Проблемы теории и практики управления


Alternative Energy Economy: New Chances for Technological Modernization

Naumova Yulia, Eliseyev Dmitri

The topicality and priority directions of alternative energy economy development in Russia and worldwide are highlighted. Objective premises and advantages of alternative energy use are identified in the context of requirements and goals of technological modernization.

Anti-Crisis Consulting of Enterprises in Russia: Development Trends and Efficient Technologies

Melyakova Evgeniya, Shamsutdinov Farkhad

The specificity of management consulting development under conditions of economic crisis is analyzed. The essence of anti-crisis consulting and its place within the system of consulting services are identified. Recommendations are formulated on how to organize the consulting process at different stages of implementing the anti-crisis consulting project in the enterprise.

Corporate Management in Russian Companies: Financial Factors Leading to CEO Turnover

Pentyuk Alyona, Solntsev Sergei

Corporate management efficiency in leading Russian companies is analyzed. The authors offer an empirical evaluation of the factors leading to company's CEO turnover because of the company's financial indicators changes in the prior period. It is proposed to use corporate management as an instrument to raise the company's internal efficiency.

Developing Partnership Relations between the State, Science, Education and Business

Emelyanov Yuri

The article shows that the Russian economy has a certain potential to accelerate economic growth primarily by pooling financial resources of the state and big business. The author holds that it is essential to improve mechanisms of public-private partnership in order to attract funds and develop priority branches of science and engineering, expand mutual relations between all actors engaged in the innovation process.

Foreign Direct Investment Attraction Agencies and Their Role in Regional Investment Policy

Grasmik Konstantin

Factors affecting the efficiency of foreign direct investment attraction agencies are identified. It is shown that these institutions in Russia are in a formative stage and focused now on promoting industrial parks. Recommendations on improving these agencies' operation are given.

Management of Industry: Basic Principles and Current State

Sukharev Oleg

The article discusses the basic principles of industrial systems development, their basic properties and the quality of their functioning. Main theoretical positions offered by modern economic science with regard to the study of the industrial system are formulated.

Modelling Performance Management Systems

Isaev Dmitri

The author investigates the approach to projecting performance management systems on the basis of information-logical reference models. He proposes a process of forming a model of performance management system for a particular organization, including the description of typical problematic situations emerging in the process of modelling, and ways of coping with them.

On the Proactive State of Readiness in Managing Innovation Economy under Uncertainty

Ivanus Alexander

The author investigates the approach to the formation of financial and economic indicators of the investment project under previously unknown external influences, when the role of mathematical methods and models is reduced, and the role of a person's cognitive abilities increases. In this situation, the company, corporation, or branch should be in a specifically generated state — presented by the value of their financial and economic parameters corresponding to the proactive mode of readiness.

Organizational Diagnosis as a Method of Managerial Study of Organization

Plotnikov Mikhail, Sedova Ekaterina

Organizational diagnosis is regarded as a method of organization study and organizational optimization. A conceptual model of the diagnostic process is presented, a comparative analysis of principal approaches to and tools of diagnostic study is made.

Overcoming the Paradox of New Value Production

Garin Yevgeni

The objects of research presented in the article are attempts to define and classify goods, and the study of mutual influence of various economic theories focused on these problems. The author forwards a way of overcoming the main paradox of economic science — new value production in the process of fabrication and marketing of goods.

Strategic Management of Private Medical Clinic in the Region (the Case of the Nizhny Novgorod Region)

Kuznetsova Yulia, Vagapov Dmitri

The results of studying the specificity of strategic management of private medical clinics in the Nizhny Novgorod Region are presented. Proceeding from the strategy model advanced by M. Porter, the competition behaviour of private clinics was researched and the efficiency of the strategic management system assessed.

The Problem of Optimal Trust Level in Strategic Interfirm Alliances

Lyasko Alexander

The author undertakes a critical analysis of the ‘optimal trust level’ conception in the relationship between participants of long-term interfirm partnerships. He shows that determining optimal trust faces difficulties linked with technology and market uncertainty as well as with the fact that structural and cognitive insularity is erroneously associated with a high level of trust relationship development between the companies.

The Revival of Planning: The Lessons of History (political economy discourse)

Buzgalin Alexander, Kolganov Andrei

The authors justify the importance to revive selective planning as a most important means of implementing outstripping development strategy in Russia. The basis of the study is a critical analysis of planning practices applied in a number of European and Asian countries and also in the USSR. According to the authors, this analysis shows the efficiency of planning not only in meeting the challenges of industrial modernization, but also in ensuring progress of high-tech manufacturing, solution of social, humanitarian and environmental problems.

The Role of Special Status in the Development of Research Institutions (The case of RF State Research Centres)

Maltseva Anna, Monakhov Igor

The article analyzes measures of state support for institutions which were granted the status of state research centres of the Russian Federation (RF SRCs). Recommendations on developing a system of benefits and preferences for RF SRCs considering their significant role in promoting Russian sectoral science are given.

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