanced scoreboard consists in its ability to adjust organization management by adopting preventive measures. In contrast to financial indicators assessing the organization's operation by accounting period results, the analysis of operative data based on causality chains of strategic goals allows to realize the possible deviant outcomes and timely take necessary measures.

The Use of Mobile SMS Marketing Services: a Conceptual Pattern

Solotskaya Margarita

On the initial stage of market development typical for mobile marketing in Russia at present, studies are not only centered on the current market situation but are a reference point for further investigations. Real market examples can either confirm or rebut the pattern as well as raise new issues.


Может ли Россия обеспечить стабильность на таком чувствительном рынке, как фондовый? Как уменьшить его спекулятивный характер? Ответы на эти вопросы попытались найти члены «Никитского клуба» - сообщества ученых и предпринимателей России, собравшиеся на свое очередное заседание 29 ноября 2007 г. В дискуссии участвовали ведушие ученые академических институтов и научных центров, руководители банковских организаций, фондовых бирж и производственных объединений.Can Russia secure stability on such a sensitive market as the stock market? How can its speculative character be mitigated? Members of Nikitsky Club, an association of Russian scholars and entrepreneurs, tried to find answers to these questions at their regular session held on 29 November 2007. Leading researchers representing institutions of the Academy of Sciences and scientific centers, CEOs of banks, stock exchanges and production associations participated in the discussion of the topic.

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