Проблемы теории и практики управления


Bank Supervisory Boards: Independence Criteria

Kostyuk Alexander, Fironova Valeria

Corporate legislation of Ukrainian banks is, on the whole, insufficiently developed due to the fact that the majority of credit organizations do not place their shares on international stock exchanges and, thus, do not yet feel a real need of setting up and observing independence criteria.

Controlling - Instrument of External Financial Control

Ryabukhin Sergei

When a country is implementing plans of long-term development and transition to a new-type economy growing global competition compels this country to set up mechanisms, which block erroneous, egoistic and sometimes even dangerous solutions. Is this task viable for our financial control system? The auditor of the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation mulls over the issue.

Corporate Culture as Business Organization's 'Winning Formula'

Emelyanov Yuri, Khachaturyan Ashot

When forming corporate culture, the longest variant is to attempt to change it by introducing new traditions into the work collective, the quickest one is to elaborate and introduce new rules and regulations. Immediate interconnection exists between traditions, norms and rules. At first traditions evolve in the collective, then they turn into norms of collective behaviour and only then on their basis concrete behavioural rules surge.

Innovation in Germany

Patrik Eduard, Yashin Victor

The specificity of FRG innovation legislation is its orientation towards primary motivation of scientific researches and development of high-tech industries, whereas not only producers of innovative products but also their investors and users are supported. Thus, capital investment into innovative industries is provided.

Inter-Budgetary Regulation: Financial Support for Municipalities

Suglobov Alexander, Cherkasova Yulia

Application of the method described by the author helps comply with the principal condition of the transfer mechanism: preserve the unchanged level of budgetary transfers before and after subsidies are extended. In this way outsider municipalities' priority in getting support from the regional budget would be observed

Managing Intellectual Resources of a Printed Periodical

Koneva Vera

The process of managing the intellectual capital of a printed periodical implies not only resources in its property but also resources which the editorial board may have access to in order to create value. The sorting out of the resource 'portfolio' into five categories (monetary, material, relational, organizational and consumer) is based on their economic behaviour. The resource 'portfolio' is incorporated into comprehensive union of corporate strategy, goals of the periodical, editorial board's conception of the future.

Methodological Approaches to Assess Investment Projects Efficiency

Chelmakina Larisa

Investment profitability index and inner rentability rate should be considered the main effectiveness indicators in line with all investment agents' interests. When these indicators are computed in order to make various investment projects compatible it is particularly important to consider the computation horizon.

Self-Controlling in Nanoeconomy: Methodological Bases of Systemic Concept

Bolshakov Nikolai, Ulyasheva Zhanna

Under conditions of self-controlling the economic agents become quickly aware of problems, they critically treat their own mistakes and are continuously searching for the most efficient model of behaviour to maximize success. Therefore, the aim of the method is higher energy of self-realization and cooperation in the company needed for strategy implementation.

Strategic Management: Pressing Problems and New Directions

Kleiner Georgi

Systemic management comprises management of intra-firm subsystems and management of the company as a whole, strategic and tactical aspects included. The enterprise should be regarded as a 'sovereign' object, an independent system, which conserves its external integrity, internal diversity and harmonious relationships with the environment. The management mechanism should be improved evolutionary - proceeding from fragmentary and disperse to full-fledged systemic management.

Structural Analysis of Managerial Decision

Slonov Nikolai

Structural analysis is a mighty means to investigate a managerial decision. It envisages developing and researching structural schemes of management systems which elements are of logical importance in the analysis and coincide only in part with elements of the organizational structure.

The Effectiveness of Management and the 'Golden Section' Principle

Dezhkina Irina, Potasheva Galina

A harmonious enterprise is a system which elements correspond to the 'golden section' principle as working tool with rigid and non-contradictory logic and real quality measure. This model enables high-speed enthropy of the system and minimal expenses to support sustainability, rising revenues and their distribution

The Invisible Role of Money in Coordinating Economic and Societal Interests

Zakharov Valeri, Golikova Ekaterina

The authors' main interest concentrates around issues related to money. The invisible role of money becomes obvious when the analysis transcends the boundaries of the economic sphere of activities as a notion and its investigation as a sphere of activities of the state in wider terms, i.e. as an integral socioeconomic system.

Trading Management: Market Model of Single Commodity Type (Competition Considered)

Drozin Dmitri, Shiryaev Vladimir

The model proposed by the authors describes not only the price-induced but also the product mix- and advertising-induced impact on demand. The model allows to have other factors (like service quality, distance from the shop, etc.) included in it as well. Thus a chance appears to forecast market behaviour and, on this basis, formulate recommendations aimed at to improving management of price, product mix and advertising of trade organizations.


«Проблемы эволюции крупнейших российских компаний: естественных монополий, государственных монополий, государственных корпораций» - так была названа тема дискуссии, которая прошла в рамках научного семинара «Проблемы современного государственного управления в России», действующего в Центре проблемного анализа и государственно-управленческого проектирования.Problems of the Largest Russian Companies' (Russian Monopolies', State-Run Monopolies', State Corporations') Evolution was the topic of discussion in the framework of the scientific seminar on Problems of Current State Governance in Russia held in the Governance and Problem Analysis Center.

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